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Interaction Vertices and BCFW Recursion Relations for Higher Spin Fields

Tuesday, 23.11.2010 15:00 to 17:00

Speakers: Mirian Tsulaia (Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool)
Place: Seminar room N. 226 (2nd floor), Institute of Physics, Pod vodárenskou věží 1, Prague 8.
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Particle Theory and Phenomenology

We review a method of the construction of cubic off-shell interaction vertices for Higher Spin fields. This method is based on the BRST approach and is valid both for flat and AdS backgrounds. As a particular illustration of this method we construct an off-shell extension of the vertices which are related to perturbative bosonic string theory. We discuss a generalization of this method for higher order vertices and examine whether BCFW recursion relations are applicable for interacting Higher Spin gauge theories.