Program PDF
Wednesday, 1st November
09.00 PETR URBAN (Prague): Welcome and Introduction
09:10 JAMES MENSCH (Prague): The Crisis of Legitimacy
09:50 DOUGLAS GILES (Essex): A Phenomenological Ontology of Personal Resistance to Social Change
10:30 coffee break
11:00 ANTONIO CIMINO (Nijmegen): Husserl´s Phenomenology of Social Change: A Reassessment
11:40 MIKHAIL BELOUSOV (Moscow): Is the Historical Way to the Reduction Possible?
12:20 TYLER PERKINS (New York): Syntax Error
13:00 lunch
14:30 GERHARD THONHAUSER (Berlin): A Postfoundational Ontology of Social Change
15:10 PETR KOUBA (Prague): Heidegger and Malabou on Social Change
15:50 MIRI ROZMARIN (Ramat Gan): Political Temporalities in the Age of Rapid Social Changes
16.30 coffee break
17:00 MARTIN RITTER (Prague): Asubjective or Trans-Subjective Movement? Thinking Patočka's Society Through
17:40 EMRE SAN (Istanbul): The Phenomenological Significance of Vulnerability and its Impact on Social Movements
18: 20 official dinner
Thursday, 2nd November
09:10 RAPHAEL AYBAR (Vienna): Levinas and Luhmann on Social Invisibility. A Dialogue between Sociology and Phenomenology concerning Exclusion
09:50 ERAN DORFMAN (Tel Aviv): The Doppelgänger as an Agent of Social Change: The Example of Sartre's Anti-Semite and Jew
10:30 IRENE BREUER (Wuppertal): Social Change and the Experience of Exile: Towards a ´Narrative Diversity' Emerging from the Reconfiguration of both Collective and Individual Identities
11:10 coffee break
11:40 JAN ČERNÝ (Prague): Michel Henry and Socialism
12:20 AGATHA ANNA SLUPEK (Chicago): Between Rupture and Reproduction: Castoriadis' Theory of Social Change
13:00 lunch
14:30 BEATA STAWARSKA (Eugene, Nantes): Subject and Structure in Feminist Phenomenology
15:10 ÇIĞDEM YAZICI (Istanbul): The Politics of Location beyond the Secular/Islamic Binary in Feminism
15:50 MARTIN HUTH (Vienna): Recognition and Interruption. Thinking Social Change with Judith Butler and Maurice Merleau-Ponty
16:30 coffee break
17:00 JAN BIERHANZL (Prague): The Assembly of Bodies as Political Action. Arendt and Butler on Social Change
17:40 HAGI KENAAN (Tel Aviv): Imagination Matters: Phenomenology and the Possibilities of Change
Friday, 3rd November
09:00 GÚSTAV ADOLF BERGMANN SIGURBJŐRNSSON (Reykjavík): Seeking the Limits of Normality: Intersubjectivity, Normality and Epistemology
09:40 ALICE KOUBOVÁ (Prague): Play as an Instrument of Social Change
10:20 VÍT POKORNÝ (Prague): Tactility and Social Difference
11:00 coffee break
11:30 GALIT WELLNER (Haifa, Tel Aviv): Social Change in the Digital Age: Feudal Lords, Capitalists and Algorithms
12:10 CARLOS BERNARDO CAYCEDO (Amsterdam): Distributed Online Political Agency
12:50 PETR KOUBA (Prague): Recapitulation
13:00 end of the conference