Mgr. Jan Wagner, PhD
postgraduate Phone:
+420 233 087 243 E-mail:

Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Praha 6 - Lysolaje, Czech Republic Room number:
Suchdol 240 Workgroup:
Department of Paleobiology and Paleoecology Specialization:
paleontology of mammals
Phylogeny, morphology and taxonomy of Neogene and Quaternary bears (Ursidae); taxonomy, palaeobiogeography and phylogeny of large mammals of European Pliocene and Pleistocene; principles of zoological nomenclature.
Publications (Ursidae):
- Wagner J. & Čermák S. (2012): Revision of the early Middle Pleistocene bears (Ursidae, Mammalia) of Central Europe, with special respect to possible co-occurrence of spelaeoid and arctoid lineages. Bulletin of Geosciences 87(3): 461-496. (WOS)
- Wagner J., Čermák S. & Horáček I. (2012): The presence of Ursus ex gr. minimus-thibetanus in the Late Villányian and its position among the Pliocene and Pleistocene black bears in Europe. Quaternaire, Hors-série 2011 (4): 39-58.
- Wagner J. (2012): A short nomenclatural note to correct spelling of the species-group name “gombaszögensis”. Quaternaire, Hors-série 2011 (4): 245.
- Bosák P., Pruner P., Zupan Hajna N., Hercman H., Mihevc A. et Wagner J. (2010): Križna jama (SW Slovenia): numerical- and correlated-ages from cave bear-bearing sediments. Acta Carsologica 39(3): 529-549. (WOS)
- Wagner, J. (2010): Pliocene to early Middle Pleistocene ursine bears in Europe: a taxonomic overview. Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 179 (20): 197-215.
- Sabol M., Holec P. et Wagner J. (2008): Late Pliocene carnivores from Včeláre (SE Slovakia). Paleontological Journal 42(5): 76-87. (WOS)
- Wagner J., Lipecki G. et Krawczyk M. (2008): New evidence of Ursus minimus from the territory of Poland. Stalactite 58(2): 78-80.
- Wagner J. (2006): A list of craniodental material of Pliocene ursids (genus Ursus) in the collection of Naturhistorisches Museum Basel. Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 98: 127-139.
- Wagner J. (2005): Morfometrická charakteristika dentálního materiálu medvědů z jeskyně „Za Hájovnou“, Javoříčský kras. Přírodovědné studie Muzea Prostějovska 8: 109-142.
- Wagner J. (2005): A taxonomic revision of bears from selected Biharian localities of the Czech Republic. A preliminary report. II. Koněprusy caves – an old collection. Bulletin de la société d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse et de Midi-Pyrenees 141: 51-54.
- Wagner J. (2004): A taxonomic revision of bears from selected Biharian localities of the Czech Republic. A preliminary report. I. C 718, Chlum I, Chlum IV. Cahiers Scientifiques. Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon 2: 139-144.
- Wagner J. (2001): The updated record of cave bear and other members of genus Ursus on the territory of Czech Republic. Cadernos Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe 26: 447-455.
Publications (other topics):
- Čermák S. & Wagner J. (in press, 2013): The Pliocene record of Trischizolagus and Pliopentalagus (Leporidae, Lagomorpha, Mammalia) in Central Europe with comments on taxonomy and evolutionary history of Leporinae. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaontologie – Abhandlungen. (WOS)
- Čermák S., Wagner J., Morávek R., Fejfar O. & Horáček I. (2010): Pliocenní fauna obratlovců z krasových výplní vápencového lomu ve Vitošově na severní Moravě [Pliocene vertebrate fauna from karst fissures in Vitošov, northern Moravia (the Czech Republic)]. Zprávy Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci 299: 20-36.
- Čermák S., Wagner J., Fejfar O. & Horáček I. (2007): New Pliocene localities with micromammals from the Czech Republic: a preliminary report. Fossil Record 10(1): 60-68.