Nadcházející akce


Islamic Law in Modern Muslim states

Prof. Dr. Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad
Akademické konferenční centrum (Husova 4a, Praha 1)

In Islamic Republic of Pakistan, as the name of the country suggests, Islamic law plays a significant role in every sphere of life. Why Islamic law is so significant in Pakistan? Is Pakistani law, which is based on Islamic law, compatible with modern notions of human rights? How does Pakistan implement obligations stipulated in modern international instruments? These are some of the questions that will be discussed by the speaker.


Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad has an LL.M. from the Harvard Law School; he is a member of the Lahore High Court Bar Association; he is the founding director of the UMT School of Law and Policy, where he is also an associate professor; he is a Visiting Professor at the KU Leuven; he is the first elected member from Pakistan of the International Academy of Comparative Law. His research interests include Islamic law, Islamic finance, securities, health law, and education law. His teaching interests include Islamic law, Islamic finance, international trade, and negotiation. He is working in Pakistan in order to improve the existing system of legal education in the country.



Hlavní myšlenky knih profesorů Stefana Olfassona a Alessandra Pinzaniho

Prof. Stefan Olafsson, Prof. Alessandro Pinzani
Akademické konferenční centrum
Husova 4a, Praha 1

Srdečně Vás zveme rádi na workshop, na němž své přednášky přednesou prof. Stefan Olafsson a prof. Alessandro Pinzani. Představí v nich hlavní myšlenky svých knih:

Welfare and the Great Recession (Oxford University Press)

Money, Autonomy and Citizenship (Springer)

Po přednáškách bude následovat diskuse.


Akce se koná v rámci výzkumného programu „Globální konflikty a lokální souvislosti" Strategie AV21, Akademie věd ČR.