Europa Postmediaevalis 2020
19.04.2019The Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague, v. v. i. would like to invite you to the 2nd European conference of Post-Medieval archaeology – Europa Postmediaevalis 2020, focusing on Post-medieval pottery in the spare time. The conference shall be held on April 20th-22nd, 2020 in Prague.
Památky archeologické 109 / 2018

New issue of the journal Památky Archeologické CIX (109), 2018
new publication

We would like to inform you about a new book published by the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague: Die Hügelgräberfelder der Hallstatt- (Ha C-D) und Frühen Latènezeit (LT A) in Südböhmen. This publication represents a lifetime effort of Czech archaeologist Jan Michálek who has collected, evaluated, and provided a complete set of information regarding an essential category of archaeological heritage, which is predominantly characteristic for the region of South Bohemia.

Institute of Archaeology of Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague would like to announce 10th year of the Jan Rulf Award for the best scientific publication in the field of archaeology