In January 2019, the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated views on the problem of indebtment. We surveyed the opinion on the level of indebtment among the Czech citizens and on the level of indebtment of the Czech state. With regard to these two fields of indebtment, we also asked questions about how serious a problem the current level of indebtment poses to the Czech people.

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In January 2019 the Public Opinion Researcch Centre investigated whether respondents trust to selected top politicians. They were given a list with 30 names of top politicians. In a survey there were included names of membres of government, president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies, chairmen of parliamentary clubs of political parties in the Chamber of Deputies, chairman of Constitutional Court, governor of the Czech National Bank, and ombudsman.

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Since February 1997 CVVM has been examined what people think about the economic standard of our country compared to nine other European countries.

The current economic level of the Czech Republic is seen more positive (78%) than negative (20%). In comparison to other nine countries included in the survey, the Czech Republic took the third place behind Germany and Austria. Compared to the previous survey from January 2017 the evaluation of the economic level of the Czech Republic has got somewhat better.

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December 2018 survey focused on attitudes of Czechs to some representatives in international politics. Respondents were asked to express their confidence or non-confidence in some main figures of international policy and persons involved in recent important events as well as supreme representatives of Central European countries.

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In January 2019 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to NATO and defense of Czech Republic in general. Questions focused mainly on position of the Czech Republic between other states, its possibilities of defense against potential threat.

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In January 2019 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about NATO. Within the project were examined satisfaction with membership in NATO.

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In January 2019 Public Opinion Resear Centre carried out a survey about the development of situation in selected areas of public life during the year 2018.

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In its regular survey in January 2019 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on questions about the Miloš Zeman's presidency. Most Czechs think that president Zeman is in contact with people and knows their problems (62%) and fulfills his constitutional functions (61%).

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In January 2019 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to the Chambers of Parliament, the President, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.

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76% of Czechs against 15% think that the U.S. in their foreign policy prioritize their own power and economic interests, and 59% against 29% believe that U.S. do not take into consideration the opinion of the world community. According to 48% of Czech citizens the current foreign policy of the U.S. represents a threat to today’s world, while 35% have the opposite opinion. The opinion that in relation to undemocratic regimes the United States is entitled to use military force is shared by 24% of Czech citizens, whereas 62% oppose it.

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