The article examines the integration process of Ukrainians and Vietnamese in the Czech Republic. The authors focus on socio-cultural integration, the pre- and post-migration factors integration depends on, and the differences in the integration process of the two communities. Using survey data they show that the integration process of each group follows a different trajectory and depends on different factors. Ukrainians tend to be more integrated than Vietnamese. The primary factor influencing the level of integration of Ukrainian migrants is the length of residence in the Czech Republic. The household composition and residential preferences of Ukrainians play a secondary role. On average Vietnamese immigrants have resided longer in the Czech Republic, but the increasing length of residence has a much weaker effect on the level of socio-cultural integration of members of this community. The residential preferences of Vietnamese immigrants and especially the age at which they arrived in the Czech Republic are important factors in their integration. Those Vietnamese immigrants who arrived as children are significantly more integrated than those who arrived as adults. These results suggest that the socio-cultural integration of Vietnamese immigrants depends primarily on socialisation in the Czech Republic.

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Bernard, Josef, Mikešová, Renata
Sociální integrace imigrantů na rozhraní mezi dočasnou migrací a trvalým usazením
Bernard, Josef, Mikešová, Renata. 2014. „Sociální integrace imigrantů na rozhraní mezi dočasnou migrací a trvalým usazením.“ Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 50(4): 521-545. Dostupné z:
migration and mobility