RNDr. Pavol Mikula, DrSc.

List of publications

1. R. Michalec, B. Chalupa, D. Galociová and P. Mikula, Time Modulation of a Neutron Beam Diffracted on a Single Quartz Crystal Excited into Vibrations by High Frequency Pulses, Phys. Lett. 28A (1969) 546-547.

 2. V. Petržílka, J. Vrzal, R. Michalec, B. Chalupa, P. Mikula and J. Zelenka, Neutron Diffraction on Lattice Planes Deformed by Flexural Vibrations of Single Crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol. 42 (1970)  895-902.

 3. P. Mikula, R. Michalec, B. Chalupa, L. Sedláková and J. Dvořák, Single Crystal Filters of Thermal Neutrons, Report ÚJV,  2488.F, Řež, 1970.

 4. V. Petržílka, R. Michalec, B. Chalupa, L. Sedláková , J. Čech , P. Mikula a J. Vávra, Tříosý krystalový spektrometr pomalých neutronů TKSN-400, Jaderná  energie, 18 (1972) 367-370.

 5. B. Chalupa, R. Michalec, P. Mikula, L. Sedláková a O. Taraba, Difrakcija nejtronov na kolebljuščichsja rešotkach monokristallov germanija i kremnija, Report  ÚJV Řež 2826.F, 1972.

 6. P.Mikula, R. Michalec, L. Sedláková, J. Čech, B. Chalupa and V. Petržílka, Neutron Diffraction Effect on the Rocking Curve of a Vibrating Single Crystal, Phys.Stat.Sol. (a) 17 (1973) 163-168.

 7. V. Petržílka, J.Zelenka, J. Čech , B. Chalupa, R. Michalec, P. Mikula and L. Sedláková , Dynamical Deter-mination of Elastic Constants by Means of Elektromechanically Excited Resonators, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 17 (1973) 691-695.

 8. L. Sedláková , R. Michalec, P.Mikula, Z. Hrdlička, J. Zelenka  and V. Petržílka, Neutron Topography of Vibrating Single Crystals of SiO2 , Nature 242 (1973) 109.

 9.  R. Michalec, B. Chalupa, L. Sedláková , P. Mikula and V. Petržílka, Diffraction of Neutrons by a Vibrating Quartz Bar in the Laue Case, J. Appl. Cryst. 7 (1974) 588-592.

10. R. Michalec, P.Mikula, L. Sedláková , B. Chalupa and J. Čech , Neutron Diffraction by Two Vibrating Single Crystals I, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 26 (1974) 317-324.

11. P. Mikula, R. Michalec, L. Sedláková, B. Chalupa and J. Čech , Neutron Diffraction by Two Vibrating Quartz Single Crystals II, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 26 (1974) 691-696.

12. L. Sedláková , V. Petržílka, M. Kawalec, J. Čech, R. Michalec,  P. Mikula and J. Zelenka, Diffraction of Neutrons by Lattice of KDP Influenced by Mechanical Vibrations and by an Eletrical Field, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 22 (1974) K223-K225.

13. P. Mikula, R. Michalec, J. Čech , B. Chalupa, L. Sedláková  and V. Petržílka, Secondary Reflexions of Neutrons Diffracted by a Single Crystals Bar Vibrating at High Frequency,  Acta Cryst. A30 (1974) 560-564.

14. R. Michalec, P. Mikula, L. Sedláková , B. Chalupa, J. Zelenka, V. Petržílka and Z. Hrdlička, Effects of Thickness-Shear Vibrations on the Neutron Diffraction by Quartz Single Crystals, J. Appl. Cryst. 8 (1975) 345-351.

15. P. Mikula, R. Michalec, B. Chalupa, L. Sedláková  and V. Petržílka, Vibrating Perfect Crystal Assumed as a Real One,  Acta  Cryst. A31 (1975) 688-693.

16. B. Chalupa, R. Michalec, J. Čech , P.Mikula, L. Sedláková , V. Petržílka and J. Zelenka, Local Diffraction of Neutrons by Vibrating Quartz Single Crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 32 (1975) 541-548.

17. R. Michalec, P. Mikula, M.Vrána, Kinematická  a dynamická teorie difrakce neutronů na kmitajících monokrystalech, IV. konference čsl. fyziků, 18.8.-22.8. 1975, Liberec; Report ÚJF/ONF 003, 1975.

18. L. Sedláková,  V. Petržílka,  P. Mikula,  B. Chalupa,  R. Michalec,  J. Čech  and J. Zelenka, Effect of Static Electric Field on  Neutron Diffraction by Lattice Planes of KH2PO4, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 27 (1975) 309-314.

19. V. Petržílka, R. Michalec, B. Chalupa, L. Sedláková, P. Mikula and J. Čech, Applications of Neutron Diffraction on Vibrating  Lattices of Single Crystals, Nucl. Instrum.  Methods 123 (1975) 353-361.

20. J. Vrzal, V. Petržílka, L. Sedláková, P.Mikula, R. Michalec, B. Chalupa and M. Vrána, Some Experiments on Diffraction by Flexurally  Vibrating and Elastically Bent Single Crystals, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 129 (1975) 521-525.

21. J. Zelenka, V. Petržílka, R. Michalec and P. Mikula, The Comparison of the Thickness Vibrations of Circular and Square Plates, Čes. čas. fyz. 125 (1975) 492-494.

22. P. Mikula, R. Michalec and J. Vávra , Two Synchronously  Vibrating Single Crystals as a New Type of High Efficiency Chopper, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 137 (1976) 23-27.

23. P. Mikula, CSc. Thesis (in Czech), Extinkční jevy  při difrakci neutronů na kmitajících monokrystalech, NPI Řež, January 1976.

24. R.T. Michalec, P. Mikula, J. Kvítek and F. Eichhorn, Neutron  Diffraction Effect on the Rocking Curve of the Boron Implanted Silicon Crystals, Report ÚJF/ONF/004, Řež, 1976.

25. R. Michalec, P. Mikula and J. Vávra, Neutron Diffraction by Two Synchronously Vibrating Single Crystals, Proc. of the 15th Int. Acoustic Conf. ULTRAZVUK, Praha 5.-8.7.1976, p. 99-102 (in Czech).

26. R.T. Michalec, P. Mikula and J. Vávra , A Double Neutron Monochromator with Periodically Bent Single Crystals,  Nucl. Instrum. Methods 143 (1977) 121-124.

27. R. Bayer, J. Honzátko, J. Kvítek a P. Mikula, Využití jaderného reaktoru VVR-S pro experimentální neutronovou fyziku, In Proc.of the Workshop „Výzkumné a experimentální reaktory pro národní hospodářství k 20. výročí reaktoru VVR-S“, 27.-28.9. 1977, str.58-72 (in Czech).

28. P. Mikula, R.T. Michalec, M.Vrána, J. Vávra, Simultaneous Diffraction: Umweganregung Peaks in Case of  Vibrating  Single Crystal, Acta Cryst. A 35 (1979) 962-965.

29. Yu.A. Alexandrov, L.N. Sedláková, B. Chalupa, R.T. Michalec, P. Mikula and M.Vrána, Study of Nuclear and Magnetic Scattering  of Polarized Neutrons on Tungsten Single Crystals Enriched by the 186-Isotope, Phys. Lett. 72A (1979) 361-362.

30. P. Mikula, M.Vrána, R.T. Michalec, J. Kulda and J. Vávra, Simultaneous Diffraction Effect on the Rocking Curve of an Elastically Vibrating Single Crystal, Phys.  Stat.  Sol.(a) 460 (1980) 549-555.

31. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, M.Vrána  and  R.T. Michalec,  Double (1,-1) Diffraction in One Nonhomogeneously  Deformed Single  Crystal, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 61 (1980) K67-K69.

32. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, R.T. Michalec,  J. Kulda and J. Vávra , Multiple Bragg Reflections of Neutrons in an Elastically Deformed  Single Crystal, Acta Cryst. A37 (1981) 459-465.

33. Yu.A. Alexandrov, M.Vrána, T.A. Machekhina, P. Mikula, R. Michalec, L.N. Sedláková a B. Chalupa, Mnogokratnoe rassejanije  nejtronov v monokristalle kremnija nabljudaemoe metodom vremeni  proljota, Report JINR Dubna, P3-81-57, 1981.

34. J. Kulda, P. Mikula, M.Vrána,  R.T. Michalec and  J. Vávra , A  New Type of Chopper-Monochromator for Thermal  Neutrons  Based  on Multiple Bragg Reflections in One Vibrating Crystal, Nucl. Intrum. Methods 180 (1981) 89-92.

35. J. Pleštil, S. Vratislav, P. Mikula a J. Kulda, Rozptyl neutronů, aplikace a experimentální vybavení, Proc. of Workshop Experimentální techniky v  rentgenové  a  neutronové  strukturní  analýze, Bechyně, 1981, str. 1-17. (in Czech).

36. Yu.A. Alexandrov, L.N. Sedláková, B. Chalupa, R.T. Michalec, P. Mikula and M.Vrána, Schwinger Scattering of Thermal Neutrons on Tungsten Single Crystals Enriched by the 186-Isotope, Czech. J. Phys. B31 (1981) 551-554.

37. R. Michalec and P. Mikula, Neutron  Diffraction  Optics  on  the Pulsed Sources, Proc. of IV. International School  on  Neutron  Physics,  Dubna June 8-18, 1982, D3, 4-82-704, p. 59-65.

38. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, M. Vrána,  R.T. Michalec and J. Vávra , Use of  Multiple Bragg Reflections in a Bent  Perfect  Single  Crystal for High  Resolution  Monochromatization  of  Neutrons,  Nucl. Instrum. Methods 197 (1982) 563-566.

39. F. Eichhorn,  J. Kulda and P. Mikula, Study of Asymmetric Neutron Diffraction Including the Transition from Bragg to Laue  Case,  Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 80 (1983) 483-489.

40. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, J. Červená, B. Chalupa, B. Hašková and J. Vávra, A Statically Bent Silicon Single Crystal as a Thermal  Neutron Filter, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 211 (1983) 519-523.

41. J. Kulda and P. Mikula, A Medium Resolution Double Crystal Diffractometer for SANS Studies, J. Appl. Cryst. 16 (1983) 498-504.

42. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, M.Vrána and B. Chalupa, A Proposal of a Highly Efficient Double Crystal Monochro-mator  for  Thermal  Neutrons, J. Appl. Cryst. 17 (1984) 189-195.

43. Yu. Alexandrov, B. Chalupa, J. Kulda, T.A. Machekhina, R. Michalec, P. Mikula, L.N. Sedláková and M. Vrána, Back-Scattering Diffraction of a Pulsed Neutron Beam on  an  Elastically  Bent  Single Crystal, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 83 (1984) 455-460.

44. F. Eichhorn, J. Kulda and P. Mikula, Small Angle Neutron Scattering on a Reactor Beam Irradiated Silicon Single Crystal, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 82 (1984) K141-K143.

45. P. Mikula, B. Chalupa, J. Kulda, M.Vrána,  R.T. Michalec and L. Sedláková, Neutron Monochromator Based On Umweganregung Effect  - A Tool for Investigating Mosaic Structure, Proc. of the Symp. Neutron Scattering, 6.-8.8.1984, West Berlin, HMI-B 411, p.233-235.

46. Ju.A. Alexandrov. M. Vrána, T.A. Machekhina, P. Mikula,  R. Michalec, L.N. Sedláková a B. Chalupa, Vlijanie vertikalnoj raschodimosti nejtronnogo pučka  na  charakteristiky  dvuchkristalnogo spektrometra, Preprint JINR Dubna, 1983, 3-83-599,  Kristallografija, 29 (1984) 869-871.

47. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, B. Chalupa, R. Michalec, M. Vrána and L. Sedláková, Multipurpose Double-Crystal  Monochromator for Thermal Neutrons, Proc. of the Conference on Neutron Scattering in the Nineties, 14.-18.1.1985, Jülich, IAEA Vienna, 1986, p.515-523.

48.  J. Kulda and P. Mikula, Three Beam Case of  Neutron  Diffraction in a Distorted Crystal, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 92 (1985) 95-100.

49. Yu. Alexandrov, J. Vávra , M. Vrána, J. Kulda, T.A. Machekhina, P. Mikula, R. Michalec, V.M. Nazarov,  A.I. Okorokov,  V.F. Peresedov, V.V. Runov, L.N. Sedláková and  B. Chalupa,  Scattering  of  Slow Neutrons on Tungsten Enriched  with  W-186  Isotope,  Preprint JINR, Dubna, E3-85-87; JETF 89 (1985) 34-40.

50. P. Mikula, B. Chalupa, J. Kulda, M. Vrána, L. Sedláková , R. Michalec, An Experimental Test of a Double-Crystal Monochromator for Thermal Neutrons Based on Two Bent Silicon Crystals,  J. Appl. Cryst. 18 (1985) 135-140.

51. Yu.A. Alexandrov, J. Vávra , M. Vrána, L. Horalík,  J. Kulda,  P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and B. Chalupa, On The Polarization at  the  Diffraction of Polarized Neutrons on the Monocrystal of Tungsten-186, Preprint JINR Dubna, P3-85-517, 1985.

52. J. Kulda and P. Mikula, Studium struktur amorfních materiálů pomocí difrakce neutronů, Workshop on Applications of nuclear methods in  NPI of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 23.4.-24.4. 1985, Řež, p.44-47 (in Czech).

53. B. Chalupa, P. Mikula and J. Kulda, Studium mozaikové  struktury monokrystalů, Ibid. p. 48-52 (in Czech).

54. J. Kulda, B. Chalupa, P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, Neutronografické studium mozaikové struktury monokrystalů, Proc. of the Workshop of the Crystallographic Society - Aplikace strukturní analýzy v materiálovém výzkumu, Jenišov, 27.5. - 31.5. 1985, p. 49-53 (in Czech).

