Combined magnetostratigraphic studies of Cenozoic volcanics, Bohemian Massif
The aim of the project is to characterize the magnetostratigraphy of Cenozoic volcanics of the Bohemian Massif, integrated with bio- and lithostratigraphy. A comparison with previous paleomagnetic results from sediments of the Tertiary basins and volcanics from areas outside the territory of the Czech Republic will provide a complete paleomagnetic picture to extend the knowledge of the post-Variscan development. Pilot paleomagnetic profiles will be measured in rocks of the České středohoří Mts. and the Doupovské hory Mts. and complemented with data from solitary volcanoes. Application of well established paleomagnetic methods, supported by other methods used in volcanic rocks, will provide a set of complex and reliable results relevant for the paleomagnetic and stratigraphic development of Cenozoic volcanism of the Bohemian Massif.