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  • Knowledge, Institutions and Gender - an East-West Comparative Study (knowing)

    Welcome to the website of the KNOWING project!

    Mission Statement:

    The research project is funded by the European Commission and will run for three years between 2006-2008, and is carried out by five national teams. The research aims to:

    - examine the production of knowledge contexts and cultures, including the role of gender, from an “East-West” perspective,
    - identify structural and institutionalised practices and procedures, including standards of excellence, that hinder and/or promote the equal participation of women in science,
    - encourage the establishment of feminist science studies in the partner countries, especially in the new EU member states
    - influence policy on higher education and research and development at the national and EU levels in order to promote gender equality and increase the engagement of young people in science

    more about objectives »

    News & Events

    18.08.2010Show details

    NEW PUBLICATION “Uncertain Ground. Discursive Terrain of Research and Development Policies and Knowledge Production Practices in the Czech Republic”


    Final publication Knowing and Living in Academic Research edited by Ulrike Felt published online

    In the Project Materials section of the website you can find the final publication from the KNOWING project, Knowing and Living in Academic Research: Convergence and Heterogeneity in Research Cultures in the European Context. The publication can be downloaded as a PDF.


    KNOWING conference included in Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities and Science in Society in 2008 Highlights of the Year

    The KNOWING conference is among the highlights of the year 2008 in the field of Science in Society.


    25.04.2008Show details


    The primary interest of the Management Conference is knowledge-based
    social and economic change. Driven by globalisation and advances in
    information and communications technologies, this change has been
    characterised in terms of emerging information/knowledge societies and a
    global knowledge-based economy.

    29.01.2008Show details

    Call for papers: The politics of knowing: research, institutions and gender in the making

    Proposed date: 27-28 November 2008
    Venue: Prague, Czech Republic

    Deadline for submission of papers: 30 April 2008
    Notification of submitters: 30 June 2008
    Early registration: 15 July 2008
    Deadline for papers for conference: 30 September 2008

    23.01.2008Show details

    Call for papers: The politics of knowing: research, institutions and gender in the making

    Proposed date: 27-28 November 2008
    Venue: Prague, Czech Republic

    Deadline for submission of papers: 30 April 2008
    Notification of submitters: 30 June 2008
    Early registration: 15 July 2008
    Deadline for papers for conference: 30 September 2008


    UNESCO Report on Science, Technology and Gender

    In November 2007, UNESCO released “Science, Technology and Gender: an International Report”, which has been prepared with the active partnership of specialists in areas relating to science, technology and gender from numerous institutions worldwide.
    For further information:


    Women's stories of strategies for survival and success

    Women are lost from the scientific community in increasing numbers the further up the hierachy we look. The reasons why - bias in evaluation and hiring procedures, difficulty in balancing family care and the demands of a fast-pace career, lack of high profile female mentors, have all been documented. And now someone has given a voice to women scientists who have negotiated these issues. Dr Ruth Graham of Imperial Collage, London has interviewed over 50 women at different career stages from all over Europe and has heard both saddening and inspiring stories of struggle and success. Click this link to read more...


    Training workshop in gender in biomedical and health related research

    Scientific excellence and ‘sexy’ research
    Workshop on gender in biomedical and health related research. Prague, February 26th, 2007
    Target audience: life sciences researcher form Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe at the early stage in their careers. Travel and accomodation costs paid by the organisers. No prior experience of gender issues in research required.
    Please see more information at http://www.cec-wys.org/html/


    Joint European Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies

    The deadline for submitting applications for "Joint European Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies" (GEMMA) has been extended to January 31, 2007. For more information please follow this link http://www.gender.uni.lodz.pl/enver/gemma_en.html


    Obligatory research results publishing

    The European Research Advisory Board has recommended that all resesarch funded under Framework Programme 7 of the European Commission should have publically available research results within six months of completing the project. source: Cordis http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.simpledocument&N_RCN=26924

    04.01.2007Show details

    Office queen bees hold back women’s careers - new research provides insight into women's prejudice against women in the worksplace.

    New research provides insight into women's prejudice against women in the worksplace.


    Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies

    Quality in Gender+Equality Policies(QUING)is a new project funded by the European Commission for 54 months which seeks, through examining exlusion to to provide the knowledge for inclusive gender and equality policies.
    read more: http://www.quing.eu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=34


    FEMCIT Gendered Citizenship in Multicultural Europe: The Impact of the Contemporary Women's Movement

    Norwegian gender researchers have received 3.2 million Euro for a 4 year comparative study between Norway, the UK and a third country to examine how the modern women's movement has contributed, challenged and altered how women and men participate in society. Read more: http://www.norway-caribbean.org/policy/gender/researcheng.htm


    Gendergraduates - Marie Curie Fellowships for Early Stage Training in Gender and Women's Studies

    Please follow the link below for information about fellowships in universities around Europe. Deadline for applications 1 February 2007.


    Peer review conference 2005: Peer review system ‘tyrannical’ according to John O’Reilly chief executive of the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

    The conference contributors concluded that the peer review system is victim of "bias, conservatism and politics" and suggested ways to improve the system. Suggested good practice examples for Europe were suggested, including US National Science Foundation and Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities. source: Europa



    European Study of Gender Aspects of Inventions - Statistical survey and analysis of gender impact on inventions

    "The project will deliver the missing knowledge base concerning the participation of women in inventive activities. The comparison of the different EU Member States will reveal efficient tools and political strategies to increase the contribution of women in invention and patent creation." source: Cordis. For more information please follow this link http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.simpledocument&PJ_RCN=8824710


    Women on Biotechnology Scientific and feminist approaches

    "The project Wonbit is aimed at organising a Conference on women in biotechnology, in order to produce specific recommendations for improving the situation of women working in the field, and for gaining more knowledge of biotechnology impact on life and environment that could facilitate women to suggest new rules and laws on these topics." source: Cordis
    To read more, please follow this link: http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.simpledocument&PJ_RCN=8824716


    call for papers -Women, Gender and the Cultural

    Conference of the International Federation for Research
    in Women’s History, 8-12 August 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria



    Groupe d'études constructivistes

    The GECo is an organisation dedicated to activities in the field of philosophical approach to the construction of knowledge. Please click on the link to access their homepage (French only)


    "Melancholic States" International Conference

    The conference is organized by the INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN'S STUDIES, LANCASTER UNIVERSITY, 27-29 SEPTEMBER 2007. Please see attached document for more details.



    New book - Women’s Memory: The Experience of Self-shaping in Biographical Interviews

    Edited by Zuzana Kiczková, member of the KNOWING Slovak research team. Download the document to read an introduction and contents page and publication details.



    Gender & Ethnic Minority Issues in Science, Engineering and Technology

    Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 23 November 2006. More information at



    Excellence in Life Science Area: adding the gender dimension

    Karolinska Institute 5-6th October 2006
    The conferencere aims to reframe the discourse on scientific excellence. Evaluation systems used in a life scientist's career chain will be discussed from a gender perspective. For more information, please see the conference website.

    07.08.2006Show details

    Information-Based Decision-Making in the Medical Context

    Workshop September 15th 2006 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    University of Vienna


    6th European Gender Research Conference

    University of Łódź, Poland 31 August – 3 September 2006
    The conference is organized by the Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe.
    Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context


    conference on gender equality in higher education

    The 5th conference on gender equality in higher education will take place in Berlin, August 28-31, 2007. The call for papers deadline is August 31st 2006. Please visit http://www2.hu-berlin.de/eq-berlin2007/ for more information.


    Consultation on scientific publication model

    The European Commission invites consultation with all interested parties on developing a model for the publication of scientific publication. The consultation document is available for download at http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/pdf/pr_scientific_publication_study_en.pdf


    Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies

    Conference Call: Knowledge that Matters
    February 8-10, 2007 Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
    Deadline for call for papers is September 15 2006. Please see http://www.asu.edu/clas/womens_studies/pages/2007femmss2call.pdf for more information.

    KNOWING is a project funded by the European Commission under Framework Programme 6 in the Structuring the ERA specific programme