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Project: Assessment of effects of solar variability on atmospheric circulation in reality and models
1. Assessment of the effects of solar activity, in particular of its 11-year cycle, on tropospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere, for (a) long time series of reconstructed circulation data, (b) other circulation characteristics, such as circulation regimes, more catalogues of circulation types, frequency and properties of cyclones, etc. 2. Assessment of the effects of solar activity on surface climate elements, especially in Europe. 3. Description of interactions between solar activity and El Nino / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in their effects on extratropical circulation. 4. Validation of tropospheric circulation and other climate characteristics in global climate models (GCMs) with imposed solar forcing, according to criteria examined in aims 1 to 3.
Funded by: MŠMT. LD12053
Duration: 2012-2015
Investigator: Huth, R.
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