Dynamic impact test as a method of analyses of mechanical properties of protective coatings used in industry


Dynamic impact test as a method of analyses of mechanical properties of protective coatings used in industry

The aim of this project is a dynamic impact analysis of a protective coatings. This unique method can be used to evaluation of an impact resistance and impact wear of the protective coatings used in a wide range of industry sectors, such as a mechanical engineering, automotive industry or energetics. Nowadays, there are only two institutes in Europe with research and development focused on thy dynamic impact test – Aristotle University in Thessaloniki and Institute of Scientific Instruments, CAS (ISI). For dynamical impact testing can be used tester developed on ISI. This special instrument is able to testing coatings using less than 100 impacts. Thus, it is possible to study beginning phase of the impact fatigue. Another goal of this project is a construction of the second tester in order to gain more effective testing of the protective coatings. In order to the development of the dynamic impact test and its implementation into industry there is developed a collaboration with academicals partners (ZČU Plzeň, MUNI Brno, CEITEC, VUT Brno) and industry partners (PLATIT AG, HVM Plasma spol. s.r.o., VZÚ s.r.o.).

ISI investigator: 
Mgr. Josef Daniel
Daniel Josef - Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS
Identif. Code: 
Date from: 
1. 1. 2019
Date to: 
31. 12. 2020