
The European Union - The failure of a dream? A pessimistic scenario proven true by the Brexit

16. 5. 2019
v 17:00 hodin, zasedací místnost 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1

Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na jarní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.

The Brexit is considered as a result of irresponsible political elites in the UK. Yet, I will argue that the Brexit is giving a lecture for European integration. European integration has been prepared since centuries by philosophical and political thinkers. Some of them have argued for a peaceful cooperation between independent nation states, others for a truly policital community, as expressed in the EU-slogan "An ever closer Union". In my view, this idea of United States of Europe has been refused by the British people, but already in 2005 also by the French and Dutch. If political elites will continue to propose full integration and to enlarge the EU at all costs, new and even more deeper crises will emerge in the future.

Max Haller - born 1947 in Sterzing, Italian and Austrian citizen, has obtained his Dr. phil. from the University of  Vienna, and his Dr.habil from the University of Mannheim. After positions at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna and at the University of Mannheim, he was professor of Sociology at the University of Graz (1985 to 2015). Since then, he is living in Vienna and cooperating with the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He was a co-founder of the International Social Survey Programme (1984) and of the European Sociological Association (1990-91). He was teaching in several Universities in Germany, Austria, Italy (Trento), United States (Sta. Barbara), Tanzania (St. Augustine University), and Budapest. He is author and editor of about 40 books and published over 150 papers in the most reknown international sociological Journals (including AJS, ASR, Revue Francaise de Sociologie, International Sociology etc.).

Seminar will be held in English. No registration is needed.