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«2018 2019 2020 »
150 captures
20 Apr 13 - 1 Mar 25
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Ústavní semináře

Název Předášející Datum Přílohy
6.2. - Juraj Sekereš (Cell Biology Lab) - "EXO70A1 targets the plant exocyst complex to the plasma membrane via interactions with anionic phospholipids” Juraj Sekereš St, 06.02.2019 - 13:00
30.1. - Ondřej Smetana (University of Helsinki) - Unraveling the mechanism of stem cell maintenance in vascular cambium of Arabidopsis Ondřej Smetana (University of Helsinki) St, 30.01.2019 - 13:00
Název Předášející Datum Přílohy
19.12. - Michael Wrzaczek "The receptor-like kinase CRK2 coordinates biotic and abiotic stress responses" AND Julia Krasensky-Wrzaczek - ”Stress signaling in a changing environment” https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/plant-receptors/team St, 19.12.2018 - 13:00
12.12. - Guido Grossmann (COS Heidelberg) - "Building root hairs - how elements of robustness and plasticity determine cell shape" Dr. Guido Grossmann St, 12.12.2018 - 13:00 grossmann_prednaska.docx
05.12. - Michael Borg (GMI Vienna) - CANCELED Michael Borg, PhD. St, 05.12.2018 - 13:00
5. 12. – EPSO: Challenges for plant science in Europe – how can we contribute today and in future? Karin Metzlaff, Executive Director of EPSO St, 05.12.2018 - 10:00 pozvanka_karin_metzlaff_05122018__final.pdf
28.11. - Aleš Soukup (PřF UK) - Rooted to the spot - root structure, function and development RNDr. Aleš Soukup PhD. St, 28.11.2018 - 13:00
21.11. - Dr. Petra Junková (VŠCHT) - Everything you always wanted to know about MS-based proteomic (but were afraid to ask) Ing. Petra Junková PhD (Dept of Biochemisty and Microbiology, UCT, Prague) St, 21.11.2018 - 13:00
14.11. - Zuzana Krčková - Temporary heat stress suppresses PAMP-triggered immunity and resistance to bacteria in Arabidopsis thaliana Zuzana Krčková St, 14.11.2018 - 13:00
7.11. - NO SEMINAR - Visitor's day Po, 05.11.2018 - 16:15
31.10. - Tamara Pečenková - AtPR1: localizations and interactions Tamara Pečenková St, 31.10.2018 - 15:00
24.10. - Jiří Bek, Petr Štorch (Institute of Geology), Viktor Žárský - Early land plants on the island close to Prague Jiří Bek, Petr Štorch (Department of Paleobiology and Paleoecology, Institute of Geology) Viktor Žárský St, 24.10.2018 - 13:00
17.10. - Karel Muller - Multi-omic approach in tobacco cells revealed new features in auxin metabolism Karel Müller St, 17.10.2018 - 13:00
10.10.2018 - Tomasz Nodzynski (CEITEC) - The looped strive towards unraveling PIN structure-function connections. Tomasz Nodzynski PhD (CEITEC, Brno) St, 10.10.2018 - 13:00
3.10.2018 - Roman Pleskot - Structural elucidation of the TPLATE complex through hybrid modelling and cross-linking proteomics Roman Pleskot (VIB, Ghent, Belgium) St, 03.10.2018 - 13:00
26.9.2018 - Tomáš Moravec - CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis in plants and detection of mutants Tomáš Moravec St, 26.09.2018 - 13:00
19.9.2018 - Michaela Pluskalová - Holographic and Tomographic Label Free Microscopy Michaela Pluskalová (HPST) St, 19.09.2018 - 13:00 letak_nanolive_ueb.pdf
27.6.2018 Martin Janda Martin Janda St, 27.06.2018 - 13:00
20.6.2018 Rasa Meskauskiene: Transcriptomic database Genevestigator Rasa Meskauskiene St, 20.06.2018 - 13:00
13.6.2018 Patricia Scholz: Diacylglycerol kinase and pollen tube growth in tobacco Patricia Scholz St, 13.06.2018 - 13:00
6.6.2018 Samuel Haluška: Plant myotubularin analysis in Physcomitrella patens (or how to forget about dehydration stress) Samuel Haluška St, 06.06.2018 - 13:00
30.5.2018 Jitak Ortmannová: Two complexes at the one place - shaking hands? Jitka Ortmannová St, 30.05.2018 - 13:00
23.5.2018 Alena Náprstková: ALBA-family proteins and their role in male gametophyte development Alena Náprstková St, 23.05.2018 - 13:00
16. 5. 2018, Christos Michailidis: Pollen tubes and Translation? It’s all Greek to me! Christos Michailidis St, 16.05.2018 - 13:00
9. 5. 2018, Ing. Kateřina Malínská: Imaging Facility News Kateřina Malínská St, 09.05.2018 - 13:00