Current Job Opportunities

Postdoc / Research Fellow position in complex systems data analysis Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech republic

Postdoc or research fellow positions are available to join the team for the project “Modelling and analysis of complex systems for safety of critical infrastructures“ as part of the National Center of Competence – Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.

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Postdoctoral position in brain signal processing Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech republic

A postdoctoral position is available to join the team for the project “Timing of the spatial scene processing in the dorsal and ventral visual stream of the human brain“ funded by the Czech Science Foundation.

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A student position to joint the project team

A student position is available to join the project team at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

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Postdoctoral position in Discrete and Computional Geometry

One postdoc position for candidates with strong background in discrete and computational geometry is available at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

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CAS–ICS postdoctoral position

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites outstanding and enthusiastic junior researchers, PhD holders, to apply for a postdoc position funded jointly by CAS and ICS.

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ICS Fellowship for junior researchers

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) offers fellowships for outstanding and enthusiastic junior researchers, PhD holders, open to cooperation with some of the researchers of the Institute.

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ICS doctoral position

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) offers fellowship for a promising PhD student with a view to create conditions for the fellow to write an outstanding PhD thesis.

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