Nickolay Gennadievich Galkin |
Struktura, luminescence a termoelektrické vlastnosti křemíkových a silicidových nanoheterostruktur s vnořenými nanokrystaly |
12.10.2011 13:45 |
Konstantin Nickolaievich Galkin |
Termoelektrické vlastnosti křemíkových dvojitých heterostruktur s vnořenými MgSi 2D strukturami |
12.10.2011 13:00 |
John E. Pask |
Enriched and high-order finite elements for large, accurate ab initio electronic structure calculations |
04.10.2011 15:00 |
Dr. Baerbel Rethfeld |
Electronic processes occurring in solids irradiated by ultra-short XUV/Vis laser pulses: theory and computer simulations |
04.10.2011 13:00 |
László Szunyogh |
Multiscale study of magnetism at the nanoscale: highlighting spin-orbit induced phenomena |
30.09.2011 10:00 |
prof. Andreas Pöppl |
Cw and Pulsed ESR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Centers in Porous Materials |
27.09.2011 14:30 |
O. Mryasov |
Fundamentals of MR-RA scaling: TMR and GMR |
16.08.2011 10:00 |
Jan Jacob |
InAs Spinfilter Cascades |
10.08.2011 10:00 |
Natalia Kovaleva |
Spin-orbital effects in Mott-Hubbard optical bands in LaMnO3 |
02.08.2011 10:00 |
Dr. Peter Fouquet |
Microscopic friction and diffusion of surface adsorbed molecules measured in real time by neutron scattering |
18.07.2011 17:00 |