recenzovaný článek
Vlachová, Klára

“This Country is not for Anyone”. Explanations of Low National Pride in the Czech Republic.

Vlachová, Klára. 2019. „“This Country is not for Anyone”. Explanations of Low National Pride in the Czech Republic.“ Nationalities Papers ISSN 0090-5992.

National pride is a group-based and sometimes collective emotion people feel towards their nation-state. It is often measured by the general national pride item in cross-national surveys, and Czechs belong to those nations that express low levels of general national pride in comparison with other nations. It is currently under discussion how much general national pride is influenced by social desirability and how much by specific reasons. The goal of this article is to show specific reasons influencing general national pride in the Czech Republic. Using data from the October 2015 round of the survey Naše společnost, I examine, what makes Czechs proud of their country. Among frequently mentioned reasons of national pride are beautiful country, nature and cities, history, and family and friends. Results of an ordinal regression analysis based on European Values Study 2008 data confirm that general national pride is significantly influenced by political interest, instrumental political evaluations, happiness, and social trust.

