Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v.v.i. si Vás dovoluje pozvat na přednášku Dr. Omera Sergiho (The Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University) na téma Judah’s State Formation in Archaeological Perspective: An Abstract. Přednáška se uskuteční v pátek 23.10.2015 od 10:00 v knihovně Archeologického ústavu.
Abstrakt přednášky:
The demise of the Levantine imperial powers and the city state system in the 13th–12th centuries BCE resulted in the reformation of political organization in the Levant, with the rise of local territorial kingdoms during the 12th–9th centuries BCE. Archaeologically speaking, state formation in the early first Millennium BCE Levant, was observed through a process of sedentarization followed by a rapid urbanization. In light of that, it is useful to ask how do we recognize or even define the emergence of a territorial kingdom in the archaeological record; could we observe its borders, and if so to what extent; and finally, what were the social implications of the rise of the Levantine territorial kingdoms. In this lecture, I shall try to answer some of these questions, using the formation of the Biblical kingdom of Judah as a test case. Examining the archaeological record from the southern Levant, I shall reconstruct the social process which led to the political change, namely, the formation of a territorial centralized kingdom under the rule of the House of David.
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