Technologické centrum AV ČR, 11.10.2018.
Czech Liaison Office...
By use of high intensity XUV radiation from the FLASH free-electron laser at DESY, we have created highly excited exotic states of matter in solid-density aluminum samples. The XUV intensity is sufficiently high to excite an inner-shell electron from a large fraction of the atoms in the focal region. The whole text »
The electron phase space evolution in a non-relativistic and homogeneous laser plasma generated by a nanosecond laser in a near infrared region in the presence of stimulated Raman scattering is investigated by a numerical simulation. The mechanism of electron acceleration in the potential wells of the plasma wave accompanying the Raman back-scattering is analyzed in a 1D Vlasov-Maxwell model. The dominant wave modes are both the backward and the forward propagating Raman waves, each accompanied by a daughter electrostatic wave. The whole text »
A novel concept of discharge oxygen-iodine laser (DOIL) is presented. The supersonic DOIL includes a discharge singlet oxygen generator (DSOG) and discharge atomic iodine generator (DAIG). The operation of DSOG is based on a fast mixing of hybrid argon plasma jet of DC electric arc and RF discharge with a neutral molecular oxygen stream. The goal of our effort is achievement of DOIL oscillations by this new discharge technique, which should provide the singlet oxygen yields exceeding 30% at the total pressures higher than 10 torr. The whole text »
Jets of laser-generated plasma represent a flexible and well-defined model environment for investigation of plasma interactions with solid surfaces (walls). The pilot experiments carried out on the iodine laser system (5-200 J, 0.44 micron, 0.25-0.3 ns, <1016 W/cm2) at the PALS Research Centre in Prague are reported. Modification of macroscopic characteristics of the Al plasma jets produced at laser-irradiated double-foil Al/Mg targets is studied by high-resolution, high-dispersion X-ray spectroscopy. The whole text »
J. Chalupský, L. Juha, V. Hájková, T. Burian and J. Cihelka from the Department of Radiation and Chemical Physics, Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., and M. Kozlová from Department of Ultra-intense Lasers, Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., carried out in a wide international collaboration lead by a group from the Clarendon Laboratory (Oxford) several series of experiments at the FLASH facility (HASYLAB/DESY, Hamburg) demonstrating of a new finding of self-induced trasparence of aluminium in the soft X-ray spectral region at an extreme irradiance level. The whole text »
The method of multienergy anomalous diffuse scattering (MADS) developed in the Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i. combines the advantages of holography and diffraction improving essentially the quality of the images of local atomic structures. In contrast to holography, MADS makes possible imaging of light atoms and provides more structural information. The whole text »