Projects archive


      FP7 project EUROSIS aims to enhance the network of National Contact Points (NCPs) in the FP7 priority “Science in Society” and to create from this network an efficient instrument of the realization of the FP7 objectives. The project organizes workshops, thematic meetings and trainings. The project should also contribute to the confectioning of the unique European partner search tool.

      • Partners:

        34 partners coordinated by EUROSCIENCE (Greece)

      • Outputs:

        Outputs will be available at the project website

      • Duration: February 2008 - January 2010 (24 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Pacvoň Michal
    • SMEs go Health

      The aim of the project is to support small and medium enterprises and academic institutions in the 7. FP with a view to strengthen the transeuropean cooperation in research and development (RTD). Small and medium enterprises and researchers will be by various forms supported for preparing the common innovative projects aimed at biomedical research in the 7. FP. The main activities of the project will be partnering, creating of syndicates and facilitation of identification of suitable partners with necessary experiences and know-how with the special intent on new member states and associated candidate states.


      • Partners:

        29 partners EU

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs are available at

      • Duration: February 2007 - January 2010
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kinkorová Judita
    • SEREN

      The aim of the SEREN project (phase 1) is to link the different NCPs of the Security research programme, to initiate coordination in the network, to improve the quality of the network and, as a matter of fact, the ability of its members to deliver a high level of services to the community. 

      • Partners:

        28 SECURITY NCP (24 MS, 3 associated countries and South Africa), coordinator is CEA (France)

      • Outputs:  

      • Duration: February 2008 - July 2009 (18 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Hillerová Eva
    • FutureFood6

      “Healthy and Safe Food for the Future – A Technology Foresight Project in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia”


      The ultimate goal of the project is to assist the total food chain in Central and Eastern European countries to reach higher quality and safety standards in food industry. The goal will be reached by two objectives of the project which are as follows:
      a) To promote a new decision-making culture among managers and policy-makers in order to put quality and safety issues into the centre of the total food chain management.
      b) To identify future key technologies and new business models to promote the quality and safety requirements in food production, by establishing a Food Quality and Safety Platform in CEE countries.

      • Partners:

        The project consortium consists of UNIDO (coordinator of the project) and 8 organizations from the following countries: Spain, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria.

      • Outputs:

        The project outputs are published at

      • Duration: 1 January 2007 - 31 January 2009
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Hladik Petr
    • Food-N-Co

      The aim of the project is to increase the participation of the partners from INCO countries in the Framework programme projects specifically in the area of food and agriculture research and biotechnologies. This should be done through creation of new relationships with national contact points in INCO countries and through training activities intent on INCO countries.


      • Partners:

        22 partners from 7 EU countries and 15 INCO countries cooperate in the project, project coordinator is SenterNovem (Netherlands).

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs will be available at

      • Duration: February 2006 - December 2008 (36 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Koníčková Naďa
    • Czech Innovation Relay Centre

      The CIRC project is focused on transnational technology transfer and international cooperation in the field of applied RTD. CIRC is a member of a European network of 70 regional cooperating IRCs (Innovation Relay Centres) which cover 250 organizations in 31 countries. The mission of the IRC network is to boost industrial and technology innovation in Europe through specialized services. These services are targeted especially at technology-oriented SMEs. However, they are available also for large companies, research institutes and universities. More information at

      • Partners:

        Technology Centre AS CR (coordinator),
        BIC Pilsen, BIC Ostrava

      • Outputs:

        Project output is published at

      • Duration: 1 April 2004 - 31 March 2008 (48 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Kudrnová Eva

      The overall objective of the project is to provide recommendations on the developments that would be desirable in agricultural and food research in Europe. Technology Centre AS CR is a project partner.

      • Partners:

        17 partners from 15 countries collaborate in the project: France (coordinator), Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey.

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs are available at

      • Duration: 1 January 2006 - 31 December 2007 (24 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Koníčková Naďa
    • OME

      The main objective of OMEN project (Optimal Practices, Development Policies and Predictive Models for regions in an Enlarge) is to develope a complete system of assesment and monitoring of effectivity of the results and benchmarking of Regional innovation strategy. The monitoring system has to be based on the relevant indicators defined pursuant to the wide concensus of the innovation actors in the region. The system will give a systematic overview of effectivity of the regional innovation policies and also an assesment of the efficiency and the responsibility of particular components of the innovative supportive system of the region.


      • Partners:

        FILAS (Lazio, Italy) - project coordinator

        IAT (Andalusia, Spain)

        IDEA (Andalusia, Spain)

        ISW (Saxony, Germany)

        MARR (Carpathia, Poland)

        TC AS (Prague, Czech Republic)

        Talos (Cyprus)

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs are published at the project website.

      • Duration: 1 June 2005 - 30 November 2007
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Čadil Vladislav
    • Foresight and Society (ForSociety)

      The project is a part of an EU initiative aimed at coordinating national research programmes (ERA-NET schemes). The objective of the ForSociety project is to enable coordination among national foresight programmes, with a view to increase their national and European impact and to implement joint programmes

      • Partners:

        19 partners representing 15 countries: Greece (coordinator), Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Malta,
        Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden, Turkey and
        United Kingdom.

      • Outputs:

        The project output is published at

      • Duration: 1 September 2004 - 31 August 2007 (36 months)
      • Submitter: European Commission

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