Large Volume Metrology Applications
Large Volume Metrology Applications
This project will deliver a range of improved, accurate, traceable measuring systems for operation as Large Volume Metrology (LVM) tools and integration of these tools into a factory coordinate metrology network. The network and tools will be suitable for operation in typical factory environments or for permanent inclusion inside manufacturing systems such as large machine tools, industrial robots, etc., in accordance with ISO Geometrical Product Specifications standards (GPS). The tools and technologies delivered by the project will offer better accuracy than current existing systems, enhanced uncertainty calculation and budgeting, improved compensation methods for air refractive index, and the ability to interface with production and assembly process control, resulting in traceability, efficiency and cost improvements in industries reliant on LVM. The project outputs will be fundamental metrology enablers for the Digitisation of European manufacturing especially in the aerospace and automotive industries.
Ondřej Číp - Ústav přístrojové techniky AV ČR, v.v.i.