Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Petra Rakušanová
The text aims to explain the voting unity in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic building upon data from the years 1998ů2002. The article presents basic institutional rules which should lead to the unity of political parties in the Czech Parliament and...
Authors: Brokl, Lubomír, Zdenka Mansfeldová, Ivan Gabal
The analyses presented in this book focus on the election to the Czechoslovakian Federal Assembly in June 1990. They describe and explain the development of the political parties, the social and political features of the candidates in this parliamentary election, the electoral be...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Jan Outlý
This key volume explores how party and campaign finance in post-communist countries have influenced the development of the party system. Based on an analysis of nine case studies, the work examines how the implementation of public finance affects the pattern of party competition...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Věra Sparschuh, Agnieszka Wenninger (eds.)
The volume presents a collection of articles and analyses exploring various paths of Europeanisation process in Eastern Europe. The articles provide an interdisciplinary reflection on the eastern enlargement as well as on recent situation in new member states. The volume is divid...
Authors: Hájek, Martin (ed.)
This volume is comprised of the papers that were presented at the seminar “Hierarchy as a Strength and Weakness of Communist Rule”, which was held on 11-12 September 2003 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague. The general purpose of the sem...
Authors: Hála, Jaroslav, Aleš Kroupa, Jaroslav Kux, Zdenka Mansfeldová, Petra Rakušanová
This contribution attempts to evaluate the possibilities of entry into the EMU considering the background of economical development, the political situation and developments in the systems and capacity of industrial relations in the Czech Republic, and considers the role of the m...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Štěpán Pecháček
Political parties in the post-communist countries are said to focus on electoral strategies and not on organizational building. Based on the detailed research of Czech political parties, we argue that political parties facing an environment that was hostile to organised partisans...
Authors: Guasti, Petra, Jessie Hronešová, Zdenka Mansfeldová (eds.)
Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 591
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The chapter analyses the character of the cabinet as a decision-making body. The ministers fulfil two primary tasks in parliamentary governments and these two tasks are, in certain extent, contradictory. First, with the exception of ministers without portfolio and the prime minis...
Authors: Rakušanová, Petra
Based on differentiation between the terms civil society and the third sector the text defines the space of civic participation. The establishment of terminology and theoretical framework appears to be a key component, as the terms civil society and third (non-governmental) secto...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The chapter is based on World Value Survey data and describes the support for democracy and autocracy, political involvement, confidence in institutions, as well as attitudes relevant to an assessment of the ethos of political and civil community. In addition a hypothesis is exam...
Authors: Jehlička, Petr, Tomáš Kostelecký, Joe Smith
Food systems are of increasing interest in both research and policy communities. Surveys of post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) show high rates of food self-provisioning. These practices have been explained in terms of being ‘coping strategies of th...
Authors: Kennedy, Fiachra, Pat Lyons, Peter Fitzgerald
In this article we examine the opinion structure of Irish Labour party members and supporters. Our purpose is to test May's law of curvilinear disparity by dividing party members into two groups as outlined by Kitschelt. By focusing on ideological differences within political...
Authors: Jehlička, Petr, Tomáš Kostelecký, Daniel Kunštát
This article examines the electoral results of the Czech Green Party in the 2010 elections to the lower house of the Czech Parliament, placing those results in both historical and sociological perspective. In particular, the article analyzes the social bases of Green Party suppor...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons
National rather than regional party systems are the norm in most democratic states.The link between party system nationalization and the individual voter has not been examined in the same detail. Here this link is explored using an ecological inference analysis of vote switching....
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The following chapter is dedicated to the discussions on the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Parliament of the Czech Republic and its further implications. The first part deals with the stance of the Czech political elite towards the European integration and its further...
