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Roman-catholic diocese of St.Pölten and the city of Brno own a great many buildings, such as churches, rectories and monasteries. These structures do not always have a purpose, which consequently has a negative impact on urban development. Not being in use causes their decay. The current problems are of the same character on both sides of the regions' borders, caused mainly by a negative demographic development and past political events in the course of the 20th century.

This situation offers a common solution, which in its consequences will lead to a continuous exchange of knowledge and experience, revitalization and preservation of church structures. At the same time, it will considerably contribute to a renewal of former ties, to a collective solution of similar problems and have an undisputable positive impact on regional development.
Name of project: Studying of Maintenance and Revitalization of Church Structures in Lower Austria ( Niederösterreich ) and South Moravia.
Identification: AEDECC M00273
Acronym: Aedificia ecclesiae
Duration: 01.02.2014 - 31.12.2014
Project partners: Diocese St.Pölten, Bishopric Brno, Donau Universität Krems, Brno University of Technology, Centre of Excellence Telč
The project is based on a program of European Territorial Co-operation Austria-Czech Republic 2007-2013 Gemeinsam mehr erreichen. Společně dosáhneme více. (Together we achieve more.)
Output: Preparation of concepts, manual and measures for implementation of preservation, conservation and utilization of particular buildings with important influence on regional development.
Based on the performed analysis, ideas and developed realization concepts and strategies, a comprehensive printed guidebook was published and subsequently distributed to interested parties, respective competent authorities, representatives of local and regional politics and groups and stewards of the buildings in question.
Task of the project partner CET: preparation of the part of the publication concerning the technical revitalisation and of a specific handbook about revitalization of church structures.
As an Annex of the publication, there is a presentation of surveys and results of analysis of the state of particular buildings, chosen in dioceses St.Pölten and Brno. They are mainly church structures of small to monumental proportions. The specific model objects of the project are church structures in Austria: Haugschlag, Harth, Altpölla and Eisgarn, in the Czech Republic: Louka Znojmo, Havraníky, Brno Husovice and Mikulov.



31 Jan 2017