Call for abstracts for a special issue Struggles, Memory and Resilience in Eastern Africa and Beyond: Feminist Perspectives

The journal Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research announces a call for abstracts for a special issue on feminism in the African context focusing on the theme Struggles, Memory and Resilience in Eastern Africa and Beyond: Feminist Perspectives, edited by Assoc. Prof. Sarah Ssali and Dr. Florence Ebila.

Feminist and gender focused research in Eastern Africa is thriving and has been boosted by writings from scholars, activists as well as the media. However, in most cases, there hasn’t been a forum for these scholars, researchers and activists to publish their works and share widely with the rest of the world. Only a few authors from the Eastern Africa region are well known in Europe outside the field of African Studies.

The goal of this special issue is to bring to the fore feminist and gender focused research from the Eastern Africa region and contribute to the debate on feminism and gender in Africa as an issue of development. Furthermore, the issue aims to present a starting point for a mutual discussion, collaboration and exchange of knowledge between feminist and gender scholars who specialize on the Eastern Africa region and scholars from Europe, Northern and Latin America, and Asia who are interested in gender and feminism in the Eastern Africa region.

Gender and feminism in Africa is diverse, rich and keeps evolving. It is contextual, historical and sometimes influenced by the political, religious, cultural and global trends. Discourses, practices and beliefs that influence gender perspectives are many and since gender studies cuts across disciplines, we welcome articles from all disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Socio-cultural perspectives influence the way women and men relate and it is these contextual experiences that the special issue aims at bringing out as new knowledge. Thematically the issue will focus on the everyday struggles of women and men in Eastern Africa, social practices of reconciling historical injustice and memories in an effort to reconstruct the future of Eastern Africa, which shows an immense resilience of women’s and local collectivities.

The contributions take a vantage point of Eastern Africa but the issues that will be addressed should have a more general relevance. With the special issue we will also celebrate the anniversary of the School of Women and Gender Studies of Makerere University, which since its foundation, has established a rich cooperation with other academic centers of gender and feminist research in the macro-region of sub-Saharan Africa.

We welcome articles that focus on the following areas:

  • African feminisms
  • Feminist perspectives on social development
  • Feminism and critique of hegemonic poverty reduction approaches
  • Women’s agency resilience with a focus on the Eastern Africa region
  • Gender in leadership with a focus on the Eastern Africa region
  • Memories, histories and herstories
  • Gender issues in conflict in the Eastern Africa region
  • Women in peace building in the Eastern Africa region
  • Political economy of capitalism and gender structures in Eastern Africa
  • Gender Studies in Eastern Africa

We also welcome proposals for other genres, particularly book reviews, academic interviews, conference reports and relevant news on the topic of Gender and feminist research in Eastern Africa.

If you are interested in publishing a paper in the forthcoming thematic issue, please submit your abstract (max. 250 words) by 30 March 2019 to and to the addresses of the guest editors:  and Write ‘Feminism in Eastern Africa’ in the subject line of your email. Articles may be submitted in English. We will announce the decisions on accepted abstracts by the end of April 2019. The deadline for submitting full papers is 15 October 2019. Papers will then be peer-reviewed. The thematic issue is planned for publication in mid-2020.

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research is a peer-reviewed transdisciplinary journal of gender studies and feminist theory. The journal is listed in the SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, CEJSH, DOAJ and other databases. You can find more information on the manuscripts requirements from: