Centre for Biblical Studies

Jan Roskovec, Th.D.contact
Department of Biblical Studies
Centre of Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy
Na Florenci 3, 110 00 Praha 1
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The Centre for Biblical Studies (CBS) was established in 1999 as a joint research facility of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague. Its founding members were the former Institute for Classical Studies (today Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy) and the Protestant Theological Faculty. The experts of CBS collaborate in research of various issues related to the Bible at the universities, in the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciencies, or in other institutions. As for the founder generation of the CBS, the notable researchers as Jan Heller, Růžena Dostálová, Petr Pokorný, Pavel Spunar and Martin Svatoš should be mentioned namely. The research and other scientific activities of the Centre are today coordinated within the Department of Biblical Studies of the Centre of Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy. Its researchers focus on historical, philological, philosophical and theological issues related with the Bible and its impact on the European culture, most notably on these aspects: the Bible and the Hellenistic Antiquity; the Bible and early Christian literature; and the Bible in the Czech milieu.