News archive

News older than one year.

Vernissage of the exhibition "Landscape of the old mining areas in the neighbourhood of Tábor" in Café Barrande

    The vernissage of the exhibition "Landscape of the old mining areas in the neighbourhood of Tábor" of
    Jiří Žítt from the Institute of Geology CAS, v. v. i. went in Café Barrande together with exhibition of
    graphics of Jan Sklenář (National Muzeum, Prague) went in Café Barrande 5th March, 2015. The
    exhibition will take up to 26th March, 2015.
    Some photographs are here.

Michal Filippi contributed to the interview for the Příroda (Nature) Magazine

    Michal Filippi of the Institute of Geology CAS, v.v.i., together with Jiří Bruthans (Faculty of
    Science, Charles University in Prague) and Milan Geršl (Mendel University in Brno)
    contributed to the interview about discoveries in the Iranian salt karst for the Příroda
    Magazine (Nature) Magazine, No. 3-4, 2015.
    For the contents of the mentioned issue see here (in Czech).

Michal Filippi in a TV documentary about the Bohemian Paradise Geopark

    Michal Filippi from the Institute of Geology CAS, v.v.i, together with Jaroslav Řihořek (Faculty of
    Science, Charles University in Prague) participated in a TV documentary about the Bohemian
    Paradise Geopark broadcasted within the TV series “Nedej seˮ. They presented results of the
    research of sandstone landforms.
    Telerecording of the documentary see here (in Czech).

Success in the competition “Photogenic Science”

    Several colleagues from the Institute of Geology CAS, v.v.i., participated in the photographic competition
    “Photogenic Science”, and some of them managed to succeed. Leona Chadimová ranked 1st and 5th for
    her two photos in two different categories. A photograph made by Pavel Lisý was selected for the official
    calendar of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the year 2015. Finally, photographs by Leona Chadimová
    and Michal Filippi are presented within the web presentation “Stories of photographs”.
    For more information see here and here.

Jarní exkurze do světa vědy

Geologický ústav AV nabízí Terénní geologické exkurze v Praze a středních Čechách, podle domluvy i v dalších regionech, s přihlédnutím ke konkrétnímu zájmu veřejnosti, studentů a pedagogů. Je možné se hlásit individuálně - v tom případě nabídneme přehled již naplánovaných exkurzí - i jako kolektivy.
Dopravu (hromadná doprava, vlastní autobus) si zajistí zájemci sami. Ústav nabízí konzultaci o místě exkurze, itinerář a odborné vedení.
Navrhovaný termín: Podle domluvy o konkrétní lokalitě, od 4. května do 14. června 2015.

Tracker of Dinosaurs and Intricate Soul - interview "Milliards of years in stone" in the "Týden" journal

Radek Mikuláš is a specialist in the study of fossil traces. They may be preserved in various rocks dated back from both close and remote times of the Earth history. Interviewed by the Týden Journal, Radek Mikuláš talked not only on enigmas hidden in stone, but also on his craze for discoveries and on his endless battle with depression.

The interview (in Czech)

Radek Mikuláš gave the web portal HR Kavárna an interview "The failure and the science"

The advance in science consists, among others, of falsifying the previous theories; thereby, the advance is tightly connected with failure, says Radek Mikuláš, a researcher of the Institute of Geology, CAS. Each scientist should be ready to accept that his/her opinion is incorrect but, in reality, only few people are capable to do this.

The interview (in Czech)

The fossil traces - TV channel ČT 2, January 24, 03:05 p.m.

Where to find fossil traces of past animals? How did they originate, and what can be learnt by reading them? These and many other questions were put to Radek Mikuláš from the Institute of Geology, Czech Academy of Sciences. For our understanding the fossil traces, he visited unique geologic exposures throughout the Czech Republic and he compared them to places where analogous traces originate at present.

The video and the photogalery are here (in Czech)

Visit of Professor Paul Williams from the University of Auckland, New Zealand

On September 12, 2014, the Institute of Geology AS CR was visited by Paul Williams, Emeritus Professor of University of Auckland, New Zealand. Prof. Williams specializes in the dating of Quaternary sediments and cave speleothems. His visit, organized by the Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration, included discussions of geological and geomorphological history of sandstone areas of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, most notably that of the Elbe Sandstones area. (Photos by Pavel Lisý)

From the last awards...

Detail list of all awards from 2007 are here.