The Chapter presents a theoretical introduction to the sociology of organisations through the lens of the sociology of gender, and shows how the under-developed research on gender processes at the company level is linked to the survival of organisational structures that emerged alongside modernisation and is based on a rationalised principle of patriarchy. Contemporary organisations and companies have only slowly and reluctantly begun to face the fact that their employees – both men and women – have private lives and have begun slowly to realise that it pays off to create a familyfriendly working environment. Based on the results of focus group interviews with representatives of Czech companies, and on the results of a sociological survey of parents, Alena Křížková show that Czech companies have yet to realise the advantage of such conditions, and they continue to operate on the principle of the separate worlds of work and family and on the principle of gender neutrality.

Chapter in monograph
Křížková, Alena
Teoretická východiska výzkumu podmínek rodičovství v podnikovém prostředí a podniková praxe v Čechách
Křížková, Alena. 2007. „Teoretická východiska výzkumu podmínek rodičovství v podnikovém prostředí a podniková praxe v Čechách.“ Pp. 11-25 in Křížková, Alena (ed.), Zdeněk Sloboda, Radka Dudová, Hana Maříková, ížková. Podmínky rodičovství v podnikovém prostředí v mezinárodním srovnání. Sociologické studie / Sociological Studies 07:9. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. 104 s. ISBN 978-80-7330-127-9.
Part of publication:
Křížková, Alena (ed.), Zdeněk Sloboda, Radka Dudová, Hana Maříková
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