
Succinobucol’s New Coat – Conjugation with Steroids to Alter Drug Effect and Bioavailability

Jurček O., Ikonen S., Buřičová L., Wimmerová M., Wimmer Z., Drašar P., Horníček J., Gandaláková A., Ulrichová J., Kolehmainen E.
MOLECULES 16 : 9404-9420 , 2011
Klíčová slova:

Stigmasterol-based Novel Low Molecular Weight / Mass Organic Gelators

Šusteková J., Drašar P., Šaman D., Wimmer Z.
MOLECULES 16 : 9357-9367 , 2011
Klíčová slova:

Biotransformation of (1S)-2-carene and (1S)-3-carene by Picea abies suspension culture

Dvořáková M., Valterová I., Šaman D., Vaněk T.
MOLECULES 16 [12] : 10541-10555 , 2011
Klíčová slova: biotransformation; carene; oxidation; Picea abies