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Electrical response at classical frequencies posed as a boundary value problem

Úterý, 09.04.2019 10:00

Přednášející: Petr Viščor (EIS Laboratory, Skjoldenaesvej 17, 4174 Jystrup, Denmark & Semimetrics Ltd., Kings Langley, England)
Místo: Přednáškový sál FZU na Slovance
Jazyk: English
Pořadatelé: Oddělení dielektrik
A striking number of physically and chemically different systems, including monocrystals, glasses and simple liquids, exhibit similar electrical response behaviour at classical frequencies below THz region. It is a purpose of this seminar to show that these similarities in the response can be linked to the similarities in the blocking nature of the interface between the metal electrode and the particular system under investigation. After a short review of the new electrical response analysis, where the interfaces determine the important boundary conditions, the experimental results on monocrystalline silicon, chalcogenide glass Ag_x(AsS2)_{1–x} ionic conductor and aqueous chloride solutions will be discussed in terms of bound electrical charges relaxational/polarisation processes in the bulk and relaxational/polarisation processes due to the mobile electrical charges that do not alter the dielectric constant of the material in question.
If time allows, one particular bulk relaxational process seen in the studied glassy materials will be discussed and it will be speculated that this observed relaxational process is due to presence, in glassy materials, of the Two Level Systems (TLS).

[1] Glassy Disordered Systems: Glass Formation and Universal Low-Energy Properties (Michael Klinger, World Scientific 2013).