Citizens still have the persisting concept of a man – the breadwinner and on the other hand a woman looking after the household and children. Particularly, the man should financially support the family. Then there are activities, which should be carried out by both partners, or should belong more to men – pursuit of a professional career, further education, getting involved in social functions, initiative in sex, hobbies.

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The public is most often tolerant to youth, people with other religious beliefs and invalids. These answers were given by more than 80 % of citizens. Compared with 2000, tolerance toward the rich and people with a different political belief increased.

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Approximately, a half of respondents (52 %) express contentment with their personal life, a little more than a third (36 %) is half-satisfied and for 12 % dissatisfaction prevails. The results displayed in Table No. 1 show that the attitude to personal life has gradually changed only a little since 1996, when this question was given to the respondents for the first time. Satisfaction during the entire period ranges between 51 – 55 %, dissatisfaction represents 11 – 15 %.

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