Akce Publikováno: 20. 9. 2018

Mezinárodní seminář - Crisis, Modernity, Authority and the State

Centre for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA),

vás srdečně zve na mezinárodní seminář


Crisis, Modernity, Authority and the State

21-22 září 2018



The purpose of this conference is to engage critically with law's authority – conceptually, comparatively and historically – from the viewpoints of public law, private law, political, social and legal theory, as well as jurisdictional perspectives. We will discuss questions such as: What is law's authority and in which sense can authority be false or deficient? How does authority come into existence and how does it function? On which basis and from which standpoint can authority be criticized? What is the continuing relevance of the notion of authority for a critical understanding of our social and political reality? How does the critique of authority compare to other modes of immanent criticism? And how can the significant methodological, theoretical and normative challenges to traditional understandings of authority be addressed?


Seminář se koná v budově PrF UK, zasedací místnost 117.



21st September

4-30pm - 6-30pm Martin Loughlin / Jens Meierhenrich


22nd September 

9-30 - 11-10 Lars Vinx / Marc de Wilde 

11-30 - 13-15 Andrea Salvatore / Mariano Croce / Rita Simon