55. V. Kozhukharov, S. Neov, I. Gerasimova and P. Mikula, Neutron Diffraction of a Tellurite-Tungstate  Glass,  J. Mater. Science, 21 (1986) 1707-1714.

56. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, L. Horalík, B. Chalupa and P. Lukáš, The Spatial Condensation of the Neutron Beam by an Asymmetric Diffraction in Thermal-Neutron Monochromatization, J. Appl. Cryst. 91 (1986) 324-330.

57. B. Chalupa, R. Michalec, L. Horalík and P. Mikula,  The Study of  Neutron-Acoustic Effect at Neutron Diffraction on InSb Single Crystal, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 97 (1986) 403-409.

58. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and R. Michalec, An Experimental Test of a Bent Si Crystal as a Thermal-Neutron Monochromator, J. Appl. Cryst. 20 (1987) 428-430.

59. Yu. Alexandrov, A.V. Androsov, M. Vrána,  V.A. Jermakov,  J. Kulda, T.A. Machekhina,  P. Mikula,  R.T. Michalec,  L.N. Sedláková  and B. Chalupa,  DIFRAN - Neutron Spectrometer at the IBR-2 Reactor, Preprint JINR Dubna, P3-87-449, 1987.

60. P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and J. Kulda, Neutron Interferometer at NPI Rež, Czech. J. Phys. B37 (1987) 993-996.

61. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova, V. Kozhukharov and P. Mikula,  Investigation of Short-Range Atomic Order in  Glasses from MoO3 –TeO2 System, J. Mat. Science 23 (1988) 347-352.

62. B. Chalupa, P. Lukáš, R. Michalec a P. Mikula, Měření maloúhlového rozptylu termálních neutronu na  vzorcích  ocelí, Research Report for Škoda Plzeň, 1988 (in Czech).

63. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova and P. Mikula, Neutron Diffraction Investigation of the Short-Range Atomic Order in Tellurite Glasses,  Proc. of the Conference "Advanced Methods in X-Ray and Neutron Structure Analysis of Materials", 5.10. - 9.10. 1987,  Karlovy Vary, Plenum Press, New York and London 1989, p. 105-108.

64. W. Matz,  J. Kulda and P. Mikula, Partial  Structure Factors for Amorphous Fe751B25 Determined by Diffraction of Polarized  Neutrons, Ibid., p. 99-103.

65. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and F. Eichhorn, New Version of a Medium Resolution Double-Crystal Diffractometer for the Study of a Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), J. Appl. Cryst. 21 (1988), 33-37.

66. Yu.A. Alexandrov, F. Eichhorn, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, T.A. Machekhina, R. Michalec, P. Mikula, L.N. Sedláková and M. Vrána, Neutron-Optical Experiments at the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor, PHYSICA B 151 (1988), 108-112.

67. J. Kulda, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Neutron Diffraction by Perfect Vibrating Crystals, PHYSICA B 151 (1988) 122-129.

68. R. Michalec, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Kulda, B. Chalupa, and  L. Sedláková, Neutron Diffraction by Perfect  Crystals Exited into Mechanical Resonance Vibrations, PHYSICA B 151 (1988) 113-121.

69. P. Bianchi, F. Carsughi, D. D'Angelo, J. Kulda, A. Mengoni, P. Mikula and F. Rustichelli, Non-Destructive Analysis of the g' Precipitation in UDIMET 720 Ni-Superalloy Turbine Blade by Neutron Small Angle Scatering, Mat. Science Forum 27/28 (1988) 429-432.

70. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and F. Eichhorn, A Highly Efficient Multicrystal Diffractometer for SANS Studies, J. Appl. Cryst. 21 (1988) 981-983.

71. M. Popovici, A.D. Stoica, B. Chalupa and P. Mikula, Interpretation of Bent-Crystal Rocking Curves, J. Appl. Cryst. 21 (1988) 258-265.

72. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš,  J. Kulda and F. Eichhorn, A Highly Efficient  Multicrystal Camera for SANS Studies, PHYSICA B 156&157 (1989) 605-607.

73. Yu.A. Alexandrov, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, L. Sedláková and M. Vrána, Determination of the Neutron Scattering Length of Pb-208, Zeitschrift für Physik, A 334 (1989) 359-360.

74. J.P. Guigay, P. Mikula, R. Hock, J. Baruchel and A. Waintal, Wavelength Dependence of the Reflectivity in  Neutron  Diffraction by Perfect Vibrating Crystals, Acta Cryst. A 46 (1990) 821-826.

75. P. Mikula, E. Krüger, R. Scherm and V. Wagner, An Elastically Bent Silicon Crystal as a Thermal  Neutron  Monochromator, J. Appl. Cryst. 23 (1990) 105-110.

76. P. Lukáš, J. Kulda, P. Mikula, L. Sedláková, Yu.A. Alexandrov and M. Vrána, A Neutron TOF Investigation of Dynamical Reflectivity of Elastically Deformed Crystals, Acta Cryst. A 47 (1991) 166-169.

77. P. Lukáš, J. Kulda, P. Mikula and J. Pleštil, Direct Determination of the SANS Contrast Factor by Neutron Interferometry,  Czech. J. Phys. B 40 (1990) 697-699.

78. J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, Yu.A. Alexandrov, L.N. Sedláková, M. Vrána and H. Rauch, Neutron Interferometry at a Pulsed Source, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 300 (1991) 80-84.

79. P. Strunz, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Krumpos  a  Z. Smetana, Studium precipitátu ve vybraném  vysokotlakém rotoru turbiny výkonu 55 MW po provozu metodou maloúhlového rozptylu  neutronu, Kovové materiály 30 (1992) 107-115 (in Czech).

80. P. Strunz, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Krumpos and Z. Smetana, Using the Small Angle Neutron  Scattering Method to Examine Precipitates in a Selected High-Pressure Rotor of a 55 MW Turbine after Service, Metallic Materials 30 (2) (1992) 65-69.

81. P. Mikula, V. Wagner and R. Scherm,  Focusing Double-Bent-Crystal (DBC) Diffractometer for Medium Resolution  SANS  Experiments, J. Appl. Cryst. 24 (1991) 298-303.

82. J. Kulda, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and M. Kocsis, Utilisation of Bent Si Crystals for Elastic Strain Measurements, PHYSICA B 180&181(1992) 1041-1043.

83. V. Wagner, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, R. Scherm and L. Sedláková, Bent Silicon as a Short Wavelength Monochromator, PHYSICA B 180&181 (1992) 978-980.

84. P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Kulda, J. Šaroun and  P. Strunz,  New  SANS Diffractometer and Neutron Interferometric Device at NPI  Řež, PHYSICA B 180&181 (1992) 984-986.

85. P. Mikula, V. Wagner, P. Lukáš and R. Scherm, Real and Momentum Space Focusing of Thermal Neutrons with a Cylindrically Bent Silicon Crystal, PHYSICA B 180&181 (1992) 981-983.

86. M. Vrána, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš a P. Mikula, Tříosý spektrometr pomalých neutronů se dvěma ohnutými dokonalými krystaly pro studium pnutí v polykrystalických materiálech, Proc. of the Workshop of the Crystallographic Society „Reálná struktura látek“, 18.-23. 5. 1992, Starý mlýn ve Vojtěchově, p. 222-228 (in Czech).

87. P. Mikula,  P. Lukáš,  J. Kulda,  P. Strunz,  J. Šaroun, V. Wagner, R. Scherm, B. Alefeld and R. Reinartz, Unconventional Double Bent Crystal (DBC) Diffractometer Equipped by Position Sensitive Detector (PSD), In Proc.of SPIE's 1992 International Symposium on Optical Applied Science and Engineering, Conference  Neutron Optical Devices and Applications, 19-24 July 1992, San Diego, vol. 1738, p. 411-421.

88. P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and J. Kulda, Three Axis Setup for Elastic Strain Measurement by the Use  of  Cylindrically Bent Perfect  Crystals, Ibid. p. 438-446.

89. V. Wagner and P. Mikula, Use of Focusing by Bent Perfect Si Crystals for Short Wavelength Neutron Monochromatization, Ibid. p. 431-437.

90. P. Mikula,  J. Kulda,  P. Lukáš,  M. Vrána,  J. Šaroun ,  P.Strunz, B. Alefeld,  V. Wagner,  R. Scherm, P. Klimanek and A. Mücklich, Neutron Focusing Optics in Applied Crystallography, In Proc. of XVIIth International Conference on Applied Crystallography, 10.-13. August 1992, Csieszyn, Poland, eds. H. Morawiec and D. Stróž; World Scientific 1993, p. 17-21.

91. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and J. Kulda, Neutron Diffraction by an Absorbing Vibrating InSb Crystal, Acta Cryst. A 48 (1992) 72-73.

92. P. Klimanek, T. Kschidock, A. Mücklich, P. Lukáš and P. Mikula, Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Substructures in Polycrystalline Materials, In Proc. of 2nd European Powder Diffraction  Conference EPDIC-2, 30.7.-1.8. 1992, Enschede, The Netherlands.

93. P. Strunz, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun , F. Rustichelli, G. Albertini and A. di Giafrancesko, Neutron Topography on CMSX2 Superalloy Single Crystal, Czech. J. Phys. 44 (1994) 687-693.

94. J. Šaroun, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and P. Strunz, Focusing Doubly Bent Crystal Diffractometer in Combination with PSD for SANS Experiments, Journal de Physique, Coll. C7, 3 (1993) 439-442.

95. P. Strunz, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun , P. Mikula, G. Albertini, G. Cicognani and M. Stefanon, Investigation of Vycor Glass Structure on the Double Bent-Crystal Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument, Journal de Physique, Coll. C7, 3 (1993) 1439-1442.

96. P. Klimanek, T. Kschidock, P. Lukáš, P.Mikula, A. Mücklich and M. Vrána, Substructure Analysis by  Means of Neutron Diffraction, Journal de Physique, Coll. C7, 3 (1993) 2143-2148.

97. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Klimanek, T. Kschidock,  K. Macek, J. Janovec,  J.C. Osborn and G.M. Swallowe, Advanced Neutron Diffraction Techniques for Strain Measurements in Polycrystalline Materials, Journal de Physique IV, Colloque C7, 3 (1993) 2183-2188.

98. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, J. Kulda and V. Wagner, On the Use of  Bragg  Diffraction  Optics  for   High Resolution Diffractometry, In Proc. of Meeting on an Advanced Neutron Spallation Source, AUSTRON, 3-4 May 1993, Vienna, p. 45-58.


99. P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, P. Strunz and M. Vrána, Instrumentation for SANS and Strain Measurements Using Cylindrically Bent Perfect Crystals, In Proc. of Meeting on an  Advanced  Neutron Spallation Source, AUSTRON, 3-4 May 1993, Vienna, p. 59-72.

100. J. Janovec, K. Macek,  P. Lukáš,  P. Mikula  a M. Vrána, Použití neutronové difrakce pro hodnocení vlastností svárových  spoju, Conmet 93, The 4th Symposium on Equipment and Methods for Structure Analysis, Mechanical Testing and Technology Transfer, Brno, 13-15 September 1993, p. 18-19 (in Czech).

101. P. Mikula, V. Wagner and R. Scherm, On the Focusing in Neutron Diffraction by Elastically Bent Perfect Crystals.  Report PTB Braunschweig, June 1994, PTB-N-17.

102. J. Šaroun, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and B. Alefeld, Optimization of a Double Bent Crystal Diffractometer  for  Neutron  Small Angle Neutron Scattering Experiments, J. Appl. Cryst. 27 (1994) 80-88.

103. P. Mikula, Řež's Neutron Physics Laboratory,  Neutron News, 45, Issue 4 (1994) 12-14.

104. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Bent Perfect Crystals in Asymmetric Diffraction Geometry in Neutron Scattering Experiments, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in  Phys. Res. A 338 (1994) 18-26.

105. V. Wagner, P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, A Doubly Bent Si-Monochromator, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Research, A 338 (1994) 53-59.

106. P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun  and P. Strunz, Double Bent Crystal Diffractometer for SANS Experiments, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Research, A 338 (1994) 111-115.

107. J. Kulda, V. Wagner, P. Mikula and J. Šaroun, Comparative Tests of Neutron Monochromators Using  Elastically Bent Silicon and Mosaic Crystals, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Research, A 338 (1994) 60-64.

108. M. Vrána, P. Lukáš,  P. Mikula and J. Kulda,  Bragg Diffraction Optics in High Resolution Strain Measurements, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Research, A 338 (1994) 125-131.

109. P. Strunz, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, F. Rustichelli, G. Albertini and A. di Gianfrancesco, Double-Bent-Crystal SANS  Investigation of the Creep Exposed CMSX2 Single Crystal, Acta Physica Hungarica, 75 (1994) 295-300.

110. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun  and P. Strunz, High-Resolution Diffraction Techniques for Strain/Stress Measurements at a Steady State Reactor, Acta Phys. Hungarica, 75 (1994) 321-326.

111. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova, V. Kozhukharov, P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, Neutron Diffraction Study of the Short-Range Order in TeO2-M2O  (M=Li,Na,K,Rb) Glasses, Acta Phys. Hungarica, 75 (1994) 263-266.

112. Yu. Alexandrov, A. Ioffe, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula,  M. Vrána  and V.S. Zabiyakin, Determination of the Neutron Scattering Length of 208 Pb and Bi by Perfect Crystal Neutron Interferometer Setup at BENSC, In Proc. 2nd ISINN, Dubna, 1994.

113. A. Ioffe, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula,  M. Vrána and V. Zabijakin, Determination of the Neutron Scattering Length of 208-Pb by the Neutron Interferometry Method, Z. Phys. A 348 (1994) 243-244.

114. P. Strunz, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun a P. Mikula, Dvojkrystalový difraktometr vybaven elasticky deformovanými  krystaly pro  měření maloúhlového rozptylu neutronů (SANS), Proc. of the Workshop „Experimentální techniky v rtg. a neutronové strukturní analýze“, 6.6.-10.6. 1994, Ostrava-Poruba, p. 244-247 (in Czech).

