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«2018 2019 2021 »
79 captures
6 May 17 - 1 Mar 25
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Selection Procedures for Employees

PhD student for the CeNDYNMAT project (3 months)

We are looking for a suitable candidate for the position of PhD student for the CeNDYNMAT project:

Location: Pilsen, Czech Republic

Job description:
theoretical and experimental research in the field of fatigue of cellular/porous structures subjected to cyclic loading

Required degree: MSc in the field of Mechanics

Required knowledge: continuum mechanics, experimental mechanics, fatigue, independence in the field of study  »»» 

Part-time position of Senior Scientific Consultant for the CeNDYNMAT project

We are looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Senior Scientific Consultant for the CeNDYNMAT project.

Job description  »»» 

Part-time position of Research Scientist for the CeNDYNMAT project

We are looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Research Scientist for the CeNDYNMAT project.

Job description  »»» 

We are looking for candidates for the position of Senior Scientific Consultant for the CenDYNMAT project

We are looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Senior Scientific Consultant for the CenDYNMAT project.  »»» 

We are looking for a Research Fellow/Junior Research Scientist

We are looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Research Fellow or Junior Research Scientist (depending on the qualification/experience of the candidate) to conduct research and development in the field of structure dynamics and vibrations and fluid-structure interactions under the guidance of senior scientists.  »»» 

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