Alessandro Pinzani, Marek Hrubec
Odpoledne s Filosofickým ústavem
Filosofická kavárna je programová součást Odpoledne s Filosofickým ústavem, v němž se na neformální bázi ve čtvrtek prvního celého týdne každého měsíce setkávají pracovníci Filosofického ústavu s dalšími kolegy z akademické sféry i se spřátelenou veřejností.
Pozvánka na Filosofickou kavárnu 4. 4. 2019 pdf
Kryštof Boháček invites to the International edition of the Philosophical Café
Alessandro Pinzani and Marek Hrubec
Georg Simmel claimed that there is a direct connection between money and personal independence. Money make us “more determined” persons and free us from any relation of dependency from others. What kind of independence is mean by Simmel? And how does it relate to the concept of moral autonomy? A. Pinzani will present and discuss with M. Hrubec a multilayered concept of autonomy that might help us to better understanding Simmel’s thesis and to discuss its actuality under the concrete conditions of modern society as formulated first by Smith and Hegel and in present days by social philosophers such as Honneth as well as by liberal thinkers such as Sen.
Everyone is warmly welcome not only to participate in the audience, but also to take part in the discussions.
Program Filosofické kavárny 2019
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