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Electron spin resonance at extra-high frequencies and low temperatures. Technique and research

Monday, 19.11.2018 10:00

Speakers: S. I. Tarapov (Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS, Kharkov, Ukraine)
Place: knihovna FZÚ, Cukrovarnická 10
Organisers: Department of Magnetics and Superconductors

The technique and installation for Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) experiments at extra high frequencies f = 5–120 GHz, static magnetic fields up to H = 7 T and very low temperatures (up to T = 0.3 K) are presented. Analysis of experimental ESR/FMR research of some kind of magnetic structures (namely – Co-nanoelements, structured ferrites [1], manganite-perovskite structures [2], etc.) will be given. Besides, physical phenomena, which take place in magnets, possessing well-controlled ESR-features are under discussion. Namely, Sr-doped manganite-perovskites (Lax-Sr1-xMnO3) with double exchange interaction will be analyzed as left-handed metamaterials.

[1] Vakula A. S, Belous A. G., Kalmykova T. V., Petrushenko S. I., Sukhov V. N., Tarapov S. I., Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 77 (2018), 257-262.
[2] Kalmykova T., Vakula A., Nedukh S., Tarapov S., Belous A., Krivoruchko V., Suhov R., Functional Materials 25 (2018), 241-245.
