Web of Knowledge

Access to the database

Multidisciplinary bibliographic database produced by Thomson-ISI.

It contains the Web of Science (WoS) and Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and monitors about 7,500 major, mainly Anglo-American periodicals. The database contains information about articles, authors, contents and references, citations and editing data. In the WoS, you can search for citation rates of authors.

In the JCR, you can search for the Impact Factor and other data to evaluate and compare professional scientific journals. The database includes a list of all representative high-impact periodicals.

The consortium is guaranteed by the CAS Library.


Database information on the Czech Academy of Sciences in WoK

Definition of a high-impact journal (in Czech)

Manual search in the WoK

How to exclude self-citations

The InCites output – Institutional Research Report on the CAS

Information about the JCR