RESPEKT, 25.3.2019.
Proč se čeští vědci nechtějí zapojit do...
Stefano Steffenoni | Generalised Langevin equation of many-body systems coupled to nonequilibrium environment | 06.02.2019 15:00 |
Marek Vácha | Víra, věda, etika | 20.12.2018 15:00 |
S. Khmelevskyi | Exotic magnetic interactions in solids: first-principle modeling | 11.12.2018 15:00 |
Jens Paaske | Cooper pair induced frustration and nematicity of two-dimensional magnetic adatom lattices | 27.11.2018 15:00 |
Martin Friák | High and medium entropy alloys: a combined experimental and theoretical study | 21.11.2018 15:00 |
Peter Zalom | Numerical and analytic studies of Kondo effect in nanostructures | 20.11.2018 15:00 |
Josef Redinger | How reactive are perovskite ruthenate oxide surfaces? | 13.11.2018 15:00 |
Dominik Legut | Electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling for lattice dynamics of UC, Ac and Th | 23.10.2018 15:00 |
Šimon Kos | Transition metal elements in magnetron sputtered thin films | 09.10.2018 15:00 |
Lars Bergqvist | Extended spin models and quantum statistics in atomistic simulations | 19.09.2018 15:30 |
Akademie věd ČR, 1.3.2019.
Pracovníci Centra transferu...
IHNED.CZ, 25.2.2019.
Laserové centrum ELI Beamlines, které v...