Succinobucol’s New Coat – Conjugation with Steroids to Alter Drug Effect and Bioavailability
Jurček O., Ikonen S., Buřičová L., Wimmerová M., Wimmer Z., Drašar P., Horníček J., Gandaláková A., Ulrichová J., Kolehmainen E.MOLECULES 16 : 9404-9420 , 2011
Klíčová slova:
Stigmasterol-based Novel Low Molecular Weight / Mass Organic Gelators
Šusteková J., Drašar P., Šaman D., Wimmer Z.MOLECULES 16 : 9357-9367 , 2011
Klíčová slova:
Biotransformation of (1S)-2-carene and (1S)-3-carene by Picea abies suspension culture
Dvořáková M., Valterová I., Šaman D., Vaněk T.MOLECULES 16 [12] : 10541-10555 , 2011
Klíčová slova: biotransformation; carene; oxidation; Picea abies