Academical Degrees

2015 - Associate Professor - Geochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University

2004-2008 PhD. degree - Geochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University
PhD. Thesis - Geochemistry of upper mantle rocks from Kozákov and Horní Bory, Bohemian Massif

2002-2004 Mgr. (MSc. degree) - Economic Geology, Faculty of Science, Charles University
MSc. Thesis - Pegmatites near Vlastejovice

1999-2002 Bc. (BSc. degree) - Management of Natural Resources, Faculty of Science, Charles University
BSc. Thesis - Experimental wethering of arsenopyrites from the Mokrsko and Kasperske Hory gold deposits

Professional Experience

since 2011 - Research Scientist
Institute of Geology, The Czech Academy of Sciences

since 2009 - Researcher
Czech Geological Survey

2004-2010 - Predoctoral and Postdoctoral fellow
Institute of Geology, The Czech Academy of Sciences

09/2016-11/2016 Visiting Scientist, Fulbright Research Scholarship
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, USA

10/2006-11/2006 Visiting Scientist
Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory, Department of Geology, University of Maryland, USA

Research Projects

2018-2020 Element transfer in deep subduction environment: constraints from ultrahigh-presssure metamorphic terranes (member of the team) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2017-2019 Black shale formations as geochemical markers of paleoenvironmental changes and tectonic setting along active continental margins (principal investigator) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2017-2019 Tectonic Geography of the Greater McArthur Basin, Northern Australia (partner investigator) - Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage project

2017-2019 Variability of the Australasian tektites in wider vicinity of Muong Nong in Laos - Constraints on their source rocks and a parent crater location (member of the team) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2015-2017 Role of carbonatites for Zr–Hf–Nb–Ta and highly siderophile element budgets in the Earth’s mantle – combined stable–radiogenic isotope approach (member of the team) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2013-2016 Re-Os geochronology of ore mineralizations from the Bohemian Massif with possible metallogenic implications (principal investigator) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2013-2015 Re-Os geochemistry and age constraints of the subcontinental lithosphere of the Bohemian Massif (member of the team) - Grant Agency of the Charles University

2013-2016 Combined use of novel and traditional stable isotope systems in identifying source components and processes of moldavite formation (member of the team) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2012-2015 Characteristics and nature of mantle and crustal rocks: response to the deformation and thermal/geochemical evolution of orogenic belts (member of the team) - Bilateral (Czech Republic-Japan) project of the Czech Academy of Sciences

2012-2015 Continental lithosphere as a source of diferentiated alkaline lavas and genetic role of basic magmas constraints from volcanism of the Ohrre Graben (member of the team) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2009-2011 Highly siderophile element and Re-Os isotope geochemistry of mantle pyroxenites: implications for mantle refertilization (principal investigator) - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

2009-2012 Upper mantle beneath neovolcanic zone of the Bohemian Massif: xenoliths and their host basalts (co-investigator) - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

2004-2008 Character of upper mantle/lower crust beneath the Bohemian Massif on the basis of geochemical signs of (ultra)mafic xenoliths in Cenozoic volcanics (member of the team) - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

2006-2008 Platinum group element geochemistry of strongly differentiated magmatic complexes: examples from the Bohemian Massif (principal investigator) - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

2006-2007 Distribution and fractionation of highly siderophile elements between mineral phases of upper mantle xenoliths (principal investigator) - Grant Agency of the Charles University


2012    Otto Wichterle Price for the best young scientists (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Short Courses & Workshops

2003         D. H. Green - Short Course on Mantle petrology and petrogenesis, München
2004         Z. Johan - Short Course on Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Metallogeny of Platinum-group element deposits, Prague

Professional Memberships

The European Association of Geochemistry
Czech Geological Society