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ADONIS - Advanced research using high intensity laser produced photons and particles

Principal investigator: Roman Hvězda
Project title: Advanced research using high intensity laser produced photons and particles
Acronym: ADONIS
Operational Programme: Research, Development and Education
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Project number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000789
Time period: 1/1/2018 - 31/10/2022
Project costs: 1,269,000,000 CZE
EU co-financing rate: 85%


The new generation of high-power and high repetition-rate lasers under construction in ELI-BL will provide unprecedented opportunities for applicable and fundamental user-based research. It will be the first photonic user facility on a large scale, accommodating a large variety of industry-, medical-, and academic-oriented research. The planned project will assure that the potential user community will increase further as more variety in research is made available.

Detailes about the project are given at the ELI Beamlines website.

This project is co-financed by EU.