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Gravitational waves from Dark bubbles in the early Universe

Tuesday, 20.11.2018 14:00

Speakers: Andrea Addazi (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Place: Seminar room n. 226, Institute of Physics, Pod Vodárenskou věží 1, Prague 8
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Particle Theory and Phenomenology
We will discuss dark matter models which are related to dark First order phase transitions (D.F.O.P.T.) in the early Universe. D.F.O.P.T. sources an efficient materialization of dark bubbles. Dark bubbles can scatter each others producing a gravitational radiation background, detectable in next generation of experiments. We will discuss the specific Framework of Majoron dark matter, as a neutrino mass and a Warm Dark Matter genesis model. Majorons may also be detected in next laboratory experiments: i) electron-positron high luminosity colliders; ii) neutrino-less-double-beta decays processes; iii) experiments searching for baryon violating Neutron-Antineutron transitions