
Tutor Dr. Josef Lazar
Team Josef Lazar
Topic Polarization microscopy with photoswitchable fluorescent proteins

Two-photon polarization microscopy, a technique developed in our laboratory (Lazar & al., Nature Methods 2011), allows sensitive observations of molecular processes in living cells and animals. In the present project we would like to make major improvements to the technique by applying it to constructs containing photoswitchable fluorescent proteins. The combination should allow us to achieve optical superresolution, but also to observe molecular processes with proteins present at the low concentrations that occur naturally in living cells. The project is highly multidisciplinary, and will likely involve a wide range of approaches including molecular biology and genetic engineering (CRISPR/Cas9) to create genetically modified cell lines, as well as mathematical modeling and optical/electronic engineering. Previous experience in these fields is not necessary; however, willingness to learn diverse skills is a must. A successful completion of the project will likely lead to an article in a journal with a large impact.