
Tutor Mgr. et mgr. Evžen Bouřa, Ph.D.
Team Evžen Bouřa
Topic Structural basis of PI(4)P kinase inhibition

PI(4)P is the most abundant phosphoinositol in eukaryotic cell. It participates in cell signaling, defines intracellular membranes, and serves as antecedent for other phosphoinositols. Furthermore, it is highjacked by plus RNA viruses such as HCV (hepatitis C virus), PV (poliovirus),  rhinovirus, WNV (West Nile virus), and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).Its biosynthesis is carried out by  PI(4)P kinases. Several more or less specific inhibitors are known. They are synthesized in the collaborating group of Dr. Nencka. The goal of this thesis is to solve the crystal structure of the enzyme in complex with its inhibitor and thus to obtain detailed structural information about the mechanism of inhibition.