115. J. Janovec, K. Macek, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, M. Vrána and J. Kadlec, The Use of Neutron Diffraction and Electron Microanalysis for Evolution of the Properties of the Two-Phase  System, Proc. of the Conf. CONMET, Brno, 12.-15.9. 1994, p. 21-23.

116. P. Klimanek, T. Kschidock, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Substructure Investigations in Strongly Distorted Polycrystalline Materials by Means of Neutron Diffraction, In Proc. of XVI. Conference on Applied Crystallography, Cziescyn, August 1994.

117. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova, V. Kozhukharov,  P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, Structural Studies of Complex Tellurite Glasses, In Proc. of VI. International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, August 29 - September 2, Prague 1994.

118. P. Lukáš, B. Alefeld, A. Ioffe, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Topography in Coherent Beams of a Neutron Interferometer, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28 (1995) A88-A91.

119. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun , P. Strunz, V. Wagner and B. Alefeld, Bragg Optics for Strain/Stress Measurement Techniques, PHYSICA B 213-214 (1995) 845-847.

120. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun , V. Wagner and J. Kulda, Cylindrically Bent Perfect Crystals as Neutron Monochromators, PHYSICA B 213&214 (1995) 922-925.

121. B. Alefeld, A. Ioffe, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Neutron Topography of Output Interferometer Beams, PHYSICA B 213&214 (1995) 833-835.

122. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova, V.Kozhukharov, P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, Structural Study of Complex Tellurite  Glasses, J. of Non Crystalline Solids, 192&193 (1995) 53-56.

123. P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, P. Strunz, M. Vrána, J. Janovec and  K. Macek, Residual Stresses in Welded High  Strength Stainless Steels, 1994 Fall Meeting - Materials Research Society, Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 1994, Boston; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 376,  1995,  p. 403-408.

124. M. Vrána, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, P. Klimanek and T. Kschidock, Investigation of Residual Strains of the  2nd Kind in Plastically Deformed Metallic Materials, Ibid. p. 409-414.

125. G.M. Swallowe, J.C. Osborn,  P. Lukáš,  P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Plastic Strain Estimation from Neutron Bragg Peaks,  Ibid.  p. 435-440.

126. M. Vrána, P. Klimanek, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun  and V. Wagner, Neutron Optics for Micro- and Macrostrains Investigations, In Proc. of the 4th European Conf. on Advance Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 95, 25.-28.9.1995, Padua/Venice, p. 35-40.

127. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Klimanek,  T. Kschidock,  J. Janovec, K. Macek, T. Eschner and V. Wagner, Bragg Diffraction Optics for Materials Strain Characterization, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Technologies, Plzeň, 13-16.6. 1995, Vol. II, p. 65-69; in Czech: Využití neutronové difrakční optiky pro měření zbytkových napětí v polykrystalických materiálech, Jemná mechnika a optika 9 (1995) 291-294.

128. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš and V. Wagner, Use of Bragg Diffraction Optics for High Resolution Diffractometry, In Proc. Int. Workshop on Neutron Scattering and Applications, 4.10.-6.10. 1995, Prague, L10.

129. P. Lukáš, J. Janovec, K. Macek, P. Mikula, P. Strunz and M. Vrána, Investigation of Residual Strains in Metals Using High Resolution Neutron Diffractometer Equipped with  Cylindrically  Bent Perfect Crystals, Ibid., C6.

130. P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, Řež's Neutron Diffraction Laboratory, Acta Polytechnica 35 (1995) 112-114.

131. P. Mikula,  M. Vrána, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun and V. Wagner,  High-Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometry on Samples of Small Dimensions, Proc. of the International Conf. EPDIC IV, Chester, 10-14 July, 1995, Materials Science Forum, 228-231 (1996) 269-274.

132. K. Macek, P. Lukáš, J. Janovec, P. Mikula, P. Strunz,  M. Vrána and M. Zaffagnini, Austenite Content and  Dislocation Density in Electron Beam Welds of a Stainless Maraging Steel, Materials Science and Engineering A 208 (1996) 131-138.

133. E.M. Iolin, L.L. Rusevich, M. Vrána, P. Mikula  and  P. Lukáš,  On Neutron Reflectivity Properties  of  Perfect Single Crystals Excited by High-Frequency Ultrasound, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b),195 (1996) 21-35.

134. K. Macek, P. Lukáš, J. Janovec, P. Mikula and R. Hušák, Diffraction Analysis of Matrix Phases in Electron Beam Welds of a Stainless Maraging Steel, Proc. of Workshop 96 - Materials Sci. in Mechanical Engineering, 22.-24.1.1996, Brno, p.533-534.

135. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun, P. Strunz, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Neutron Diffractometer Using Bragg Diffraction Optics for High Resolution Strain/Stress Measurements, In Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Applications  of Nuclear Techniques "Neutrons in Research and Industry" 9.6.-15.6.1996, Crete, SPIE 2867 (1997) 156-159.

136. V. Wagner, Z. Kouřil, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Residual Strain/Stress Analysis by Means of Energy Dispersive Neutron Transmission Diffraction, In  Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Applications of Nuclear Techniques "Neutrons in Research and Industry", 9.6.-15.6.1996, Crete, SPIE 2867 (1997) 168-171.

137. P. Lukáš, Z. Kouřil, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun , P. Strunz,  M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Bent Crystal Analyzer in Fully Asymmetric Diffraction Geometry for Neutron Scattering Instrumentation, In Proc. of Int. Symp. on Advance in Neutron Optics and  Related  Research Facilities, 19.-21. March 1996,  Kumatori,  Osaka,  Japan; J. Phys. Soc. Japan 65 (1997) 241-244.

138. Yu.V. Taran, J. Schreiber, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, G.D. Bokuchava and H. Kockelmann, Neutron  Diffraction Measurements of Residual Stresses in an Austenitic Steel Tube with a Welded Ferritic Cover, In Proc. of Fourth European Conference on Residual Stresses ECRS-4, Cluny June 4-6, 1996, Edited by S. Denis, J.L. Lebrun, B. Bourniquel, M. Barral and J.F. Flavenot,  Vol. I, p. 87-95.

139. P. Lukáš, K. Macek, Z. Kouřil, P. Strunz, J. Janovec, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Microstrain Investigation of Low-Carbon Steel after Tensile Deformation Using Neutron Diffraction, , In Proc. of Fourth European Conference on Residual Stresses ECRS-4, Cluny June 4-6, 1996, Edited by S. Denis, J.L. Lebrun, B. Bourniquel, M. Barral and J.F. Flavenot,  Vol. I, p. 107-113.

140. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and M. Vrána, Bragg Diffraction Optics on Neutron Diffractometers, Physica B, 234-236 (1997) 1058-1060.

141. J. Šaroun , F. Eichhorn, A. Hempel,  B. Kolman,  P. Lukáš,  P. Mikula and P. Strunz, SANS Investigation of Plasma  Sprayed  Materials Using a Double-Crystal Diffractometer, Physica B, 234-236 (1997)1011-1013.

142. P. Lukáš, Z.Kouřil, P. Strunz, P. Mikula, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Microstrain Characterization of Metals Using High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction, Physica B, 234-236 (1997) 956-958.

143. P. Klimanek, T. Kschidock, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Substructure Analysis in Polycrystalline Materials  by Means of Neutron Diffraction, Physica B, 234-236 (1997), 965-966.

144. P. Strunz, J. Šaroun , P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and F. Eichhorn, Double Bent Crystal SANS Setting and its Applications, J. Appl. Cryst. 30 (1997) 844-848.

145. P. Lukáš, J. Zrník, M. Vrána, Z. Kouřil, P. Strunz and P. Mikula, High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction Study of Thermal Fatigue of Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superalloy E1698 VD, Proc. of EUROMAT 97, 21.-23.4. 1997, Maastricht, Vol. 4, p. 227-230.

146. P. Strunz, J. Zrník, P. Lukáš, A. Wiedenmann, P. Mikula and R. Gilles, Characterization of g’ Precipitates Microstructure in CMSX3 Superalloy by Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Morphology Modelling, Proc. of EUROMAT 97, 21.-23.4.1997, Maastricht, Vol. 4, p. 93-96.

147. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun , P. Strunz, H.J. Ullrich and V. Wagner, Neutron Diffractometer Exploiting Bragg Diffraction Optics - A High Resolution Strain Scanner, Proc. of the 5th Int.Conf.on Residual  Stresses  ICRS-5,  June  16-18,  1997, Linköping, Sweden, editted by T.Ericsson, M. Odén and A. Andersson, Vol. 2, p. 721-725.

148. P. Lukáš, Y. Tomota, S. Harjo, M. Ono, M. Vrána, P. Strunz, Z. Kouřil and P. Mikula, Neutron Diffraction  Investigation  of  Residual Strains a/g  Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys, ibid., p. 880-885.

149. P. Strunz, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, V. Wagner, Z. Kouřil and M. Vrána, Data Evaluation Procedure for Energy-Dispersive Neutron-Transmission-Diffraction Geometry, Proc. of the 5th Int.Conf.on Residual  Stresses  ICRS-5,  June  16-18,  1997, Linköping, Sweden, editted by T.Ericsson, M. Odén and A. Andersson, Vol. 2, p. 688-693.

150. P. Lukáš, K. Macek, F. Hnilica, M. Vrána, P. Mikula,  Z. Kouřil and J.Keuleber, Neutron Diffraction Study of Model Hot Extrudates of Aluminium Alloys, ibid. Vol. 1, p. 64-69. ,

151. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova, S.Yordanov, Y. Dimitriev, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and L. Lakov, Short-Range Order in Selenite Glasses, Proc. of the 12th Conf. Glasses and Ceramics, Varna, September 1996.

152. Ch. Scheffzük, A. Frischbutter, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Intracrystalline Strain Measurements od Quartz Samples of the Elbezone by Means of Double Crystal Diffractomenter, Proc. of the Int. Conf. „Neutron Texture and Stress Analysis“, Dubna, June  23-26, 1997.

153. V.L. Aksenov, A.M. Balagurov, Yu.V. Taran, M. Kröning, J. Schreiber, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, G.D. Bokuchava, H. Kockelmann. K.Macek and J. Janovec, Measurement of Residual Strains in a  Shape Welded Steel Tube by Neutron and X-Ray  Diffraction  Methods, Preprint JINR Dubna, E14-97-85.

154. D. Korytár, P. Boháček, I. Bešše, L. Francessio and P. Mikula,  Monolithic Devices for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffractometry and Topography, Il Nuovo Cimento, 19D (1997) 481-488.

155. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, P. Strunz, J. Šaroun, M. Vrána and V.Wagner, Some Practical Applications of Bent Perfect Crystals in Neutron Diffraction Experiments, Report PTB Braunschweig, PTB-N-26, 1997, p. 1-53.

156. P. Mikula and J. Kysela, Řež's  Medium Power Research Reactor LVR-15 Opened for Fundamental and Applied Research with Thermal Neutrons, Bull.of the Czech and Slovak Cryst. Association: Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, 4, no. 3, December 1997, p. 107-109.

157. P. Mikula, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Bragg Diffraction Optics in Neutron Diffractometry, Bull.of the Czech and Slovak Cryst. Association: Materials Structure in Chemistry,  Biology,  Physics and Technology, 4, no. 3, December 1997, p. 110-118.

158. P. Lukáš, J. Zrník, M. Vrána, P. Mikula, Využitie neutrónovej difrakcie pri štúdiu vnútorných pnutí termálnej podstaty v tvárnenej niklovej superzliatine, Proc. of the Conf. „Technológia 97“, August 1997, Bratislava, Slovakia (in Slovak).

159. P. Mikula and J. Kysela, Řež's Medium Power Research Reactor LVR-15 Opened for External Users, PHYSICA B, 241-243 (1998) 39-41.

160. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, P. Strunz, J. Šaroun , M. Vrána,  M. Dlouhá and S. Vratislav, Neutron Scattering  Experiments of Materials Science at Řež's Reactor, PHYSICA B, 241-243 (1998) 92-94.

161. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and V. Wagner, Two Wavelength Sandwich Monochromator for Materials Research Experiments, PHYSICA  B, 241-243 (1998) 231-233.

162. R. Coppola, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Neutron Diffraction Line Broadening in a Tempered Martensitic Steel for Fusion Reactors, PHYSICA B, 241-243 (1998) 1261-1263.

163. S. Harjo,  M. Ono,  Y. Tomota,  P. Mikula,  P. Lukáš,  M. Vrána and J. Šaroun, Residual Elastic Strains in a\g Dual Phase Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys by Using Neutron Scattering, In Proc. of the 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Reactor Institute of the Kyoto University, January 27-29, 1998, p. 27-32 (in Japanese).

164. M. Ono, P. Mikula, S. Haryo, J. Šaroun , K.Yoneda and J. Savano, New Focusing Si-Single Crystal Neutron Monochromator for  Strain/Stress Measurements, In Proc. of the  32nd  Annual  Scientific Meeting of the Research Reactor Institute of the Kyoto University, January 27-29, 1998, p. 121-126 (in Japanese).

165. P. Lukáš,  J. Zrník,  M. Ceretti,  M. Vrána,  P. Mikula,  P. Strunz, D. Neov  and J. Keuerleber, Neutron Diffraction as a Tool for Microstrain Characterization of Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superaloys after Thermal Fatigue, In Proc. of the 6th European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC-6, Budapest, August 22-25, 1998, Hungary, Materials Science Forum 321-324 (2000)  1046-1050.

166. M. Vrána,  P. Mikula,  P. Lukáš,  J. Dubský and V. Wagner, New Developments in Instrumentation for Strain Scanning in NPI Řež,  In Proc. of the 6th European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC-6, Budapest, August 22-25, 1998, Hungary, Materials Science Forum 321-324 (2000) 338-344.

