Approximately three fifths of respondents (61%) expressed their satisfaction with living conditions close to their home, almost a third of them stated that they are nor satisfied nor dissatisfied with it. Less than a tenth of czech population are dissatisfied with living conditions close to their home. People are mostly satisfied with gas, elektricity and water instalation and canalization. About three quarters of Czech citizens are satisfied with domestic waste disposal and with current level of shops and services.

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Two thirds of respondents are dissatisfied with current state of czech health service.Financing of czech health service, drug management,running of insurance companies are supposed to be the main problems of czech health service. People perceive the problems in different areas of health service according to their own standart of living. More than four fifths of respondents highlighted need for reform of health care system.

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Czech public is mostly satisfied with basic and secondary education. Number of respondents, who are not interested in education, raises with their higher age. Most of people do no need any reforms of secondary and basic education. Only 36% of respondents think the new reform is nedeed, while the need of reform did not depend on their age, education or political affiliation. About 50% of students would accept new reforms of basic and secondary education.

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Current situation of university education and its reform are the topics of (not only)political discussions. In contrast to disccusions and and various suggestions the new reform has not occured yet.And what czech citizens think about situation of university education? If we summarize information about university education, we can say the following. Though international comparision published by OECD or World Bank show that Czech Republic belongs to countries with the lowest number of university students in adult population and countries with the lowest number of those, who start studying at the age – when peole start studying university, most of respondents think that enough people have chance to study the university.

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As the most important Czech figures respondents indicate mainly the king Charles IV, T. G. Masaryk, V. Havel, J. A. Komensky and J. Hus. As a paramount era of Czech history polled citizens most frequently mention reign of Charles IV (38 %), the first Czechoslovak Republic (16 %), National Revival (10 %) and Hussite Revolution (9 %). According to results of survey, the Velvet Revolution of 1989, events of World War Two with preceding Munich diktat and founding of Czechoslovakia in 1918 are most often considered to be the most important events for the Czech nation since the end of World War One.

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In December survey respondents were questioned about what they think of public holidays and its celebration. The survey showed that three quarters of Czechs (76 % of respondents who answered either it is very important or it is rather important) say it is important to commemorate public holidays, on contrary 19 % of respondents suppose it to be unimportant. People over 60 and older said it is definitely important to celebrate public holidays while people at the age 15-29 (more than people from other age groups) chose the answer “it is rather unimportant“.

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Approximately three quarters of Czech citizens have close or very close relationship to their city quarter, village, their town, region – where they live, Czech Republic and Europe. In case they could choose a place where to live, more than three quarters of Czech citizens would choose Czech Republic. On contrary 16% of citizens over 15 years of age would not choose Czech Republic as a place where to live.

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In November survey we also asked respondents about their feelings of pride and shame connected with Bohemia - czech political system and some areas of social and cultural life or national history.

Survey showed us that Czechs are proud of czech sport - it was supported by 81% respondents (sum of answers: very proud of and rather proud of). It was followed by czech history, when 81 % of respondents are proud of it.

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In December survey realized by Centre for Public Opinion Research czech citizens were shown a list of questions focused on health and health service. Results show us that most of czech public consider their health state is rather or very good.

The half of respondents think that quality of health service did not change last year. A third of them says that health service has rather or much worsened.

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The other questions focused on topic – Social coherence were included in November survey.

These questions should show us what is public opinion about influences upon enhancement of social coherence among people in our society.Respondents were shown a list of possible answers and they most often chose the statement „strict right of recovery for law violence“, which would help to enhance social coherence among people, this opinion was shared by 94 % of people (answers it would definitely help or it would rather help).

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