Jaroslav Chum

Function: Deputy head of the Department
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Phone: +420 267 103 056


  • 1989 Dipl.Ing. Technical Cybernetics, Faculty of electrical engineering (FEL) of the Czech  Technical University (CVUT),Prague
  • 2004  Ph.D. - Plasma Physics, Czech Technical University - Faculty of Electricity, Department of Physics, Prague, 2004


Employment and academic experience:

  • 1991 – 2000:     Research Engineer, Dept. of the Upper Atmosphere (Ionosphere), IAP (Institute of Geophysics), Prague
  • 2001 - present:  Research Scientist, Dept. of the Upper Atmosphere, IAP, Prague

Professional interests:

Technical Experience: 

J. Chum was involved in designing electronic subsystems for Magion-4 and Magion-5 satellite (analogue command decoder, Sun sensors, infrared Earth sensor and electronics for attitude determination, frame grabber for camera). After 2000, he has also been involved in designing a new digital sun sensor for future missions and ground based measurements carried out at IAP, e.g. Continuous Doppler sounding of the ionosphere.


Scientific research activity

Since 2001, J. Chum has been involved in Space plasma physics investigations with a focus on wave propagation in the Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere. The scientific activity prevails in recent years. His areas of interest are:

  • chorus emissions
  • lightning induced whistlers
  • geomagnetic pulsations
  • Atmospheric Gravity Waves and infrasound in the ionosphere

J. Chum  is author or co-author of  more than  30  articles  in international refereed journals.

Selected publications:



Since 2012 member of the Board of the Institute