167. M. Ono, P. Mikula, S. Haryo, J. Šaroun, K.Yoneda, J. Sawano, Y. Sakurai and T. Kobayashi, Focusing  Bent Perfect-Crystal Neutron Monochromator - A Key to High Resolution Stress/Strain Measuremnt Studies of Polycrystalline Materials, In Proc. of the 6th European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC-6,  Budapest, August 22-25, 1998, Hungary, Materials Science Forum 321-324 (2000) 296-301.

168. Ch.Scheffzük, A. Frischbutter, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Using a Double Bent-Crystal Neutron Diffractometer for Quartz Strain Measurements on Sandstones from the Elbezone, Schriftenreihe für Geowissenschaften, 6 (1998) 9-18.

169. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Klimanek, H.J. Ullrich and J. Zrník, Nondestructive Strain/Stress Measurement by Neutron Diffraction, Proc. of the 7th Int. Metallurgical Symposium Metal 98, May 12-14, 1998, Ostrava, Vol. 3, p. 110-117.

170. P. Lukáš, K. Macek, P. Mikula, D. Neov, G.M. Swallowe, M. Vrána and R. Wimporyi, Deformation of Metals as Seen by Neutron Diffraction, In Proc. of  the 18th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM-18, August 16-20, 1998, Praha.

171. Yu.V. Taran, J. Schreiber, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš, P. Strunz and P. Mikula, Microstrain Analysis of Low Cycle Fatigue Austenite Stainless Steel Samples by Neutron Diffraction, In Proc. of  the 18th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM-18, August 16-20, 1998, Praha.

172. M. Ono, P. Mikula, S. Harjo and J. Sawano, Horizontally and Vertically Focusing Neutron Monochromator - Version III, In Proc. of Scientific Meeting of Reactor Research Institute, Kyoto University, January 1999, p. 94-99, P9 (in Japannesse).

173. P. Lukáš, M. Ono, Y. Tomota, S. Harjo, D. Neov., P. Strunz, M. Vrána, P. Mikula, In situ Mechanical Tests of Metals at the High-Resolution Neutron Diffractometer, Proceedings of 8th Int. Conf. on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 1999, Vol. 2, p.503-507, editors: F. Ellyin and J.W. Provan, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 16.-20. 5. 1999.

174.  P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, V. Wagner and J. Brechbühl, High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction - A Novel Measurement Technique for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of a Structure and Deformation Response of Polycrystalline Materials,  In Proc. ICM8 - 8th Int. Conf. on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Victoria B.C., Canada, May 16-21, 1999,  Vol. II, p. 498-502.

175. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova, S. Yordanov, L. Lakov, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and Y. Dimitriev, Short range order of selenite glasses, In Proc. of 12th Conf. „Glasses and Ceramics“, Varna, September 1996 and also Phys. Chem. Glasses, 40 (1999) 111-112.

176. I. Tanaka, N. Niimura and P. Mikula, An Elastically Bent Silicon Monochromator for a Neutron Diffractometer, J. Appl. Cryst. 32 (1999) 525-529.

177. P. Lukáš, P. Šittner, D. Neov, V. Novák, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of Metals under External Mechanical Loading, In Proc. ECNS’99, Budapest, 1-4. September 1999, Physica B, 276-278 (2000) 845-846.

178. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, A. Ioffe, H. Rauch, V. Wagner and W. Nistler, Upgrading Scientific Capabilities of the Neutron Interferometer in NPI Řež, In Proc. ECNS’99, Budapest, 1-4. September 1999, Physica, B, 276-278 (2000) 172-173.

179. J. Kulda, P. Mikula and J. Šaroun, Elastically Bent Perfect Crystal Analyzer, In Proc. of ECNS’99, Budapest,  1-4 September 1999, Physica B, 276-278 (2000) 73-74.

180. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, M. Ono and J. Sawano, Instrumentation Components of Focusing Diffraction Used  in NPI, ILL, KURRI and PTB, In Proc. of ECNS’99, 1-4 September 1999, Physica B, 276-278 (2000) 174-176.

181. P. Staron, H.U. Ruhnau, M. Mamotti, P. Mikula and R. Kampmann, Das neue Diffraktometer ARES fur die Analyse von Eigensannungen, German Conference on Neutron Scattering, Potsdam, 25.-27.5. 1999; také A New Diffractometer ARES for the Analysis of Residual Strain, In Proc. of ECNS’99, 1-4 September 1999, Physica B, 276-278 (2000) 158-159.

182. P. Mikula and V. Wagner, Strain Scanning Using a Neutron Guide Diffractometer, in the Proc. of the 5th European Conference on Residual Stresses ECRS-5, Delft-Noordwijkerhout, Netherland, 28-30 September 1999, Materials Science Forum, 347-349 (2000), 113-118.

183. M. Ono, M. Vrána, P. Mikula, Y. Waku, A. Mitani, K. Shimizu and T. Fukunaga, Strain Measurement of a Ductile Composite Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 (YAG) by Neutron Diffraction, In the Proc. of the Int. 5th European Conference on Residual Stresses ECRS-5, Delft-Noordwijkerhout, Netherland, 28-30 September 1999, Materials Science Forum, 347-349 (2000), 530-535.

184. D. Neov, P. Šittner, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, In Situ High Resolution Neutron Diffraction Study of Stress Induced Martensitic Transformation in CuAlZnMn Shape Memory Alloy, in the Proc. of the 5th European Conference on Residual Stresses, Delft-Noordwijkerhout, 28-30 September 1999, Materials Science Forum, 347-349 (2000), 334-339.

185. S. Harjo, P. Lukáš, Y. Tomota,  M. Vrána, D. Neov, P. Mikula and M. Ono, In Situ Stress Measurements by Neutron Diffraction in a/g Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys During Deformation, in the Proc. of the 5th European Conference on Residual Stresses, Delft-Noordwijkerhout, 28-30 September 1999, Materials Science Forum, 347-349 (2000) 328-333.

186. A. Ioffe, O. Ermakov, I.L. Karpichin, P.I. Kruptchitskij, P.Lukáš, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Precise determination of neutron scattering length of lead isotopes Pb-204, Pb-207 and Pb-208. Eur. Phys. J. A ,  7 (2000) 149-153.

187. S. Harjo, Y. Tomota, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, D. Neov, P. Mikula and M. Ono, In situ Neutron Diffraction During Tensile Deformation for a/g Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys, Acta Materialia 49 (2001) 2471-2479.

188. P. Mikula, V. Wagner and M. Vrána, Bragg Diffraction Optics for Energy-Dispersive Neutron-Transmission Diffraction, Proc. of the NOP99 Workshop „Neutron Optics in the Next Millenium 99“,, November, 25-27, 1999, PSI Villigen, Physica B, 283 (2000) 403-405.

189. P. Mikula, J. Kulda, P. Lukáš, M. Ono, J. Šaroun, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Bragg Diffraction Optics in Neutron Diffractometry , Proc. of the NOP99 Workshop „Neutron Optics in the Next Millenium 99“, November, 25-27, 1999, PSI Villigen, Physica B, 283 (2000) 289-294.

190. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, A. Ioffe and W. Nistler, Dispersion Free Measurements in Neutron Interferometry, Proc. of the NOP99 Workshop „Neutron Optics in the Next Millenium 99“, November, 25-27, 1999, PSI Villigen, Physica B, 283 (2000) 400-402.

191. S. Harjo, Y. Tomota, P. Lukáš, D. Neov, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and M. Ono, In-situ Lattice  Strain and Dislocation Density Measurements during Tensile Deformation by Neutron Diffraction in a-g Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys

The 137th ISIJ Meeting, March, 1999, Tokyo, Japan, p. P-26  (in Japanesse).

192. S. Harjo, Y. Tomota, P. Lukáš, D. Neov, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and M. Ono, Average Stresses and Strains in Constituent Phases during Tension/Compression Deformation for an a-g Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy Measured by In-Situ Neutron Diffraction, The 138th ISIJ Meeting, November 20-22, 1999, Kanazawa, Japan,  Vol. 12, p. 439.

193. M. Ono, Y. Waku, T. Fukunaga, A. Mitani, K. Shimizu, M. Vrána and P. Mikula,  Strain Measurement of a Ductile Composite Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 (YAG) by Neutron Diffraction, Neutron Symposium, December 6-8, 1999, KENS Tsukuba, Japan (in Japanesse).

194. M. Černík, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and D. Neov, Neutron Texture Analysis of Steels, Proc. of Int. Conf. Technológia 99, 8. 9. - 9. 9. 1999, Bratislava, p. 31-34.

195. P. Mikula a J. Kysela, Základní a aplikovaný výzkum s neutrony a ozařovací servis reaktoru LVR-15 v Řeži, Zborník 13. konferencie Slovenských a Českých fyzikov, 23. 8. - 26. 8. 1999, Zvolen.

196. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, A. Ioffe a H. Rauch, Neutronová interferometrie v ÚJF Řež, Zborník 13. konferencie Slovenských a Českých fyzikov, 23. 8. - 26. 8. 1999, Zvolen.

197. M. Černík, D. Neov, P. Lukáš a P. Mikula, Neutronová textúrna analýza valcovaných materiálov - ocelí, Cu a Ni, Zborník 13. konferencie Slovenských a Českých fyzikov, 23. 8. - 26. 8. 1999, Zvolen.

198. Yu. Taran, J. Schreiber, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, D. Neov and M. Vrána, Neutron Diffraction Investigation of Low and High Cycle Fatigue Carbon Stainless Steel, In the Proc. of the Int. 5th European Conference on Residual Stresses ECRS-5, Delft-Noordwijkerhout, Netherland, 28-30 September 1999, Materials Science Forum, 347-349 (2000) 322-327.

199. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš a M. Vrána, Neutronová difraktometrie s vysokým rozlišením pro měření vnitřních deformací v polykrystalických materiálech, Jemná mechanika a optika, 6 (2000) 161-165.

200. P. Mikula, V. Wagner, M. Vrána and P. Lukáš, Residual Strain/Stress Analysis by Means of Energy-Dispersive Neutron Transmission Diffraction, In Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Residual Stresses ICRS-6, Oxford, 10-12 July 2000, IOM Communications, Vol. 1, p. 1124-1128, ISBN:I-86125-123-8.

201. M. Ono, Y. Waku, A. Mitani, K. Shimizu, T. Kamiyama, S. Torii, K. Oikawa, T. Toya, T. Fukunaga, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, An Extensive Neutron Diffraction Strain Studies of  a Ductile Composite Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 (YAG), In Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Residual Stresses ICRS-6, Oxford, 10-12 July 2000, IOM Communications, Vol. 1, p. 49-56, ISBN:I-86125-123-8.

202. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, High Resolution Strain Scanning by Neutron Diffraction, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. MATRIB 2000 – Materials and Processing, Friction and Wear, Lubrication, Vela Luka, Korčula, Croatia, June 21-24, 2000, p.205-210, ISBN 953-96038-5-4.

203. P. Lukáš, Y. Tomota, S. Harjo, D. Neov, P. Strunz and P. Mikula, In situ neutron diffraction study of drawn pearlitic steel wires upon tensile deformation, In Proc. of Int. Conf. MECA-SENS 2000, 13.-14. Dec. 2000, Reims, J. Neutron Research 9 (2001) 415-421.

204. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, J. Šaroun, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Some Novel Difraction Optics Components for Neutron Scattering Steady State Neutron Sources, Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. On Advanced Science Research (ASR -2000), JAERI Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 31.10.– 2.11., 2000, Eds. Susumo Katano, Yukio Morii and Yoshinobu Ishi; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001) Suppl. A 477-479.

205. P. Lukáš, D. Neov, P. Strunz, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Yo Tomota, S. Harjo, P. Šittner and V. Novák, In Situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of Substructure Evolution in Metals under Uniaxial Loading, , Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. On Advanced Science Research (ASR -2000), JAERI Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 31.10.– 2.11., 2000, Eds. Susumo Katano, Yukio Morii and Yoshinobu Ishi; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001) Suppl. A 548-550.

206. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš,  A. Ioffe and W. Nistler, Neutron Interferometry in NPI Řež, Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. On Advanced Science Research (ASR -2000), JAERI Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 31.10.– 2.11., 2000, Eds. Susumo Katano, Yukio Morii and Yoshinobu Ishi; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001) Suppl. A 465-467

207. M. Ono, P. Mikula, S. Haryo, J. Savano, Novel Three Stage Double Directional Focusing Monochromator, Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. On Advanced Science Research (ASR -2000), JAERI Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan, 31.10.– 2.11., 2000, Eds. Susumo Katano, Yukio Morii and Yoshinobu Ishi; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001) Suppl. A 486-488.

208. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and M. Vrána, Possible Implementation of Focusing Based on Bragg Diffraction Optics for TOF Neutron Scattering Devices, In Proc. of the 15th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources towards Next Century  ICANS-XV, November 6-9, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan, March 2001, Vol. I, pp. 600-604.

209.  M. Ono, M. Vrána, T. Kamiyama, Y. Waku, A. Mitani, K. Shimizu, T. Fukunaga, K. Suzuki, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, S. Torii, K. Oikawa and T. Toya, Strain Determination of an Eutectic Single Crystal Composite Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 (YAG) by Neutron Diffraction Techniques at Reactor and Pulsed Sources, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. Stress Evaluation  by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation MECA -  SENS 2000, 13-14 December 2000, Reims, France; Journal of Neutron Research,  9 No.2-4 (2001) 295-304. ISSN 1023-8166.

210. V. Sumin, A. Balagurov, V. Aksenov, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, Testing of Residual Strain in Stainless Steel – Zirconium Transition Joint by Neutron Diffraction Method, In the Proc. of the 15th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing. Rome (Italy), 15-21 October 2000, p. 782, CD-ROM: Ind.102/Ind.102.

211. S. Harjo, Yo Tomota, D. Neov, P. Lukas, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Bauschinger Effect in a-g Dual Phase Alloys Studied by In Situ Neutron Diffraction, ISIJ International 42 (2002) No. 5 551-557.

212. P. Mikula, M. Vrána and P. Lukáš, Favourable properties of the asymmetric diffraction geometry of the bent perfect crystal monochromator, In Proc. of the ILL Millennium Symposium, ILL Grenoble, 6-7. April, 2001, p. 290-292.

