This article deals with problems of religiosity research in sociology. First I concentrate on more general topics connected with religiosity research as is cross-country validity of survey instruments or relationship of theoretical concepts and empirical indicators in sociological surveys. Another part is about attending religious ceremonies which is one of the most significant (statistically as well as substantially) indicators in religiosity research. But despite the fact that it is behavioral indicator, so seemingly easy for measuring, its reliability became object of disputes in sociology of religion. I present data on durch attendance taken from most important international survey series in sociology – ISSP, EVS and ESS. Results among these surveys are varying but despite this they are robust enough for interpretation and making cautious conclusions. Some possibilities for modifications of “attendance questions” based on experiences from General social survey are suggested.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Vávra, Martin
Jak zjišťovat návštěvnost bohoslužeb? Problémy s měřením náboženského fenoménu
Vávra, Martin. 2009. „Jak zjišťovat návštěvnost bohoslužeb? Problémy s měřením náboženského fenoménu.“ Naše společnost 7 (1): 32 - 39. ISSN 1214-438X.
religion and religiosity