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Miscibility studies of liquid crystals and non-additive behaviour

Čtvrtek, 20.11.2014 10:00 - 11:00

Přednášející: Dr. Marzena Tykarska (Institute of Chemistry, Military University of Technology, Warszaw, Poland)
Místo: přednáškový sál FZU na Slovance
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: Oddělení dielektrik
Miscibility study is the easiest and cheapest way to identify liquid crystalline phases. In 1966 Sackmann and Demus proposed that similar phases mix with each other and different phases do not mix. This conclusion gives the idea that it is enough to mix compound with unknown phase with compound forming known phase to confirm the type of phase. The results of miscibility studies are usually presented in phase diagrams. This study is also important to confirm the usefulness of compounds for mixture preparation. It helps to recognize if a compound destabilizes liquid crystalline phase or increases its stability. Very often non-additive behaviour appears in mixtures. The results of miscibility studies of liquid crystals forming different phases will be shown as well as mixtures properties.