213. P. Mikula and Ru Lin Peng, Asymmetric diffraction geometry of the bent perfect crystal monochromator – A way for a further improvement of properties of strain diffractometers, Proc. of ICNS 2001, Munich, 9-13 September 2001, Applied Physics A 74 (2002) 204-206.

214. P. Mikula et al. , M. Furusaka, S. Haryo, Y. Yashushige, On the Possibility of Using Bent Perfect Crystals in TOF Neutron Scattering Devices, Proc. of ICNS 2001, Munich, 9-13 September 2001, Applied Physics A 74 (2002) 207-209.

215. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš and V. Wagner, High Resolution Neutron Diffraction Techniques for Strain Scanning, Proc. of the Int. Symp. on "Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics" - Session on "Neutron and Synchrotron Irradiation Stress Analysis", 14th US National Congress of Applied Mechanics, June 23-28, 2002, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA, USA; Kluwer Academic Press, in Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, ed. E.Gdoutos, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, p. 457-466.

216. P. Mikula, Neutronová difrakce v ÚJF AV ČR v Řeži, historie a současnost, Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and technology, Bull. of the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association, Vol. 9, no. 1, 2002, p. 52-64.

217. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Yong Nam Choi, Shin Ae Kim, Hwa Suk Oh, Ki Hoon Sung and Chang Hee Lee, The Use of Dispersive Double Crystal Monochromator – A Way for High-Resolution Powder Diffractometry, In Proc. of  ECRS-6, 10-13.7. 2002, Coimbra, Portugal; Mater. Science Forum, Vols. 404-407 (2002) 299-302.

218. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Yong Nam Choi, Shin Ae Kim, Hwa Suk Oh, Ki Hoon Sung, Chang Hee Lee, I. Tanaka, M. R. Muslih, N. Niimura, Simultaneous measurement of two strain components with equal resolution and detector signal by neutron diffraction, In Proc. of the 7th World Conf. on Neutron Radiography, Roma, September 15-21, 2002,   (2005) pp. 813-822. (ISBN 88-8296-196-6).

219. M. Vrána, M. Ono, T. Fukunaga, J. Zrník, M. Ceretti, P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, Neutron Diffraction Method for Investigations of Strains in Single-Crystal Structured Materials, In Proc. of the 7th World  Conf. on Neutron Radiography, Roma, September 15-21, 2002,   (2005) 303-310 (ISBN 88-8296-196-6).

220. D.Y. Li, X. Ma, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Aging Effect on Martensite Transformation and Tribological Properties of TiNi Alloy Using DSC, Neutron Diffraction, and Micro-Mechanical Probe, Mater. Sci. & Technology, 18 (2002)  995-1000.

221. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Neutron Bragg Diffraction Optics in NPI Řež, In Proc. of Czech and Slovak Physicists, Plzeň, 2002, Section 6- Optics, p. 518-523, CD ROM, ISBN 80-7082-907-9.

222. M. R. Muslih, I. Tanaka, P. Mikula, N. Niimura, A fully asymmetric diffraction of Si monochromator and its characteristics, In Proc. of JSNS meeting, December 2002 Kumatori, Japan.

223. S. Neov, I. Gerasimova, E. Skordeva, D. Arsova, V. Pamukchieva, P. Mikula, P. Lukas, R. Sonntag Neutron diffraction study on the medium and short-range order of ternary chalcogenide glasses, J. Mat. Science, 34 (15) (1999) 3669-3676.

224. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, V. Wagner, Y. N. Choi, S. A. Kim, H. S. Oh, K. H. Sung and C. H. Lee, New Monochromator Performances Based on Bragg Diffraction Optics for High-Resolution Neutron Strain/Stress Diffractometers, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics, ATEM´03, September 10-12, 2003, Nagoya, Japan. CD ROM Published by The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers No. 03-207, Sep. 9, 2003, paper OS04W0288.

225. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, M. Furusaka, Y. Yasushige, Fully Asymmetric Diffraction Geometry of a Bent Perfect Crystal Silicon  Analyzer for High-Resolution  TOF Spectrometry, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. ICANS XVI, May 12–15, 2003, Düsseldorf-Neuss, Germany, pp. 401-405.

226. P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula,  J. Vleugels, G. Anné, and O. Van der Biest, Neutron diffraction study of the phase specific stresses in graded alumina/ zirconia ceramics, In Proc. of the ECNS 2003 Conference, September 3-6, 2003, Montpellier, France, Physica B, 350 (2004) e517-e520.

227. P. Mikula, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, On a possible use of multiple Bragg reflections for high resolution monochromatization of neutrons, In Proc. of the ECNS 2003 Conference, September 3-6, 2003, Montpellier, France, Physica B, 350 (2004) e667-e670.

228. M. Vrána, P. Mikula and B. Lebech, Direct comparison of plastically deformed Ge mosaic crystal and bent perfect Si crystal for neutron monochromatization, In Proc. of the ECNS 2003 Conference, September 3-6, 2003, Montpellier, France, Physica B, 350 (2004) e663-e666.

229. N. Achiwa, S. Kawano, M. Hino, P. Mikula, M. Ono, T. Ebisawa and T. Fukunaga, Si curved monochromator – multi-counter neutron diffractometer installed at B4 supermirror thermal guide tube in KUR, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. NOP 2004, January 13-16, 2004, Tokyo, Japan, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Research A 529 (2004) 169-171.

230. P. Mikula,  M. Vrána,  M. Furusaka,  V. Wagner, Y. N. Choi, M.K. Moon,  V.T. Em and  C. H. Lee, Bragg Diffraction Optics Based on Cylindrically Bent Crystals in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. NOP 2004, January 13-16, 2004, Tokyo, Japan, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Research A 529 (2004) 138-147.

 231 J. H. Kaneko, Y. Ohtake, H. Fujimoto, S. Kawamura, M. Watanabe, F. Fujita, T. Sawamura, P. Mikula, M. Furusaka, Investigation on possibility of neutron optical devices based on piezoelectric single crystals, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. NOP 2004, January 13-16, 2004, Tokyo, Japan, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Research A 529 (2004) 166-168.

 232. E. Iolin, L. Rusevich, M. Strobl, W. Treimer and P. Mikula, Application of ultrasound for the simultaneous improvement intensity and resolution of the Bonse–Hart diffractometer, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. NOP 2004, January 13-16, 2004, Tokyo, Japan, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Research A 529 (2004) 152 -156.

233. Y.N. Choi, S.A. Kim, S.K. Kim, S.B. Kim, C.H. Lee and P. Mikula, A possibility of parallel and anti-parallel diffraction measurements on neutron diffractometer employing bent perfect crystal monochromator at the monochromatic focusing condition, In the Proc. of  the Int. Conf. Neutron Scattering, January 2-4, 2004, BARC Bombay, India, Pramana – Journal of Physics, 63 (2004) 1-7.

 234. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, V. Wagner, Y.N. Choi, M.K.. Moon, C.H. Lee, K. Inoue, New high-resolution neutron diffraction performances for stress/strain measurements in polycrystalline materials, In the Proc. of Extended Abstracts of ICEM12- 12th Int. Conf. on Experimental Mechanics 29 August - 2 September, 2004, Bari, Italy, McGraw-Hill, ed. Carmine Pappalettere, ISBN: 88 386 6273-8, pp. 638-639 and full paper on CD-ROM, paper 038.

 235. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, High-resolution neutron diffraction - A novel technique for nondestructive scanning of macro- and/or microstrains in polycrystalline materials, In Proc. of the 42nd Int. Conf. EAN 2004, Kašperské hory, June 1-3, 2004, CD ROM, Škoda výzkum s.r.o. Plzeň.

 236. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, V. Wagner, Multiple-reflection neutron bent-perfect-crystal (BPC) monochromator, In Proc. of EPDIC-9 European Powder Diffraction Conference, September 2-6, 2004, Prague. Extended Abstract in Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association, vol. 11, no. 1a, 2004, p. 33-34. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Suppl. 23 (2006) 205-210.

 237. Y. N. Choi, S.A. Kim, S.K. Kim, S.B. Kim, C.H. Lee, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Bent perfect crystal (BPC) monochromator at the monochromatic focusing condition, In Proc. of EPDIC-9 European Powder Diffraction Conference, September 2-6, 2004, Prague. Extended Abstract in Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association, vol. 11, no. 1a, 2004, p. 222-224, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Suppl. 23 (2006) 199-204.

 238. M. Vrána, P. Mikula and Z. Nový, Neutron diffraction measurements of strain/stress state induced by a weld deposited pass, In Proc. of EPDIC-9 European Powder Diffraction Conference, September 2-6, 2004, Prague.  Extended Abstrakt in Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association, vol. 11, no. 1a, 2004, p. 129-131.

 239. Yu. Taran, A.M. Balagurov, H. Kockelmann, J. Schreiber, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána and J.S. Wright, Neutron diffraction residual stress analysis of composite tube from austenitic stainless steel with welded ferritic steel cladding, In Proc. of EPDIC-9 European Powder Diffraction Conference, September 2-6, 2004, Prague.  Extended Abstrakt in Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association, vol. 11, no. 1a, 2004, p. 134.

 240. M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Suppression of surface effect by using bent-perfect–crystal monochromator in residual strain scanning, In proc. of the ICRS 7 Int. Conf. on Residual Stress, June 14-17, 2004, Xian, China, Materials Science Forum Vols. 490-491 (2005) 234.

241. M.K. Moon, C.H. Lee, V.T. Em, P. Mikula, K.P. Hong, Y.H. Choi, J.K. Cheon, Y.N. Choi, S.A. Kim and S.K. Kim, Optimization of Bent Perfect Si(311)-Crystal Monochromator for Residual Strain/Stress Instrument at HANARO Reactor - Part I, Physica B, 369 (2005) 1-7.

 242. M.K. Moon, C.H. Lee, V.T. Em, P. Mikula, K.P. Hong, Y.H. Choi, J.K. Cheon, Y.N. Choi, S.A. Kim and S.K. Kim, Optimization of Bent Perfect Si(220)-Crystal Monochromator for Residual Strain/Stress Instrument- Part II, Physica B- Condensed Matter, 368  (2005) 70-75.

243. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and M. Vrána, High resolution neutron diffraction for non-destructive analysis of residual stresses in polycrystalline materials, In Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 6-8 Sept. 2005, University of Southampton, edited by J.M. Dulieu-Barton and S. Quinn, Trans. Tech. Publications Ltd., Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 3-4 (2005) p. 331-336, ISSN 1660-9336, ISBN 0-87849-987-3.    

 244. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, V. Wagner, D. Lott, Dispersive  Monochromators/Analyzers Based on Cylindrically Bent Perfect Crystals (BPC) for High-Resolution TOF Spectrometry, In proceedings of the ICANS-XVII-17th Meeting of the Int. Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, April 25-29, 2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

245. P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula, J. Vleugels, G. Anné and O. Van der Biest, Neutron diffraction study of the phase specific stresses in graded alumina/ zirconia ceramics, Proc. of FGM2004, 11-14 July 2004, Leuven, Belgium, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 492-493 (2005) 201-206.

246. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, D. Lott, V. Wagner, Neutron monochromator based on dispersive double-reflections excited in a cylindrically bent-perfect-crystal (BPC) slab, In Proc. of the ICNS 2005 Conference, Sydney, Nov. 27 – Dec. 2, 2005, Physica B, 385-386 (2006) 1274-1276. ISSN 0921-4526.

247. P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula, A. Brožová and M. Ernestová, New facility for neutron diffraction studies of residual stresses in highly radioactive materials in NPI Řež, In Proc. of the ICNS 2005 Conference, Sydney, Nov. 27 – Dec. 2, 2005, Physica B, , 385-386 (2006) 670-672, ISSN 0921-4526. 

248. S. Kawamura, J. H. Kaneko, H. Fujimoto, Y. Otake, F. Fujita, A.Homma, T. Sawamura, P. Mikula, M. Furusaka, Deformation experiment of piezoelectric single-crystals for neutron-optical-devices, In Proc. of the ICNS 2005 Conference, Sydney, Nov. 27 – Dec. 2, 2005, Physica B, 385-386 (2006) 1277-1279, ISSN 0921-4526.

 249. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, High-resolution neutron diffraction for residual strain/stress investigations, In Proc. of the European Conference on Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures (ECF-16), Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3-7, 2006, Springer, Edited by E.E. Gdoutos, ISBN 1-4020-4971-4, CD-ROM, paper No. 179. Extended abstract in Proceedings,  p. 1329-1330.

 250. P. Mikula, M. Vrána and P. Lukáš, Power of Bragg diffraction optics for high resolution neutron diffractometers for strain/stress scanning, IAEA-TECDOC-1457 “Measurement of residual stress in materials using neutrons”, IAEA Vienna, June 2005, p. 19-27, ISBN 92-0-106305-9, ISSN 1011-4289.

 251. P. Mikula, Past and Present Status of Neutron Scattering at the Research Reactor LVR-15 in Řež, In Proc. of the symposium in memory of Georgie Placzek, Brno, Sept. 21-24, 2005.

 252. P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula, J. Vleugels, G. Anné, O. Van der Biest and L. Mráz, Non destructive examination of residual stresses in polycrystalline materials by means of neutron diffraction, In proc. of the meeting “Life evaluation of materials and structures”  21. 3. 2006, IPM Brno.

253. P. Mikula, Past and Present Status of Neutron Scattering at the Research Reaktor in Řež, Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association, Vol. 13 No.2  (2006) 51-62.

254. P. Strunz, J. Šaroun, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Zrník, New high-temperature furnace for SANS measurements at DN-2 double-bent-crystal diffractometer in NPI Řež near Prague, Newsletter Commission on Powder Diffraction (IUCr), December 2007, p. 25-27.

255. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, On using a neutron diffractometer equipped with multiple-reflection monochromator for unconventional neutron radiography, In Proc. of 13th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 13) – Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, Springer Editor E.E. Gdoutos, July 1-6, 2007, Alexandropolis, Greece. ISBN 978-1-4020 – 6238-4, Extended abstract p. 427-428, chapter 2T25 – Structural Testing, full paper on CD – Paper 18_Mik.

256. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, V. Wagner, M. Furusaka, Multiple reflections (MR) – a new challenge for high-resolution neutron diffractometry and spectrometry, In Proc. of European Workshop on Neutron Optics NOP07, PSI Willigen, March, 5-7, 2007, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Research, Section A, A586 (2008) 18-22. ISSN 0168-9002.

257. M. Furusaka, K. Kamada, Y. Kiyanagi, F. Fumiyuki, A. Homma, K. Ikeda, K. Hirota, H. Shimizu, S. Satoh, P. Mikula, T. Satoh, K. Tanabe, K. Koyama, H. Takahashi, K. Fujita, T. Kamiyama, S. Naito, Y. Kawamura, H. Yoshizawa, S. Ikeda, First results from a mini-focusing Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument (mfSANS) with an ellipsoidal mirror,  In Proc. of the Int. Conf. On Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS XVIII, April 26-29,2007, Dongguan, China.

258. L. Mráz, L. Karlsson. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, A neutron diffraction study of residual stresses in high strength steel weld joints, In Proc. of the 13th Int. Symp. METALLOGRAPHY 2007, May 2-4, 2007, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, editted by. M. Longauerová, I. Hrivňák, S. Longauer, G. Janák; Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13 (2007) 330-337.

259. L. Mráz, L. Karlsson. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Identification of residual stresses distribution in high strength steel welds using neutron diffraction, In Proc. of the 45. Int. Conf. Experimental Stress Analysis EAN 2007, June 4-7, 2007, Hotel Výhledy, Czech Rep., ed. Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Univerzitní 8, 308 14 PLZEŇ, ISBN: 978-80-7043-552-6

260. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, and V. Wagner , Neutron  multiple reflections excited in cylindrically bent perfect crystals and their possible use for high-resolution neutron scattering, In the book “Modern Developments in X-ray and Neutron Optics”, eds. A. Erko, M. Idir, T. Krist, A.G. Michette, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Volume 137/2008,  pp. 459-470, ISBN 978-3-540-74560-0, ISSN 0342-4111.

261. P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula, J. Vleugels, G. Anné, O. Van der Biest, A. Hojná and L. Mráz, Neutron diffraction studies of internal stresses in polycrystalline materials, In Proc. of the 45. Int. Conf. Experimental Stress Analysis EAN 2007, June 4-7, 2007, Hotel Výhledy, Czech Rep.

262. P. Mikula, Neutron Diffraction Research in NPI ASCR v. v .i. in Řež – History and Present Status, Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association, Vol. 14 No.2  (2007) 108-109.

263. C. Schiga, L. Mráz, P. Bernasovský, K. Hiraoka, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Residual stress distribution of steel welded joints with weld metal of low martensite transformation temperature, Welding in the World, 51 No 11/12 (2007) 11-19. ISSN 0043-2288.

264. R.C. Wimpory, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, T. Poeste, Junghong Li, M Hoffman nand R. Schneider, Efficiency Boost of the Materials Science Diffractometer E3 at BENSC: One Order of Magnitude
Due to a Double Focusing Monochromator
, Neutron News, 19 (2008) 16-19.

265. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Ľ. Mráz and L. Karlsson, High-Resolution Neutron Diffraction Employing Bragg Diffraction Optics  - A Tool for Advanced Nondestructive Testing of Materials, In Proc. Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA 2008), 7 to 9 July 2008, Haifa, CD-ROM paper ESDA2008‑59174, ISBN 0-7918-3827-7.

266. Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, I. Hamák, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Local plastic deformation and its influence on residual stress distribution at high stregth steel welds, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2009), June 8-11, 2009, Sychrov, Edited by B. Marvalová, I. Petríková, L. Čapek, Tu Liberec and Czech Society for Mechanics, ISBN 978-80-7372-483-2., IDS Number: BNK35

267. Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson2), I. Hamák, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Influence of plastic deformation on the residual stress distribution and fatigue behaviour of  high strength steels welds, In Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on In-situ studies by synchroton and neutron diffraction, 1-2 September 2009, Berlin Germany.

268. Ľ. Mráz – L. Karlsson – M. Vrána – P. Mikula – I. Hamák Slovakia, Sweden, Czech Republic The influence of chemical composition on residual stress distribution and fatigue properties of high strength steel welds, Proc. of . IIW International Congress PROGRESSIVE STRUCTURAL MATERIALS AND THEIR JOINING TECHNOLOGIES, Stará Lesná, 14.-16. October, 2009.

269. M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrana, Through-the-thickness residual stress analysis by neutron diffraction in inoxidizable martensitic steel samples with and without tungsten carbide coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, 204 (2009), 650–656, ISSN 0257 8972.

270. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Saroun, M. Furusaka and M.K. Moon, Conventional double-axis diffractometer with the backscattering resolution, In Proc. of the ICANS XIX, 19th meeting on Collaboration of Advanced Neutron Sources, March 8 – 12, 2010, Grindelwald, Switzerland, PSI-Proceedings 10-01, ISSN-Nr.1019-6447, July 2010.

271. B.S. Seong, V. Em,  P. Mikula, J. Šaroun and M.H. Kang, Optimized strain/stress diffractometer equipped with focusing bent perfect crystal monochromator would permit some kinetic processes in polycrystalline materials, In Proc. Of the 10th Int. Conf. on Non-Destructive Testing ECNDT, Moscow June 7-11, 2010, Book of Abstracts Part 2, p. 113-155. Paper on CD 1.12.23, ISBN978-5-904270-27-8.

272. J. Šaroun, P. Mikula, J. Kulda, Monte Carlo simulations of parasitic and multiple reflections in elastically bent perfect single-crystals, In the Proc.  of Int. Workshop on Neutron Optics NOP2010, Alpe d'Huez near Grenoble, France, 17-19th of March 2010, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.217.

273. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong, V. Em and M.K. Moon, Multiple neutron Bragg reflections in single crystals should not be considered negligible, In the Proc.  of Int. Workshop on Neutron Optics NOP2010, Alpe d'Huez near Grenoble, France, 17-19th of March 2010, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.219.

274. B.S. Seong, V. Em,  P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, M.H. Kang, Optimization of the bent perfect Si (111) monochromator,  at small (~30o) take-off angle for stress instrument, J. Appl. Cryst. 43 (2010) 654-658. [doi:10.1107/S0021889810008551], ISSN 0021-8898.

275. M. Rogante, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Residual stresses assessment in coated materials: complementarity between Neutron and X-ray techniques, In Proc. of the Int. Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture (MSMF6), June 28 - 30, 2010, Brno, Abstract booklet published by VUTIUM Brno, ISBN 978-80-214-4112-5, p. 158, Key Engineering Materials, 465 (2011) 259-262.

276. B.S. Seong, V. Em, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, M.H. Kang, Unconventional Performance of a Highly Luminous Strain/Stress Scanner for High Resolution Studies, In Proc. Of the Int. Conf. ECRS8 held in Riva del Grada, June 26-28, 2010, Materials Science Forum Vol. 681 (2011) pp 426-430, © (2011) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.681.426.

277. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong and V. Em, Multiple reflections accompanying allowed and forbidden single reflections in bent Si-crystals, In the Proc. of the Int. Conf. EPDIC12, August 27-30, 2010, Darmstadt, Z. Kristallogr. Proc. 1 (2011) 169-174 / DOI 10.1524/zkpr.2011.0025.

278. W. Woo, V. Em, G.B. An, P. Mikula and B.S. Seong, Neutron diffraction residual stress measurements in a thick weld by using the wavelength with lower total cross-section, Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2011) 4120–4124, doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2011.02.009.

279. W. Woo, V. Em, B.S. Seong , E. Shin, P. Mikula, J. Joo and M.H. Kang, Effect of wavelength-dependent attenuation on neutron diffraction stress measurements at depth in steels, J. Appl. Cryst. 44 (2011) 747-754, ISSN 0021-8898, doi: 10.1107/S0021889811018899.

280. Wanchuck Woo, Vyacheslav Em, Pavel Mikula, Gyu-Baek An, Baek-Seok Seong, Neutron diffraction measurements of residual stresses in a 50 mm thick weld, Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2011) 4120–4124. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2011.02.009

281. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, V. Em, B.S. Seong, W. Woo, Double bent crystal dispersive arrangement for high resolution diffractometry, In Proc. of the ECNS 2011 conf. 18-23, July, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (2012) 012014 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/340/1012014

282. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, V. Em, B.S. Seong, Investigation of multiple Bragg reflectionsat a constant neutron wavelength and their possible separation, In Proc. of the ECNS 2011 Conf. 18-23, July, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (2012) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/340/1/012015

283. Vyacheslav Em, Wanchuck Woo, Baek-Seok Seong, Pavol Mikula, Jongdae Joo, Mi-Hyun Kang, Kyu Hong Lee, Residual stress determination in thick welded steel plates, In Proc. of the ECNS 2011 Conf. 18-23, July, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (2012) 012025,doi:10.1088/1742-6596/340/1/012025

284. M. Rogante, M. Mazzanti, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Residual stress determination by neutron diffraction in a car gear-shaft made of 20NiCrMo2 alloyed case hardening steel, Kovové materiály, Metalic materials, 50 (2012) , Issue 4,213–220, DOI: 10.4149/km 2012 4 213.

285. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, V. Davydov, V. Em and B.S. Seong, Experimental studies of dispersive double reflections excited in cylindrically bent perfect-crystal slabs at a constant neutron wavelength, J. Appl. Cryst. 45, (2012) 98-105.  ISSN 0021-8898,   doi:10.1107/S0021889811054124 ]

286. W. Woo, V. Em, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun and B.S. Seong, Nondestructive Neutron Diffraction Residual Stress Measurements in a Large Depth in Steels, In the Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conf. on Experimental Stress Analysis - EAN 2012, 4.6.-7.6. 2012, Tábor, Eddited by M. Růžička, K. Doubrava and Z. Horák, pp. 533-540, ISBN: 978-80-01-05060-6. 

287. M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Residual Stresses Determination by Neutron Diffraction in a 100Cr6 Chromium Steel Bearing Ring, Kovové materiály, Metallic Materials, 51 No. 5, (2013) 275 - 281. DOI: 10.4149/km 2013 5 275.

288. W. Woo, V. T. Em, B. S. Seong, P. Mikula and G. B. An, Residual stress determination in a thick ferritic steel weld plate using neutron diffraction, J. Mater. Sci. (2012) 47, 5617–5623; DOI 10.1007/s10853-012-6456-5.

289. P. Mikula, M. Furusaka, K. Ohkubo and J. Saroun, TOF studies of multiple Bragg reflections in cylindrically bent prefect crystals, J. Appl. Cryst. 45 (2012) 1248-1253.

290. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, F. Krejčí, B.S. Seong, C. Woo and M. Furusaka, Some properties of the neutron monochromatic beams obtained by multiple Bragg reflections realized in bent perfect single crystals, J. Appl. Cryst. 46 (2013) Part 2, 128-134.

 291. Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Identification of Weld Residual Stresses Using Diffraction Methods and their Effect on Fatigue Strength of High Strength Steels Welds, In Proc. of Int. Conf. ICRS9, Garmisch Partenkirchen, October 7-9, 2012, Materials Science Forum, 768-769 (2014) 668-674. Doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.768-769.668

 292. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong, W. Woo, Double Bent Crystal Monochromator for High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction, In Proceedings of EPDIC 13 held in Grenoble October 28-31, 2012, Powder Diffraction, 28, Issue S2 (2013) S351-S359.

 293. J. Šaroun, J. R. Kornmeier, M. Hofmann, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Analytical model for neutron diffraction peak shifts due to the surface effect, J. Appl. Cryst. (2013). 46, 628-638. SSN: 0021-8898, eISSN: 1600-5767. doi:10.1107/S0021889813008194

294. M. Rogante, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, ASSESSMENT OF THE UNSTRESSED LATTICE PARAMETERS FOR RESIDUAL STRESSES DETERMINATION IN ENGINEERING MATERIALS BY NEUTRON DIFFRACTION, In Proc. of the Int. Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture (MSMF7), July 1-3, 2013, Brno, Abstract booklet published by VUTIUM Brno, Key Engineering Materials, 592-593 (2014), 465-468.

295. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong, C. Woo a V. Em, Focusing and reflectivity properties of a dispersive double bent crystal setting, In Proc. of the International Workshop on Neutron Optics and Detectors (NOP&D 2013), 2-5 July 2013, Munich (Ismaning), Germany; IOP: Conference series, accepted.

296. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong, C. Woo a V. Em, Neutron diffraction studies of dispersive double-crystal setting containing a fully asymmetric diffraction (FAD) geometry of a bent perfect crystal (BPC) with the output beam expansion (OBE), In Proc. of the International Workshop on Neutron Optics and Detectors (NOP&D 2013), 2-5 July 2013, Munich (Ismaning), Germany; IOP: Conference series, accepted.

297. M. Vrána, P. Mikula, Residual stress investigations of electron beam welds on samples prepared by reconstitution method, In Proc. of Int. Conf. EAN (Experimental Analysis of Stresses), Litoměřice, June 11-13, 2013, ISBN 978-80-7414-579-7, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 486 (2014) 147-150. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.486.147.

298. Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Residual stress (RS) distributions at high strength steel welds prepared by low transformation temperature (LTT) and conventional welding consumables, MECA SENS Conf., Sydney, September 10-12, 2013, Materials Science Forum, 768-769 (2014) 668-674.

299. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, J. Pilch, B.S. Seong,W. Woo and V. Em, Neutron diffraction studies of double crystal (+n,-m) setting containing a fully asymmetric diffraction geometry (FAD) of a bent perfect crystal (BPC) with the output beam expansion (OBE), accepted to J. Appl. Cryst. 47 (2014) Part 2, 599-605. Doi: 10.1107/S1600576714001964.

