
In the February survey the Public Opinion Research Centre examined a set of questions concerning the UK leaving the EU.

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December 2018 survey focused on attitudes of Czechs to some representatives in international politics. Respondents were asked to express their confidence or non-confidence in some main figures of international policy and persons involved in recent important events as well as supreme representatives of Central European countries.

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In January 2019 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to NATO and defense of Czech Republic in general. Questions focused mainly on position of the Czech Republic between other states, its possibilities of defense against potential threat.

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In January 2019 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about NATO. Within the project were examined satisfaction with membership in NATO.

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76% of Czechs against 15% think that the U.S. in their foreign policy prioritize their own power and economic interests, and 59% against 29% believe that U.S. do not take into consideration the opinion of the world community. According to 48% of Czech citizens the current foreign policy of the U.S. represents a threat to today’s world, while 35% have the opposite opinion. The opinion that in relation to undemocratic regimes the United States is entitled to use military force is shared by 24% of Czech citizens, whereas 62% oppose it.

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In December survey (2018) the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the conflict in Syria.

The survey examined how Czech public is interested in the story of Syria's conflict, what Czech citizens think of some possibilities for the Czech Republic to participate in the process of resolving the situation in Syria and how they perceive the impact of the conflict on Czech, European and global safety.

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In December survey people have evaluated relations of the Czech Republic with some neighbouring or globally most important countries.

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In October 2018 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to accepting refugees from countries affected by military conflicts. Questions focused mainly on opinion towards accepting refugees from concrete regions (Ukraine, Middle East and North Africa), concern with the current situation around refugees and perception of the situation as a security threat.

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In April 2018 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to accepting refugees from countries affected by military conflicts. Questions focused mainly on opinion towards accepting refugees from concrete regions (Ukraine, Middle East and North Africa), concern with the current situation around refugees and perception of the situation as a security threat.

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In the opinion poll carried out in April 2018 by the Public Opinion Research Centre, questions regarding the current situation in Ukraine were included. More specifically, the questionnaire asked surveyors about their concerns for the situation in Ukraine, and their perception of it as a security threat to the Czech Republic, Europe, and the World.

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