
In November CVVM had been surveing how Czech citizens perceive pension system a its functioning. Respondents were questioned about their evaluation of the possible change of the system, whether it is plausible to change the system and what changes should be implemeted.

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In its November survey the Center for Public Opinion Research focused on some issues related to the pension system and pension reform.

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In November public opinion survey CVVM was interested, among other things, in how citizens perceive the Czech pension system, especially its sufficiency with regard to material security in retirement, and whether Czech citizens use the possibility of a commercial insurance. Respondents were asked whether they had been saving up money for retirement on top of the ongoing pension system guaranteed by the state, whether they are worried about insufficiency of financial security guaranteed by the state in retirement, and whether they are generally worried about financial problems during retirement.

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In November research was CVVM also interested in opinion of citizens about current economic situation in the Czech Republic and evaluation of living standard of their households.  According to results 29 % of people evaluate the current economic situation as good, 30 % find it to be bad and 39 % consider it to be neither good nor bad. If evaluating living standard, Czech people are more optimistic and 44 % evaluate it as good, 17 % consider it to be bad and the rest view it as neither good nor bad.

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In October survey the Public Opinion Research Centre examined how Czech citizens see the financial situation of their households. They evaluated whether it is difficult to make ends meet with their earnings, but also talked about attitudinal feeling of poverty.

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According to the October survey of CVVM, 28% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 39% view it as neither good nor bad, and 30% consider it to be bad.

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In October 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre's survey investigated views of Czech citizens on some social conditions. From all specific social conditions included in the survey people evaluate mostly positively only the accessibility of education (87% positively, 10% critically) and the health care (78% : 21%).

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According to the September survey of CVVM, 28% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 43% view it as neither good nor bad, and 28% consider it to be bad.

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n June 2015 Public Opinion Research centre investigated, how Czech citizens evaluate material living conditions of their households and economic situation in the Czech Republic. During summer of 2015 comparable surveys on this theme were carried out also in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

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According to the June survey of CVVM, 31% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 43% view it as neither good nor bad, and 23% consider it to be good.

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