300. M. Grosse, A. Balagurov, V. Inozemtsev, E. Lehmann, P. Mikula, D. Ridikas, G. Törok, Development, Characterization and Testing of Materials of Relevance to Nuclear Energy Sector Using Neutron Beams – A Progress Report of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project, In the Proc. of the 2014 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2014), April 6-9, 2014 - Charlotte, North Carolina – Westin, Paper 14007.

301. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, New type of versatile diffractometer with a double-crystal (DC) monochromator system, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. EPDIC 14, June 15-18, 2014, Aarhus, Denmark; Powder diffraction (2015), accepted.

302. Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Residual Stress Distribution Measurement by Neutron Diffraction of the Single Pass Fillet Steel Welds, In Proc. of the 52nd EAN Int. Conf., Mariánské Lázně, June 2-5, 2014; Book of Extended Abstracts, Edited by P. Polach and L. Stuna, Research and Testing Institute Plzeň, s.r.o., ISBN 978-80-261-0376-9; full texts of papers CD-ROM ISBN 978-80-231-0377-6; and Trans. Tech. Publications Ltd., Switzerland, accepted.

303. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Observation of Edge Refraction on a Coventional Neutron Diffractometer Employing Dispersive Double-Crystal Monochromator, In Proc. of the Int. Conf. WCNR-10, Grindelwald, Switzerland, 5-10 October 2014; Physical Procedia, 2015, accepted.

Reports, Annual Reports (from 2000)

18. P. Mikula, Ru Lin Peng, and B. Torstell, Asymmetric diffraction geometry of the bent perfect crystal monochromator – A way for a further improvement of properties of strain diffractometers, NFL Experimental reports, 2000.

19. P. Mikula, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Neutron Diffraction Studies of Umweganregung Effects in Elastically Bent Perfect Crystals, GeNF Experimental Report 2001, GKSS Geesthacht 2002/4, p. 151-152.

20. M. Refai Muslih, Ichiro Tanaka, Pavol Mikula, Nobuo Niimura, Comparison Between Symmetric Diffraction Geometry And Fully Asymmetric Diffraction Geometry (FADG) of Bent Perfect Silicon  Monochromator, JAERI Review 2002-028, p. 119.

21. Y. N. Choi, P. Mikula, S. A. Kim, H. S. Oh, K. H. Sung and C. H. Lee, Development of Bent Perfect Crystal Monochromator (I): Focusing Experiment and Evaluation of the Resolution Characteristics, Report KAERI/TR-2211/2002, p. 1-122.

22. P. Mikula, K. Walther and Dr. Alexander Frischbutter, Texture measurement on tourmaline, Biannual report of the ROBL-CRG-Beamline. Report FZR-364, Januar 2003, Rossendorf; ISSN 1437-32XX

23. P. Mikula, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, On a Possibility of Use of Multiple Bragg Reflections for High Resolution Monochromatization of Thermal Neutrons, Biennial report 2001-2002, Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences od the Czech republic, Řež near Prague, p. 37

24. P. Mikula, NPL of NPI Rez Participates in Joint Access Program with NFL Studsvik, Neutron News 15 (2004) 37.

25. P. Mikula, Neutron Physics Laboratory of NPI Rez Participates in Transnational  Access in a Joint Programme  with NFL Studsvik, NOTIZIARIO Neutroni a Luce Sincrotrone 9  N.2 (2004) 38.

26. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, V. Wagner and D. Lott, Multiple reflection monochromator, GeNF Experimental Report 2005, GKSS Geesthacht,

27. L. Mráz, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Weld joint residual stress measurements by neutron diffraction method, Technical Report, Welding Research Institute – Industrial Institute SR, Bratislava, September 2005.

28. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Suppression of surface effect by using bent-perfect-crystal monochromator in residual strain scanning,  Biennial Report 2003-2004, Nuclear Physics Institute CAS, Řež near Prague, pp. 42.

29. P. Mikula and M. Furusaka, Development and optimization of a curved wide wavelength band monochromator based on strongly cylindrically bent perfect Si-slabs in a sandwich for minifocusing small-angle neutron scattering (mfSANS) device , Report IAEA Vienna on “Improved production and utilisation of short pulsed, cold neutrons at low-medium energy spallation neutron sources”, F1-RC-1056.1 (F1.20.21). Proceedings of the meeting, July 23-25, 2007, Hokkaido University, Japan, p. 25-29.

30. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Neutron diffraction performance based on multiple Bragg reflection (MBR) monochromator for high-resolution neutron radiography, Biennial Report 2005-2006, Nuclear Physics Institute, v.v.i., AS CR, Řež near Prague, p.41. GACR (No. 202/06/0601), AV0Z10480505 and MSM2672244501

31. P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and A. Hojná, New Facility for Neutron Diffraction Studies of Residual Stresses in Highly Radioactive Materials, Biennial Report 2005-2006, Nuclear Physics Institute v.v.i. CAS, Řež near Prague, pp. 40. AV0Z10480505 and MSM2672244501.

32. R.C. Wimpory, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, T. Poeste, R. Schneider, J. Li and M. Hofmann, Efficiency Boost of the Materials Science Diffractometer E3 at BENSC: One Order of Magnitude, BENSC Experimental Report 2007, HMI Berlin, Edited by U. Stahnke, A. Brandt and H.A. Graf, April 2008, HMI-B 617, ISSN 0936-0891.

33. P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, P. Strunz, M. Vrána, Neutron scattering structure studies of materials loaded by high neutron fluence, IAEA meeting „Research Reactor Application for Materials Under High Neutron Fluence“, November 17-21, 2008, IAEA Report 2008 – Physics Section, website of IAEA

34. M. Furusaka, T. Satoh, Y. Sasaki, Y. Kawamura, T. Asami, Y. Otake, K. Ikeda, P. Mikula, Y. Kiyanagi, S. Naito, H. Yoshizawa, Installation of a prototype of focusing-type small-angle neutron scattering instrument with an ellipsoidal supermirror, Activity Report on Neutron Scattering Research: Experimental Reports 15 (2008), Report Number: 655, ISSP-NSL, University of Tokyo.

35. M. Furusaka, T. Satoh, K. Tanabe, P. Mikula, K. Koyama, F. Fujita, A. Homma, Bent Perfect Silicon Crystal Monochromator for Cold Neutrons, Experimental Reports 14 (2007), Report Number: 237, ISSP-NSL, University of Tokyo.

36. P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Sandwich Type Dispersive  Monochromators Based on Cylindrically Bent Perfect Crystals (BPC), Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, v.v.i. Biennial Report 2007-2008

37. Jan Šaroun, Jiří Kulda[1], Pavol Mikula, Miroslav Vrána, Monte Carlo simulations of parasitic and multiple reflections in elastically bent perfect single-crystals, Biennial Report 2009-2010.

38. P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, Dispersive double bent crystal setting for high resolution diffractometry, Biennial Report 2009-2010.

39. P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Strunz, J. Šaroun, P. Beran, J. Pilch and J. Kučera, Neutron Beam Applications in NPI Řež Related to Material Testing, Industrial Product Qualification and Cultural Heritage, Proceedings of the IAEA-F1-TM-40776 meeting held in Vienna, Sept. 5-7, 2011.

40. P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, P. Strunz, M. Vrána, Neutron scattering structure studies of materials loaded by high neutron fluence, IAEA meeting „Research Reactor Application for Materials Under High Neutron Fluence“, IAEA-TECDOC-1659, 2011, Chapter 14, p. 125-134. ISSN 1011-4289, ISBN 978-92-0116010-2.


Conferences without proceedings (only abstracts)

P. Lukáš, K. Macek, P. Mikula, D. Neov, G.M. Swallowe, M. Vrána and R. Wimpori, Deformation of Metals as Seen by Neutron Diffraction, In Proc. of  the 18th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM-18, August 16-20, 1998, Praha..

Yu.V. Taran, J. Schreiber, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš, P. Strunz and P. Mikula, Microstrain Analysis of Low Cycle Fatigue Austenite Stainless Steel Samples by Neutron Diffraction, In Proc. of  the 18th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM-18, August 16-20, 1998, Praha.

M. Vrána, M. Ono, T. Ohnuki, Y. Tomota, Z. Kouřil, P. Lukáš, P. Mikula and Yu. Taran, Residual Strain Measurements in Plastically Deformed Al Alloy Based Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with SiCw Whiskers by High Resolution Neutron Diffraction,  Int. Conf. Neutron Texture and Stress Analysis, June 23-26, 1997, Dubna Russia.

Ch. Scheffzuk, A. Frischbutter, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Intracrystalline Strain Measurements of Quartz samples of the Elbezone by Means of a Double Bent Crystal Neutron Diffractometer, tamtéž.

Mikula Pavel, Lukáš Petr and Vrána Miroslav, The use of bent perfect crystal monochromator/analyzer - A key to high resolution powder diffractometry, International PECNO Workshop 25.6.-28.6. 1998, Řež.

M. Ono, P. Mikula, S. Haryo, J. Šaroun , K.Yoneda and J. Savano, New Focusing Si-Single Crystal Neutron Monochromator for  Strain/Stress Measurements, In Proc. of the  32nd  Annual  Scientific Meeting of the Research Reactor Institute of the Kyoto University, January 27-29, 1998, p. 121-126 (in Japanese).

P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, M. Vrána, P. Lukáš and V. Wagner, Focusing Techniques for High-Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometry: Bragg Diffraction Angle-Analysis Method, In Proc. of  the 18th European Crystallographic Meeting ECM-18, August 16-20, 1998, Praha.

S. Harjo,  M. Ono,  Y. Tomota,  P. Mikula,  P. Lukáš,  M. Vrána and J. Šaroun, Residual Elastic Strains in a\g Dual Phase Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys by Using Neutron Scattering, In Proc. of the 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Reactor Institute of the Kyoto University, January 27-29, 1998, p. 27-32 (in Japanese).

P. Staron, H.U. Ruhnau, M. Marmotti, P. Mikula and R. Kampmann, Das Neue Diffraktometer ARES fur die Analyse von Eigenspannungen, German Conf. on Neutron Scattering, 25-27. 5. 1999, Potsdam.

M. Černik, D. Neov, P. Lukáš a P. Mikula, Neutrónová textúrna analýza valcovaných materiálov - oce¾, Cu a Ni, 13. konferencia Slovenských a Českých fyzikov, 23.8.-26.8. 1999, Zvolen.

P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Mikula a D. Neov, Nedestruktivní měření deformací v polykrystalických materiálech,  (in Czech), 13. konferencia Slovenských a Českých fyzikov, 23.8.-26.8. 1999, Zvolen.

M. Vrána, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, A. Ioffe a H. Rauch, Neutronová interferometrie v ÚJF Řež, (in Czech), 13. konferencia Slovenských a Českých fyzikov, 23.8.-26.8. 1999, Zvolen.

P. Mikula a J. Kysela, Základní a aplikovaný výzkum s neutrony a ozařovací servis na reaktoru LVR-15 v Řeži, (in Czech), 13. konferencia Slovenských a Českých fyzikov, 23.8.-26.8. 1999, Zvolen..

S. Harjo,  M. Ono,  Y. Tomota,  P. Mikula,  P. Lukáš,  M. Vrána and J. Šaroun, Residual Elastic Strains in a\g Dual Phase Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys by Using Neutron Scattering, In Proc. of the 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Reactor Institute of the Kyoto University, January 27-29, 1998, p. 27-32 (in Japanese).

S. Harjo, Y. Tomota, P. Lukáš, D. Neov, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and M. Ono, In-situ Lattice  Strain and Dislocation Density Measurements during Tensile Deformation by Neutron Diffraction in a-g Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys

The 137th ISIJ Meeting, March, 1999, Tokyo, Japan, p. P-26  (in Japanesse).

S. Harjo, Y. Tomota, P. Lukáš, D. Neov, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and M. Ono, Average Stresses and Strains in Constituent Phases during Tension/Compression Deformation for an a-g Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy Measured by In-Situ Neutron Diffraction, The 138th ISIJ Meeting, November 20-22, 1999, Kanazawa, Japan,  Vol. 12, p. 439.

M. Refai Muslih, Ichiro Tanaka, Nobuo Niimura, P. Mikula, Fully asymmetric diffraction geometry of the Si monochromator and its characteristics, Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neutron Science, Abstracts book vol. 2 (2002). Osaka.

P. Mikula, Laboratoř neutronové difrakce v Ústavu jaderné fyziky AV ČR v Řeži, 261. Rozhovory o aktuálních otázkách rentgenové a neutronové strukturní analýzy k 50. výročí Rozhovorů, 22. 4.- 23. 4. 2004, Praha.

Pavol Mikula, M. Vrána and P. Lukáš, Material research activities  on neutron diffractometers in NPI Řež - Strain measurements, Proc. of Power point lectures from the Workshop, Bratislava, March 2003, CD ROM.

P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Bragg Diffraction Optics Based on Cylindrically Bent Crystals in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation, XVIII-National  Workshop on the  Applications of Neutron Scattering to Condensed Matter Physics, 12-16 October 2004, Zarechny-City, Russia, invited speaker..

P. Mikula, P. Lukáš and M. Vrána, High resolution neutron diffraction using Bragg diffraction optics – A novel technique for nondestructive scanning of macro- and/or microstrans in polycrystalline materials, NET-PECO Workshop, JRC-IE-Petten, 1-2 December, 2004.

P. Mikula, M. Vrána, V. Wagner, Neutron diffractometer performance with a multiple reflection monochromator: A way for ultra-high resolution strain/stress measurements, FAME38 workshop ‘Engineering Applications of Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays’ to be held on 13-14 September in Grenoble France.

P. Mikula, Difrakce neutronů na ultrazvukem buzených kmitajících monokrystalech, Sympozium k výročí 100 let od narození prof. V. Petržílky, MFF UK, Praha, 25. 3. 2005

P. Mikula, Bragg diffraction optics, COST P7 training school in Budapest (18-23 April 2005), Invited speaker.

P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Dispersive sandwich monochromators - preliminary results, COST meeting, May 5.-7. 2005, Madrid.

