Chcete-li se dozvědět víc o možnostech PhD studia ve Fyziologickém ústavu, podrobnosti naleznete v sekci PhD program.
Volná PhD témata
Magisterské práce
Biologie tukové tkáně
PhD project: Effects of FGF21 on adipose tissue metabolism
Effects of FGF21 on adipose tissue metabolism
FGF21 (Fibroblast growth factor 21) is a hormone secreted mainly from the liver in response to stimuli such as fasting and ketogenic diet. Although its main…
Biologie tukové tkáně
PhD project: The role of intestine in differential metabolic effects of various lipid forms of dietary omega-3 fatty acids
Effective absorption and metabolic processing of nutrients represent the main function of the small intestine, which is compromised during the development of…
Biologie tukové tkáně
PhD project: Bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) as a novel adipose depot in the regulation of the whole body metabolism and bone homeostasis
In obesity, lipids are accumulated in liver, muscle or cardiovascular system, instead in adipose tissue (AT). Recent studies have shown that bones are…
Neurohumorální regulace
PhD project: Circadian clocks in the brain – their function and mechanisms of resetting
The mammalian circadian system is composed of cellular oscillators which are mutually synchronized by external light/dark cycle to provide our organism with temporal organization essential for…
Translační metabolismus
PhD project: Application of new stationary phases (HPLC, CE) for separation of biologically important metabolites
The analysis of biologically important metabolites is important task for not only practically oriented analytical chemistry. The list of these important compounds is really broad and…
PhD project: Impact of mitochondrial DNA diversity on metabolic phenotype and innate immunity
Recently, metabolic syndrome has been associated with chronic, low-grade systemic inflammation, increased immunogenetic susceptibility and rise in circulating immune markers. Interestingly,…
Početní neurovědy
PhD project: Information processing and transmission in neuronal models
The research in computational neuroscience has a long tradition, marked by the classical Lapicque, McCulloch-Pitts or Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal models. New topics have emerged alongside the traditional modeling…
Mitochondriální fyziologie
PhD project: The role of immune system in pulmonary hypertension
The main feature of pulmonary arterial hypertension is arterial wall remodeling towards thickening of vessel wall that leads to an increase of pulmonary arterial pressure, right ventricular hypertrophy, its failure and premature…
PhD project: Molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity in ATP synthase disorders
Mutations in mitochondrial FoF1 ATP synthase lead to severe inborn errors of metabolism. As is the case with other mitochondrial diseases, one of the striking features is the tissue specificity of symptoms associated with…
Strukturní biologie signálních proteinů
PhD project: Molecular mechanisms of 14-3-3 proteins in signaling complexes
14-3-3 proteins have the ability of binding the functionally different signal proteins, including kinases, phosphatases and transmembrane receptors by changing their function. Through the…
Biologie tukové tkáně
PhD project: Effects of antidiabetic lipids on major metabolic pathways
White adipose tissue (WAT) is a complex endocrine organ and its low-grade inflammation in obesity contributes to the development of metabolic disorders. In 2014, a class of WAT-born lipid mediators - fatty acid esters of…
Translační metabolismus
PhD project: Influence of proteins in the protection against tooth caries
About 90% worldwide adults suffer from dental caries on enamel and root surfaces. The resistance of the lucky rest of population (10%) against the development of dental caries still remains unclear.
Dental caries is a…
Neurohumorální regulace
PhD project 1: Circadian transcriptome and proteome analyses of the fetal suprachiasmatic nuclei
The lifestyle factors, such as irregular daily regime, exposure to light at night, shift work, sleep deprivation, stress, etc., become prevalent in modern society. It is well known that these…
Molekulární neurobiologie
PhD project: Regulation of neural development by microtubule associated proteins and tubulin posttranslational modifications
Precise regulation of microtubule dynamics is essential for development and function of nervous system as its changes have direct impact on…
Vývojová epileptologie
PhD project: Ictogenicity of focal cortical dysplasia at single-cell and network level and possible therapeutic interventions
Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is a local malformation of the cerebral cortex that is highly ictogenic and often causes catastrophic drug-refractory epilepsy that…
Neurofyziologie paměti
PhD project: Spatial processing in the dorsal and ventral visual stream of the human brain
The project will focus on the spatial scene processing in the dorsal and ventral visual streams studied by intracranial EEG. While the dorsal stream, going from visual cortex to parietal lobe, processes…
PhD project: Molecular mechanisms of membrane cholesterol effects on function of muscarinic receptors
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) located in the plasma membrane of many cell types of various tissues. These receptors mediate extracellular to…
Membránový transport
PhD project: Physiological role of cation/proton antiporters in monovalent cation homeostasis
The tight regulation of intracellular ion concentrations is crucial for all cells. Optimal levels of cations are ensured by the coordinated activity of various transporters. If the activity…
Funkční morfologie
PhD Project: Modulation of nociceptive signaling at spinal cord level.
The main research interest of our department is to study mechanisms of pain and to explore new possibilities of pain treatment, especially in chronic states. Our experimental work is concentrated on the…
Buněčná a molekulární neuroendokrinologie
PhD project: Molecular structure and function of P2X receptors and their role in regulation of neuroendocrine cell function.
The P2X receptors are ligand gated ion channels activated by extracellular ATP. They play a role in neurotransmission, modulation of neurotransmitter and hormone release,…
Funkční morfologie
Na našem oddělení je možné vypracovat bakalářské, diplomové a doktorské práce na různá témata týkající se mechanizmů a vzniku bolestivých stavů.
Periferní a centrální mechanizmy bolestivých stavů
Modulace nocicepce na míšní úrovni
Úloha synaptické modulace při nociceptivním přenosu na míšní…