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Development of radiation hard detectors - the RD50 Project at CERN

The aim of the RD50 project in the European Centre for Particle Physics CERN is the development of radiation hard detectors for LHC experiments and subsequently for SLHC. For our laboratory the participation in the project was a supporting activity for our participation in ATLAS.

Results of studies of the properties of oxygen enriched silicon obtained by the RD50 Collaboration have been published in number of publications co-authors of which are physicists from our department. Obtained results have been crucial for the technology of fabrication of silicon pixel sensors which have been produced in ON Semiconductor, Czech Republic. Our physicists participated in evaluation of irradiated detectors and also in elaboration of the sensor fabrication process.

In the project participate 26 laboratories under the coordination of CERN.


Web links:

LHC experiments
ON Semiconductor