P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Y.N. Choi and C.H. Lee, Bent perfect crystal (BPC) monochromator at the monochromatic focusing condition for residual strain diffractometer,  Spring 2005 Conference on EPSRC-ILL, Grenoble, May 25-27.

P. Mikula, Past and Present Status of Neutron Scattering at the Research Reactor LVR-15 in Řež, Symposium in Memory of George Placzek, Brno, Sept. 21-24, 2005. Invited speaker.

Chiaki Shiga, Lubos Mraz, Peter Bernasovsky, K.Hiraoka, P. Mikula, M. Vrana, Improvement of welded joints with low martensite transformation temperature weld consumables, International seminar RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN JOINING AND WELDING, BRATISLAVA, 08.07.2005.

P. Mikula, P. Lukas and M. Vrana, High-resolution neutron diffraction for nondestructive analysis of residual stresses in polycrystalline materials at the medium power research reactor LVR-15 in Rez, Book of abstracts of the Fifth National Conference on Application of X-ray, Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons and Electrons for investigations of Nanomaterials and Nanosystems (RSNE NANO-2005), 14-19 November 2005, invited speaker.

P. Mikula, Neutron scattering activities at the reactor LVR-15, Regional Workshop Follow-up on Strategic Planning for Research Reactor Utilization, 13th–16th November 2006, Řež (RER9058/9024/01), invited speaker.

P. Mikula, M. Vrana, V. Wagner, Neutron optical bench using Dispersive multiple reflection monochromator, ILL Millenium program conference, 2006

P. Mikula and M. Vrána, On using a neutron diffractometer equipped with multiple-reflection monochromator for unconventional neutron radiography, ICEM 13, July 2-7, 2007, Alexandroupolis, Greece, invited speaker.

P. Mikula , M. Vrána, V. Wagner, M. Furusaka,  Multiple reflections (MR) – a new challenge for high-resolution neutron diffractometry and spectrometry, NOP 2007, PSI Villigen, March  4-7, 2007, invited speaker.

E. Iolin, L. Rusevich, M. Strobl, W. Treimer, F. Mezei and P. Mikula, Application of Ultrasound to Multicrystal Neutron Diffractometer, ECNS 2007, June 25-29, Lund, oral presentation.

E. Raitmans, V. Gavrilov, J. Stahn and P. Mikula, Spatial Distribution of Neutrons Scattered by Vibrating Crystals,, ECNS 2007, June 25-29, Lund, Poster W082 presentation.

M. Vrána, P. Mikula and J. Šaroun, On the Use of Bragg Diffraction Optics for Suppression of Surface Effect in Residual Strain Scanning, , ECNS 2007, June 25-29, Lund, Poster W092 presentation.

P. Mikula, P. Lukáš, P. Strunz, Neutron Research of the Neutron Physics Laboratory (NPL) at Rez´s Reaktor LVR-15 in the Frame of NMI3 ACCESS Programme, , ECNS 2007, June 25-29, Lund, Poster T148 presentation.

M. Furusaka, F. Fumiyuki, A. Homma, Y. Kiyanagi, T. Kamiyama, F. Hiraga, K. Kamada, K. Tanabe, K. Koyama, K. Hirota, K. Ikeda, S. Ikeda, S. Naito, S. Satoh, H. Shimizu, M. Sugiyama, T. Satoh, P. Mikula, H. Yoshizawa, M. Shibayama, H. Endoh, Y. Kawamura, T. Asami, H. Takahashi, K. Fujita J. Kaneko, Development of Mini-Focusing Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (mfSANS) Instruments, CRP Meeting of IAEA Vienna, July 23-25, 2007, Hokkaido University, Japan, oral presentation.

P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, P. Strunz, Developments of high-resolution double-bent crystal SANS diffractometers, CRP Meeting of IAEA Vienna, July 23-25, 2007, Hokkaido University, Japan, oral presentation.

P. Mikula, Progress in optimization of resolution and luminosity properties of strain/stress neutron diffractometers, IAEA – Research Coordination Meeting of the CRP - Characterization and Testing of Materials for Nuclear Reactors, Berlin, October 8-10, 2007, oral presentation.

T. Sato, M. Furusaka, P. Mikula, K. Tanabe, Y. Sasaki, A. Homma, Y. Kawamura, T. Asami, Y. Otake, M. Sugiyama, S. Naito and T. Fukunaga, Development of a High Intensity Monochromator for Mini-Focusing SANS, J-PARC International Symposium, IPS08, March 5-8, 2008, Mito, Japan

P. Mikula, Neutronové monochromátory a neutronová radiografie, Jesenná škola o rozptyle neutrónov, Hotel Rysy, Tatranská Štrba, 15-18 September 2007, invited speaker.

P. Mikula, 3. 10. 2007, Výzkumné aktivity ÚJF AV ČR, v. v. i. u reaktoru LVR-15 v Řeži, One day seminars, 50 years of the reactor LVR-15, invited speaker.

Pavol Mikula, P. Lukáš, M. Vrána, P. Strunz and J. Šaroun,  Material research activities  on neutron diffractometers in NPI Řež, June 12-14, 1° Workshop Nazionale: Applicazioni Industriali delle Tecniche Neutroniche - AITN 2008, Civitanova Marche, Italy, invited speaker.

P. Mikula, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Boost of multiple reflection effects - a new challenge for high-resolution neutron experiments, XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, 23-31 August 2008, Osaka, Japan, Book of Abstracts, p. C190, poster P01.08.63 Acta Crystallographica A, Vol. 64,(2008) C190.

P. Mikula, M. Vrána and V. Wagner, Boost of multiple reflection effects - a new challenge for high-resolution neutron experiments, JCNS workshop 2008, 15-17 October 2008, München-Bernried "Modern Trends in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation", oral presentation. GACR (No. 202/06/0601), AV0Z10480505 and MSM2672244501

P. Lukáš, P. Mikula, J. Šaroun, P. Strunz, M. Vrána, Neutron scattering structure studies of materials loaded by high neutron fluence, IAEA meeting „Research Reactor Application for Materials Under High Neutron Fluence“, November 17-21, 2008, Book of abstracts, p. 13, IAEA Report 2008 – Physics Section, website of IAEA, invited speaker.

Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, I. Hamák, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Local plastic deformation and its influence on residual stress distribution at high stregth steel welds, Int. Conf. Experimental Stress Analysis (EAN 2009), June 8-11, 2009, Sychrov, oral presentation.

P. Mikula, Recent progress of Bragg diffraction optics based on cylindrically bent perfect crystals, ICNX 2009, Kuala Lumpur, invited speaker.

Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, I. Hamák, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Local plastic deformation and its influence on residual stress distribution at high stregth steel welds, In Proc. of the International workshop “In-situ Studies by Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction”, September 1-2, Federal Institute for Material Research and testing, 2009 Berlin.

Vyacheslav Em, Baek-Seok Seong, Wanchuck Woo, Pavol Mikula, Mi-Hyun Kang,  Jong-Kyu Chen, Eunjoo Shin, Kwang-Pyo Hong, Optimisation of residual stress measurements at HANARO reactor, Korean Institute of Metals and Materials 2009 Fall Conference October 22-23, 2009, Abstract book 22E4-2, p.65-66.

Vyacheslav Em, Baek-Seok Seong, Wanchuck Woo, Pavol Mikula, Mi-Hyun Kang,  Jong-Kyu Chen, Eunjoo Shin, Kwang-Pyo Hong, Optimisation of residual stress measurements at HANARO reactor, The 5th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, November 10-12, 2009, Mito, Japan, Abstract book p. OS-47

R.Wimpory, A. Wenter, P. Mikula and C. Genzel, Near Surface strain investigations of Laser Bent Samples Using Neutron Diffraction, The 5th Int. Conf. on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, MECA SENS V 2009, November 10-12, Mito, Japan, Abstract book p. OS-60.

Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, I. Hamák, M. Vrána, P. Mikula and P. Lukáš, Neutron Diffraction Examination of Residual Stresses at High Strength Single Pass Test Welds, The 5th Int. Conf. on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, MECA SENS V 2009, November 10-12, Mito, Japan, Abstract book p. OS-55.

M. Rogante, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Residual stresses assessment in coated materials: complementarity between Neutron and X-ray techniques, Abstract book of the 6th international conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture, Brno, Czech Republic, June 28 - 30, 2010.

Ľ. Mráz, L. Karlsson, I. Hamák, M. Vrána and P. Mikula, Neutron diffraction analysis of residual strain/stress distribution in the vicinity of high strength welds, Book of abstracts of the ICEM14 Conference, held in  Poitiers, France, July 4 – 9, 2010, poster.

B.S. Seong, V. Em,  P. Mikula, J. Šaroun and M.H. Kang, Optimized strain/stress diffractometer equipped with focusing bent perfect crystal monochromator would permit some kinetic processes in polycrystalline materials, In Proc. Of the 10th Int. Conf. on Non-Destructive Testing ECNDT, Moscow June 7-11, 2010, Book of Abstracts Part 2, p. 113-155. ISBN978-5-904270-27-8. Oral presentation

W. Woo, V. Em, B.S. Seong, G.B. An and P. Mikula, Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Residual Stresses in a 50 mm thick steel weld, Residual Stress Summit 2010, September 26-29, 2010, Tahoe City, California, USA, poster.

Wanchuck Woo, Vyacheslav Em, Pavel Mikula, Gyu-Baek An, Jeong-Ung Park, Baek-Seok Seong, Through-thickness distribution of residual stresses in a 70-mm thick weld, MECA-SENS VI, Hamburg, Germany, Sep.7~9, 2011.

Vyacheslav Em, Wanchuck Woo, Baek-Seok Seong, Eunjoo Shin, Pavel MIKULA, Jongdae Joo, Mi-Hyun Kang, NEUTRON DIFFRACTION MEASUREMENT OF STRESSES AT DEPTH IN STEELS, MECA-SENS VI, Hamburg, Germany, Sep.7~9, 2011.

P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong, V. Em, W. Woo, Recent instrumentation developments for strain/stress measurements by neutron diffraction, Int. Conference "Stress and Texture Investigations by Means of Neutron Diffraction 2011" - STI 2011, June 6-9, 2011, Dubna, Russia, invited lecture.

Wanchuck Woo, Vyacheslav Em, Pavel Mikula, Baek-Seok Seong, Gyu-Baek An, Jeong-Ung Park, Residual straess instrument in Hanaro, Korea; toward deep penetration capability, Instrument Scientist Workshop on Neutron Engineering Diffractometers, Nov. 20, 2011, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.

J. Šaroun, J. R. Kornmeier, M. Hofmann, P. Mikula, M. Vrána, Calculation of near surface diffraction line shifts for focusing monochromatorsfocusing monochromators, ECNS 2011 conf. 18-23, July, Poster presentation.

E. Raitman, V. Gavrilov, D. Mjasishchev, P. Mikula, Neutron Bragg Diffraction on a Perfect and Bent Silicon Single Crystals Excited by Ultrasound, ECNS 2011 conf. 18-23, July, Poster presentation.

P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, V. Em and B.S. Seong, Multiple Bragg Reflections in Cylindrically Bent Perfect Crystals, Acta Cryst. A67 (2011) C261, Abstract book of XXII IUCr Congress and General Assembly, August 22-30, 2011, Madrid, Poster presentation.

 P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong , Wanchuck Woo and V. Em, Dispersive Neutron Monochromators Based on Double Diffraction Process for High Resolution Studies in Material Research, Abstract Proceedings of Int. Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, October 27-28, 2011, Abstract 102B-3-1, p. 114.

 J. Šaroun. J.R. Kornmeier, M. Hofmann, P. Mikula and M. Vrána, Calculation of Near Surface Diffraction Line Shifts for Focusing Monochromators, Abstract Proceedings of Int. Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, October 27-28, 2011, Abstract 102B-1-4, p. 113.

Wanchuck Woo, Vyacheslav Em, Pavel Mikula, Gyu-Baek An, Jeong-Ung Park, Current state of the residual stress instrument in HANARO: selection of wavelength and bend perfect monochromater for the enhanced deep penetration capability, Workshop on Current State and Future of Neutron Stress Diffractometers, 10-12 January, 2012, Sydney (Lucas Heights).

P. Mikula, M. Furusaka, K. Ohkubo, J. Saroun, M. Vrána and B.S. Seong, TOF investigations of multiple reflections accompanying forbidden ones, Proc. of abstracts of ICANS XX, 20th meeting on Collaboration of Advanced Neutron Sources, March 4 - 9, 2012, Bariloche, Argentina. Poster presentation.

 В.Т. Эм, W.C. Woo, B.S.Seong, P. Mikula, Измерение остаточных напряжений в толстых (>40мм) стальных деталях методом дифракции нейтронов, XXII СОВЕЩАНИЕ по использованию рассеяния нейтронов в исследованиях конденсированного состояния, г. Гатчина, 15-20 октября 2012 года.

Ľuboš Mráz, Leif Karlsson, Pavol Mikula, Miroslav Vrána, Neutron diffraction scanning of residual stresses and their effect on fatigue strength of high strength steels welds, Abstract book of ICRS 9, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, October 7-9, 2012, p. 241.

P. Mikula, M. Vrána, J. Šaroun, B.S. Seong, W. Woo, Double Bent Crystal Monochromator for High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction, EPDIC 13, October 28 - 31, 2012, Grenoble. Poster presentation.

J. Šaroun, P. Mikula, M. Vrána et al., Analytical model for neutron diffraction line shifts near sample surface, EPDIC 13, October 28 - 31, 2012, Grenoble. Oral presentation

P. Mikula et al. Neutron diffraction studies of dispersive double crystal setting containing fully asymmetric diffraction geometry (FAD) of a bent perfect crystal (BPC), In Proc. of 10th ICNS 2013, 8 - 12 July 2013, Edinburg, Poster presentation