Technologické centrum AV ČR, 11.10.2018.
Czech Liaison Office...
Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
It allows searching for the most cited journals in the given fields, to evaluate the impact of scientific results and to perform further analysis with
the help of citation links. The records contain indicators such as Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Cited Half-life etc.
Database from the company Elsevier is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in the world. In addition to standard
citation analysis tools, the Scopus database also enables searches in a citation impact index – the Hirsch Index.
ASEP - records of the publication activity of the Czech Academy of Sciences
It is the institutional repository of the Czech Academy of Sciences, serving to process and store information on the publication results in basic
research performed by the scientific staff of individual institutes of the Academy.
It is a free access repository of electronic preprints approved for publication after moderation, that consists of scientific papers in the fields of
mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science etc.
An interface enabling access to selected bibliographic and full-text databases. The most interesting is Academic Search Complete, multidisciplinary
database, which contains thousands of full-text journals. There are also monographs, news, conference proceedings.
It is a digital library containing scholarly journals, books and primary sources covering a wide range of fields, largely the humanities and social
A multidisciplinary database which contains bibliographic records with full texts of scholarly journals, books, dissertations, and other publications.
RIV - Information Register of R&D results
The RIV is one of parts of the R&D Information System. The RIV has collected an information about results of R&D long-term intentions and R&D projects supported by different state and other public budgets, according to the R&D Act [Code number 130/2002].
Springer materials - Landolt-Börnstein Database
It is a comprehensive database for identifying materials properties which contains data from materials science and also from physics, chemistry,
engineering and other relevant fields.
It is a database of chemicals which is owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Database provides information about properties, use, production,
toxicity, etc., including chemical structures.
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